If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

If I left Windows phone I'd begrudgingly purchase a Sony Xperia Z3 on Lagdroid. But I'm not leaving. Only a burning platform scenario like Elop did to Symbian would get me to leave the ecosystem!
If I left Windows phone I'd begrudgingly purchase a Sony Xperia Z3 on Lagdroid. But I'm not leaving. Only a burning platform scenario like Elop did to Symbian would get me to leave the ecosystem!

When I tried the Z3, it wasn't laggy (afaik). Oh well, I'd stay with my 635 as long as possible, until MS comes back.
I'd probably go for an iPhone if pushed. I wouldn't go to android for love nor money as I've tried it before and even with avg antivirus I kept getting viruses and after a month it crawled so had to keep factory resetting it.

But not going anywhere unless ms does something totally stupid.

Microsoft would have stop supporting phones to deter me. But if they ceased to exist then I might consider the oneplusone.
Android cause google maps are more complete than nokia

Ha ha ha, almost snorted my coffee through my nose. I would never use my android phone for nav using the google program. I would still be going around in circles, Here drive rocks compared to google products.

I would either go to Blackberry or probably better yet 2 cans and a long string.
Ha ha ha, almost snorted my coffee through my nose. I would never use my android phone for nav using the google program. I would still be going around in circles, Here drive rocks compared to google products.

Maybe in the USA but while i was trying to use it in Canada here, it was very inconsistent for me.
Definitely iPhone... BTW I might be leaving soon if Microsoft stays like that.
Great Q!

Honestly as a career geek since the 80 card, I would find a Jim Kirk stunt way
Out of your Korbifashi Maru.

I happen to like Win Phone, and I would have one and use it even if I felt
It was the sinkabus from hell.

Pray tell 🙏 ... how better to bring a Pissed off server back into shape?
RTP (currently) is king of the MS repair stuff & nobody else (currently) can
Crawl up the RJ45 tailpipe of a SMB server like Redmond.

Will that change? The crystal ball 🔮 sezs Y & N. Yes, iOS & Droids
are getting better SMB - RDP tools... From Microsoft. Til then,
You will have to pry the 1520 out of the tight grip of my dead hand,
Assuming I didn't kill you trying to take it from me.

Ditto for say: Prescott OSX 10.10.1. I can't make a living without my tools.

SO: What's the best PDA to carry, today? A: The one that puts beer 🍺 in the belly.

Cheers', Tcat
Maybe in the USA but while i was trying to use it in Canada here, it was very inconsistent for me.

I live in Canada man! I had my note in Halifax 2 years back and was always leading me wrong. I have read about how good here drive was, so this time we decided to give it a try. And it is way more accurate getting places, even routed us around heavy traffic areas and got us places faster.

So, Yeah, Nokia mapping works WAY better than Googles.
Definitely iPhone... BTW I might be leaving soon if Microsoft stays like that.

Make sure you buy extra warranty for your iPhone, They are unfixable now for the simple things like home buttons that always break, as well as the power buttons.

Speaking from personal experience of having 3 iphones go down.
I'd say iOS, tried Android already and don't want to go back. But I really don't want to leave WP so I hope Microsoft releases a flagship by the end of spring 2015 when my contract ends.
Well, I absolutely love my 1520. Can't even imagine leaving it. Windowsphone is way better now than it ever was. But, if I have to leave it, I will definitely opt for Blackberry passport. That thing is sick. Or, even a flagship android from Sony would do. But, iOS, never in this life.
If I absolutely had to leave WP, I'd get a nice feature flip phone that was rugged and would last a long time. Preferably something with big numbers on the buttons so I could see it clearly. Or possibly a feature phone with a slide out keyboard for the rare times I send a text.

Then I would get a nice, portable 4G LTE hotspot to go with the new SP3 I'd get so that I can stay in the Windows ecosystem MY way.

Sorry, that's exactly what I'd do. I might even pick up a 8" Windows Tablet for apps and casual surfing on the go. No way would I ever go to Android or iOS. I'd suffer with a feature phone and Windows laptop before I did that. I'd just need a hotspot to run internet for the laptop is all.

95% of my WP usage is either Wi-Fi tethering for my laptop or phone calls. I just don't sit around playing with apps all day. I need a larger screen for that, and the largest phablet made just isn't big enough for me to surf the net comfortably.
true, I would just unlock my asus vivotab RT 3G and use that. I can make phone calls from it, via Bluetooth.
iPhone...I have a lot of device (Lumia 535, iPhone 5 and Sony Xperia Z2). I often use Lumia, but I like ios too.
I thought I would go to iOS, but I really can't justifying spending ?600 on a phone that does less than my Windows phone.

As it happens, I am on the verge of moving, and I've opted for an LG G3 32GB / 3GB RAM version. I chose it because of it's large screen and small footprint, it's easy to root, and I can de-googlefy it with few problems.

What pushed me back towards the evil Android is that I've missed too many calls on the Lumia 735 because the dratted thing doesn't vibrate. Well, it vibrates once, then rings, no more vibrations. When the phone's in my pocket, I need constant vibrations as well as a ring tone, otherwise I can't recognise an incoming call. All the other shortcomings of Windows Phone I can forgive, but missing important calls is not one of them.

And as my wife's Windows 8.1 laptop has this week died, I'm buying her a MacBook Air.

If Windows 10 doesn't fix the ringing issue, (and the other shortcomings) then we will continue to migrate away from Windows over the next few years.

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