I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

I'll add my two cents. Six months on Android and now I am firmly back to W10M, and never been happier.
Full disclosure my background is in computer science and software engineering.
Dev to dev manager, product management, sales engineering - I know how software development works.

When my trusty 1520 died I switched to an inexpensive Chinese handset and was amazed by how good it was despite the low price tag.
Apps can be excellent but a pain to find - for every good app there are 100 crappy ones.
Google play store is terrible. No rating system to speak of or it doesn't work. Prepared to be confused.

Switched to S7 Edge. Beautiful but fragile - broke the screen in a month. Case & screen protector is a must. Incredibly frustrating and so unstable.

Frankly Android is powerful but an absolute mess. It's been forked, abused and turned into a franken-monster.
You can do anything with it - but it's hopelessly complex, the classic sign of a base system that has had too much functionality added to it and desperately needs a reboot and complete refactoring. Even simple things like suppressing app notifications has 5 different settings areas that may need to be adjusted.

The whole OS desperately needs some major UI/UX standardization. I'm convinced google does not have a single UX designer - or certainly they have no say in anything. The overall interface on android is so mismatched - nothing works the same because it's clearly been developed by software engineers.
Android does so much but everything is almost complete - and almost completely broken.
...Continued from before (forum span filter made me split this up)

When I broke my S7E a second time I decided to try the 950XL.
I can't believe people called this cheap feeling because I love the clean lines. Simple. Plus no case needed, ever.

Incredible camera; I am always comparing my shots with my GF's iPhone 8 plus and the 950XL win 80% of the time.
Normals take pictures at restaurant/bar bday parties or nights out. The 950XL (and my 1520) typically crushes most other cameras in this area.

I lost some apps in the switch back but I am not missing any of them - everything I was doing before I am doing now. With way less headache.
I kept my Chinese phone for any apps that I don't have - but haven't used it in weeks.

It's the classic 80/20 problem - W10M does the 80 percent MUCH better; OS/settings/mail/calender/messaging/photos are just better. Period.
The last 20 percent on W10M is weak. If you care deeply about that last 20 then Android is better for you.

Anyways. I am back and will stay as long as I can. Seen the other side, but it's not for me.
Well said RPG2! I've tried to 'switch' many times, but keep coming back. After 2 weeks with the 18:9 screen of the Lg V30, i'm so happy with my 950 XL screen size! I don't know why everyone is raving about 18:9. I've got a work issued iPad, that's not 18:9. I've got a Surface 3, that's not 18:9. Don't quite know why everyone is jumping on this bandwagon...
Yes...the apps on Android are more refined...and totally full of ads! I can't believe how many ads pop up; i was using Android pay/wallet to check into the gym, and a stupid add popped up; you can't 'buy' a version of Android pay to get rid of the ads (i don't think...). Super dumb....
Yes..Spotify on Android works so much better...i really wish we'd get an update!
But...my 950 XL camera knocks the sox off of everything else i've tried and seen. The grass may seem greener on the other side, but not quite green enough for me yet....
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Well said RPG2! I've tried to 'switch' many times, but keep coming back. After 2 weeks with the 18:9 screen of the Lg V30, i'm so happy with my 950 XL screen size! I don't know why everyone is raving about 18:9. I've got a work issued iPad, that's not 18:9. I've got a Surface 3, that's not 18:9. Don't quite know why everyone is jumping on this bandwagon...
Yes...the apps on Android are more refined...and totally full of adds! I can't believe how many adds pop up; i was using Android pay/wallet to check into the gym, and a stupid add popped up; you can't 'buy' a version of Android pay to get rid of the adds (i don't think...). Super dumb....
Yes..Spotify on Android works so much better...i really wish we'd get an update!
But...my 950 XL camera knocks the sox off of everything else i've tried and seen. The grass may seem greener on the other side, but not quite green enough for me yet....

Do you mean “ads”?
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

After a week of debating what to do I have today purchased a Lumia 950 with the sole aim of keeping me going for 12 months to the next decision point. I looked at Andriod and towards the Google Pixel but my heart was not in it.

Windows 10 Mobile user for 2018 at least.
so a couple of days ago my GF gets herself an Iphone and I have been helping her set it up and do some things on it to customize it to her liking for the last 2 days... and man I gotta say IOS SUCKS!!! alot of extra steps for nothing and WTH? no back button and just other little things that make it more user UNFRIENDLY... as much as I hate android its far better than IOS... like seriously what do you people see in it? do you just like it cuzz you wanna follow the crowd? LOL good example why WM10 is better, selecting multiple emails if you would like to delete some spam is tedious to say the least, yes you can select multiple emails by selecting them one by one and lets say you have 500 emails you can't just choose within a folder like "archived" emails, which I don't know how that happened with my GF's emails but she ended up with 580 emails that IOS decided to archive for her and so we tried to select the whole 580 but couldn't, she had to select 1 by 1 and then delete them all... so it took her about 20 min to select all 580 and delete them... really?? thats just 1 example of many annoying attributes of IOS and I don't have all day to list them and go over it in here... but I will be sticking with my HP X3 till it no longer functioning and then I will grudgingly move to Android.. even my GF prefers Android and will be bringing back her iPhone and keep using her Samsung phone... I can't wrap my head around why IOS is so popular. and worst of it all, there is no way to add xtra memory... what you got is what you're stuck with, and then ontop of it you have to save everything to the cloud which Apple only gives you 5GB after that you are FORCED to pay for bigger amount which is a MUST in this day and age of 4k recordings and 20MP photo's... sorry man but that's a racket! my GF has 100GB of music photo's and video's and OH! don't get me started on itunes! LOL no man all you/US that wanna stick with WM10 don't feel bad or weird or anything, just be glad and proud and thankful we have a choice to use WM10... I think its insane that nadella thinks we don't need 3rd choice for mobile device because my recent experience has shown me that we need WM10 or other choices more than anything! I just pray MS comes out with a Surface phone or whatever they wanna call it!
Nice rant. Sadly it's all true. Equally sad is that we have about another year and a half before we are forced to adopt either one. My suggestion, try each one (as a spare) and get familiar with them to see which one suits you best. It's no longer a question of if, but when.

Sent from my Idol 4S on mTalk
Lol i recently went on a iPhone rant in a WhatsApp group of my friends on basic thing of emails. Work made me have one.

In other news, just bought the idol4s in Canada for 199 over the weekend. Wanted an X3 for dual sim, but more for the 820 chipset for better continuum and team viewer to my work machine while on vacation if needed
Ahh, another “people use iPhone because they want to follow the crowd” rant. Perhaps they want to follow a company that supports its mobile users?
There is plenty wrong with every OS, including Windows. Pick the one that works best for you. No rant necessary.
How many would despise Windows phone if 4 billion people were blindly following it like a cult?
Ahh, another “people use iPhone because they want to follow the crowd” rant. Perhaps they want to follow a company that supports its mobile users?
There is plenty wrong with every OS, including Windows. Pick the one that works best for you. No rant necessary.

What crowd are iPhone people following; the crowd is only in the USA; this was posted today on MSN:

Average selling prices for smartphones are expected to rise to $317 by 2021, up from $282 in 2016.

IDC estimated the market share for Android-powered devices to be 85.1 percent this year, and mirror the overall market over the next few years to hit 85.3 percent by 2021.

The market share for Apple is estimated at 14.8 percent in 2017, and seen slipping to 14.6 percent by 2021, IDC said.
What crowd are iPhone people following; the crowd is only in the USA; this was posted today on MSN:

Average selling prices for smartphones are expected to rise to $317 by 2021, up from $282 in 2016.

IDC estimated the market share for Android-powered devices to be 85.1 percent this year, and mirror the overall market over the next few years to hit 85.3 percent by 2021.

The market share for Apple is estimated at 14.8 percent in 2017, and seen slipping to 14.6 percent by 2021, IDC said.
I can see iPhone users getting bored with the "flatness" of the platform.
I wonder if Apple has any plan to address boredom?
There are some great deals out there on W10 mobile devices. Take advantage while you can! Especially if you are standing your ground and continue using W10m OS until Microsoft releases WCOS Towards the end of 2018.

4 🍀 Just bought (4) 435, (3) 950's, (3)640xl's....back ups for my backups...+10 in use on AT&T. Supported until 2019. All devices work flawlessly. Who needs apps. Uploaded music to OneDrive and you can still stream with groove, bank, auto, and any other Financial institutions all work great with edge. I do everything through online bill pay. Never understood app frenzy.
I can see iPhone users getting bored with the "flatness" of the platform.
I wonder if Apple has any plan to address boredom?

I don’t know. With AR about to explode and Apple leading the way there will be plenty of time to take care of boredom.
I can see iPhone users getting bored with the "flatness" of the platform.
I wonder if Apple has any plan to address boredom?

IDK, boredom isn't all bad! In my experience with WP/WM, it certainly wasn't boring! But the excitement it caused me wasn't necessarily a good thing. I never knew what was coming next! I've mentioned this before, but here's the kind of excitement I experienced:

"So, when I press the camera button, will it take a picture, or will the phone reboot?"
I have just returned to windows mobile , i have androids and an iPhone in my draw and hate them passionately. I am in this with you bro - I will not buy another phone until Microsoft release one OR another company comes out with a viable alternative. I wont be forced to use a mobile OS i hate because times are shaky! Il wait ☺

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