If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

I do dislike Apple and Android, because they can't be compared to WP. But nowadays every flagship has 4.5 inches and above displays. Maybe around 5 inches. I don't want a computer. I want a phone. So unfortunately I would go for iPhone 5/5s. It's 4 inches, which is almost perfect size for me. Something between 4-4.3 inches.
I would go back to Android, and probably to a S6, as no other Android phone comes close right now.

Cant sew that happening anytime soon though as I'm more then happy with my 735 that I've had since December
I'd go with Android Kitkat 4.4.4, because I feel like we're on the race to the bottom honestly since Lollipop floundered on almost every 'promise' to date. I don't feel like laying down 800$ for a smoother, simpler experience IE iPhone. Go figure. I like Windows Phone because its interface is tops in my opinion. Otherwise I'd just use Windows Phone devices as a 'mini-tablet' (any size will do, sans 5.5''+) whereas I keep a featurephone for core functions and then some.
I'd definitely choose Blackberry 10 devices. Blackberry is always meant for business purposes, and yet with the new OS you can also install both android apps and games if you want to have a bit of entertaining features. In addition, you'll also experience "real multitasking". That's not going to happen to me though, as I am still happy with my L1020. :)
I don't know. I had already come from Blackberry as I needed certain apps that were unavailable, but I don't like iOS or Android. Maybe Sailfish, or wait to see what Blackberry does next. It's still a good idea to keep a backup in mind though.
If the Lumia 950 doesn't convince me when it becomes available in Belgium, I think I'll get a Nexus 5X.
I thought that WP was the best thing since sliced bread after getting my 925 18 months ago. Two weeks ago I got really bored with the OS and put my sim card back into my old android Samsung Galaxy S2. Got how I missed it. Got a Galaxy S6 yesterday. Unbelievable phone. Don't think I'll be going back to WP. And yes I did experience W10 with the preview program on the 925. WP RIP.

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The wife has an iphone, and it works great...for her. I'd get a Sony xperia z? Only because I want that PS4 remote play app. Tempted to buy one now, but want to wait and see on the 950/950XL situation.
That's a really hard question.... Im a sales associate for T-Mobile, and use an M8 for Windows. Before the m8 was Lumia 925, and before that, Lumia 810. Customers often ask me if I prefer the galaxy over the iPhone, and I can't answer. I dislike both of them. Significantly. If I wasn't convinced Google was Skynet, I'd probably go Google, but avoid the Galaxys because Samsung's Touchwiz had gotten so bad, it's like using a phone powered by the rampant Cortana that you saw in halo 5. However Ios, is a much more stable operating system. Though, it's difficult to navigate, and offers limited customizability. I often tell people I hate my job because personally, I feel Google and Apple are the two worst companies on our planet, and I have to push their products all day long. But, if I had to chose the lesser od two evils, today, it would be the iPhone. Lately, Google has become a far worse entity than Apple.

However, I'd never willingly leave Windows Phone.
I would go to android if I don't like the 950. If I don't like the 950 I will go with either the Note 4, S6 Active, LG G4, or Blackberry Priv (depending on reviews).
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I've using android for many years, atm im on wp wich i love but if need to switch back to another phone i would go moto x (the pure edition)
You would have to put a gun to my head to make me leave WP.........but I guess back to Android if I had to.

Why on Earth are you leaving WP?

So I posted that nearly two years ago.....guess someone put a gun to my head (Verizon) because I'm going back to android. Would love to stay with WP but lack of apps and lack of support from Verizon are now forcing the change. Wish I could leave Verizon but they have me handcuffed by their coverage in areas I travel that no one else covers.
I just went back to Android also. Microsoft is taking way to long. I have been waiting almost three years and to me not much has changed with Windows phone. Windows 10 mobile still has some of the same issues as when it first came out.
New iphone 5se at $399 looks pretty good. Not a huge fan of the smaller screen size, but at that price point....I would assume it will drop by $50 or so or come with a $50 to $100 gift card near the holiday season. Pretty strong hardware and a good OS.
So I posted that nearly two years ago.....guess someone put a gun to my head (Verizon) because I'm going back to android. Would love to stay with WP but lack of apps and lack of support from Verizon are now forcing the change. Wish I could leave Verizon but they have me handcuffed by their coverage in areas I travel that no one else covers.

Well now I'm maybe wishing I stayed with WP. Bought a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.....supposedly the "best" phone on the market. Battery life is crap, and the signal strength is absolutely pathetic. I almost never have more than two bars.....even when driving past a tower, and often have no signal at all (in places where my Nokia WP worked just fine!).

The apps are still an issue though. The most ironic part of all......the big app I use all the time is MileIQ......Microsoft OWNS the company, but there is no WP version of the app!!!

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