That's all fine and dandy but don't lose sight of the fact that shareholders need to be happy first and foremost. To that end, maybe you're not aware that Microsoft makes money on every single Android device that sells. It's the best kind too - pure profit since there's no overhead attached. Hardware has a myriad of costs attached to it which comes as no surprise why BlackBerry divested itself of its hardware division and let TCL handle those headaches. Is it any wonder why BB's P&L sheet looks so good lately?Actually tgeekB...
I doubt there is anyone more hopeful in wanting Microsoft to get to that goal they keep stating over and over again. I believe they have made several short sided mistakes trying to get there quickly. They didn't realize what they were asking of their overall company and it's many tentacles (divisions). I think Nadella has stepped in and realized this. I hope he understands Microsoft needs to shrink into a more centralized corporation. Meaning: If your end goal is to have one OS(WCOS) , then you cannot have several divisions working as their own company with their own stated set of goals. One OS across all platforms including Xbox... He must rein them in and engineering towards the stated goal. I think this is why for now, business, is their focus. WCOS (W10) will in itself supply the much needed features for mobile phones to come. Think about it.. If W10 (WCOS) works on all platforms then everything which is built upon it will negate the need to have a mobile department.
That's all fine and dandy but don't lose sight of the fact that shareholders need to be happy first and foremost. To that end, maybe you're not aware that Microsoft Microsoft with top of the line apps and services. When the time is right, I'm sure Microsoft will take another stab at hardware. But don't expect any type of phone as we know it.
I agree with Android and Iphone apps. The hardware aspect not so much. I think they will make some but more so on the business side and good luck affording those devices. I think WCOS will open up W10 phones to the masses through OEM's, HP, IBM, Dell, HTC, Samsung.....I think Microsoft increases the hardware eventually but after the OEM'S do the heavy lifting. Microsoft is positioned well to have it's cake, (ADRD, APLLE APPS) and eat (OEM) it to if they can shrink the company into a more efficient and one minded entity.
Side note: Android, Apple , OEMS, should lead to bleed over into Microsoft devices as well.
Again...If you haven't figured it out yet? I'm standing My ground. I don't know exactly what Microsoft will do. I just know W10 was created with a purpose and Microsoft is all in because of W10. There is no turning back now. They must push to carve a spot out in the mobile platform to stay relevant. One can only wait and hope they do.
Message received...To: Guytronic
Again if I cared if you and only you need to respond I will address you specifically as this statement is directed to you Guytronic. Otherwise if no one is listed specifically then anyone that is following the thread can respond if said statement strikes a chord or not respond if such chord isn't struck. Quit trying to push your perceived format onto others. I I respond without a quote or a specific name then... It is meant for who ever feels it (with in themselves) worth a response. As for focus. ??? Pointing it into focus for discussion. That is what my statements and words are for.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying here either.To: Guytronic
Again if I cared if you and only you need to respond I will address you specifically as this statement is directed to you Guytronic. Otherwise if no one is listed specifically then anyone that is following the thread can respond if said statement strikes a chord or not respond if such chord isn't struck. Quit trying to push your perceived format onto others. I I respond without a quote or a specific name then... It is meant for who ever feels it (with in themselves) worth a response. As for focus. ??? Pointing it into focus for discussion. That is what my statements and words are for.
Sir, @Guytronic is a forum moderator. It's his duty to keep the boards in a uniform manner. It's not perception.To: Guytronic
Again if I cared if you and only you need to respond I will address you specifically as this statement is directed to you Guytronic. Otherwise if no one is listed specifically then anyone that is following the thread can respond if said statement strikes a chord or not respond if such chord isn't struck. Quit trying to push your perceived format onto others. I I respond without a quote or a specific name then... It is meant for who ever feels it (with in themselves) worth a response. As for focus. ??? Pointing it into focus for discussion. That is what my statements and words are for.
Keep it simple. I don't use a billion apps, I use 1 app at a time. So, for phone calls to Excel spreadsheet to Live Tiles I'm staying with Microsoft Windows products. Looking to the next innovation that the others will copy and take credit for, Humm! Enough said!
So i picked up a V30, and have been trying it out. It came with a 14 return option. After using it for 2 weeks, I returned it today. In many ways it's such a great phone. Love how it feels; the rounded corners; great screen; so many great things; BUT:
The camera;( It's ok, but compared to my 950XL, it noticeably inferior. I see reviews stating it's 'Good'; well, that's not 'Great', and my 950 XL camera is 'Fantastic'. There's WAY too big of a gap between 'Good' and 'Fantastic'. The front camera is even worse, especially indoors in low light. Too bad. The Android versions of all the apps I've been using on my Windows phone are so much better (ie they work). Spotify on my 950 XL is so finicky and unstable, it's almost useless. And this is what makes me MAD! I don't want to switch, but i feel i'm almost being forced to. I love Window 10 mobile; i love my 950 XL hardware, but....the apps are so inferior or missing from our ecosystem. I've gone back to my 950 XL for the time being; i like the 4:3 aspect ratio; i'm not convinced the new 18:9 screens are the way to go; they seem to 'tall and narrow'.
But the camera is the deal breaker for me....look at the difference, especially the pink flower pot...
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He did state that he doesn't like the 2:1 aspect ratio that seems to be all the rage. That eliminates any new Samsung or the iPhone X. Now are you going to say any Moto or OPO has a better camera than a 950? We can agree the app gap is very real or W10M plain sucks for some, but there's no denying the 950 has an unmatched camera even considering today's best phones.haven't it occured to you that you picked a bad phone?? Android gotta lotta of phones you pick one , not impressed with the camera you come back crying, c'mon men ever heard of Samsung,OnePlus, Moto etc etc .... iphone anyone??