I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

2018 is projected release of WCOS...
The one thing I cannot overlook and Microsoft needs to improve tremendously on is release dates and communication with all involved too the public. I will point out another thing concerning those who jump ship because of the uncertainty or the apparent abandonment of W10M. WCOS...One core one OS strides that Microsoft is working towards and claims that this is their stated goal to bring it to the market seems to me to be (MHO) the one thread for those who will not switch to another platform. You can count on me to be clutching that thread. There really isn't any other reason for WCOS other than to make strides to a viable market share in the mobile phone and tablet. WCOS will encourage OEM's to build, notebook, tablet and phone packages (bundles) to appeal not only to business but the average person who wants a seamless stream of connectivity.


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Forever Windows Phone

Still not ready to switched to any other phone. I have hope in Microsoft whether a business phone or both, they'll hand us one super excellent device soon.
I have a dream, so no switch.
I’m curious about the folks who are pining for the Andromeda device as to whether they will use it as a primary handset. Sure, it will supposedly have telephony but will y’all put that brick to your head to talk? I’m assuming people still have voice conversations right?

What "brick"? We haven't seen a single image of a new device so far so who knows what the form factor will be!?

In South Florida we have this marvel of nature called the beach and I promise you that a phone that size doesn’t fit in swim shorts.

And? Again, "that size" doesn't seem to yet have been verified. Secondly, there's also this thing called "bags", in which we put stuff. So, there's that...

Further, I also guarantee it will grow legs within 10 minutes after you walk more than 10 yards away from it. The same could be said if you’re at the tennis court, gym or any place where you wouldn’t normally have your phone on you.

Ok, but why would I bring this device with me to a tennis court if I wouldn't bring my phone? Your question posits a false dichotomy I think.
Still using my Lumia 950. Not wasting money on new phone till mine dies. Seriously so many people are so ungrateful for what they have and throw money away.

I'm with you.

Just the other day this friend tried to bait me into a debate where he would again try to convince me that Windows Phones were a bad buy, bad phones and dead. He did this about a year and a half ago after which several more phones were released as well as OS updates.

I chose not to respond, so he and others started talking about Android and iOS, and they immediately started complaining about various things, ranging from the insane cost of an iPhoneX to security issues and more, one person at one point saying "Well at least it doesn't catch fire".

I was tempted to point out the silly nature of trying to poopoo on my Lumia 950 when they immediately started moaning about their phones. It's just incredibly silly. And, just before someone is tempted to say that they don't like x,y,z on the Lumia 950; at least it doesn't go up in flames or cost $1000 with another $200+ to fix a broken screen because you're only allowed to fix it in certain places....
What "brick"? We haven't seen a single image of a new device so far so who knows what the form factor will be!?

And? Again, "that size" doesn't seem to yet have been verified. Secondly, there's also this thing called "bags", in which we put stuff. So, there's that...

Ok, but why would I bring this device with me to a tennis court if I wouldn't bring my phone? Your question posits a false dichotomy I think.

I have to agree with you mattiasnyc, also people are talking about putting a "big" device to your ear... have you not heard of bluetooth? do you people still put phones to your ears? it kills me people still drive and talk with their phones and talk on the speakers... they want that 800-1000 dollar phone but can't be bothered to buy a 10 dollar Bluetooth ear peice on fleEbay

I will never stop using my X3 if I can help it, it's an amazing phone
Why does any of this bother some of you so much that you have to comment on it? You’re doing the same thing they are by mentioning how expensive it is, what it’s made out of, etc. There’s no doubt what the majority of people have decided to use (no, they’re not all dumb, showing off or just buying them because their friends are) but that doesn’t mean everyone has to.

This should just be an enjoyable hobby, not a food fight. I hope you get many years of enjoyment out of your Windows phones.
Ages old battle.
Absolutely no reason not enjoy the "food fight" rhetoric.

In my case I read, wonder why, chuckle to myself and go outside to work in the yard...
I have to agree with you mattiasnyc, also people are talking about putting a "big" device to your ear... have you not heard of bluetooth? do you people still put phones to your ears? it kills me people still drive and talk with their phones and talk on the speakers... they want that 800-1000 dollar phone but can't be bothered to buy a 10 dollar Bluetooth ear peice on fleEbay

I will never stop using my X3 if I can help it, it's an amazing phone
Apparently.......folks haven't gotten the memo. I can only speak for the region I live in (South Florida) where it's still a badge of honor to have the biggest, gaudiest slab pasted to one's ear. When "miniscule" BlackBerry Bolds and iPhone 4Ss were all the rage EVERYBODY had a cricket growing out of their ears. I have hands-free devices at all times because myself and the missus refuse to drive automatics and keeping a hand free for coffee is just that much more important 🤣.

As for the other points @mattiasnyc was touching on, I was playing devil's advocate. The renders for the fabled Surface/Andromeda/Unicorn phone all seem to point to this trifold wallet looking thing and my comments are directed to that. It simply doesn't seem practical TO ME as a daily driver when a good solid phone can do the job. Being we're Windows aficionados we've been bombarded with more doom and gloom lately than at any other time I can recall. Yet here we are getting the Fall Creator Update and assurances from Microsoft that there will be security and bug fix support until 2019. When the time comes and W10M is as crippled as say, Symbian or webOS, and the aforementioned brick is all we're left with, then a decision becomes academic.

Sent from my Idol 4S on mTalk
So what is your point?..supported until 2019 means what to those staying with W10M? Do you think Microsoft will only have desktop, notebook and the hybrid tablets as they do now? Will OEM's embrace WCOS? Will WCOS free up OEMS to build W10 phones ?
So what is your point?..supported until 2019 means what to those staying with W10M? Do you think Microsoft will only have desktop, notebook and the hybrid tablets as they do now? Will OEM's embrace WCOS? Will WCOS free up OEMS to build W10 phones ?

Plain as day. Windows 10 Mobile will receive security updates and bug fixes until 2019. Nothing else has been written, spoken or implied. What users do or what OEMs do is entirely up to them.
I'm with you.

Just the other day this friend tried to bait me into a debate where he would again try to convince me that Windows Phones were a bad buy, bad phones and dead. He did this about a year and a half ago after which several more phones were released as well as OS updates.

I chose not to respond, so he and others started talking about Android and iOS, and they immediately started complaining about various things, ranging from the insane cost of an iPhoneX to security issues and more, one person at one point saying "Well at least it doesn't catch fire".

I was tempted to point out the silly nature of trying to poopoo on my Lumia 950 when they immediately started moaning about their phones. It's just incredibly silly. And, just before someone is tempted to say that they don't like x,y,z on the Lumia 950; at least it doesn't go up in flames or cost $1000 with another $200+ to fix a broken screen because you're only allowed to fix it in certain places....

I completely agree with you on it. Im just a regular Joe. Whatever money I get as a gift or whatever money I work hard for. I appreciate what I have. Sure I think of things I wish I could have. Though at the end. It comes down to just appreciate what I have. Does the new phones look tempting? Sure they do I wont deny that by any means. But I have to be realistic on what I want out of a phone. Ok sure one thing I will only complain about is I don't have my bank on Windows Mobile. That's the 1 one thing lol. Though my room mate has a android phone so I just ask him to borrow it for a min so I can deposit a check and im good to go lol.
Well broke another screen on my 1020 . So its time to upgrade.I've been with window since my tiny HTC had it on it
I know and hear all the bad rap with wp10 but I'm dumb as I found a unlocked Alcatel 4s for $300.Going to buy it and
hope its works on Rogers here in Canada. Hope this isnt my last kick at the sinking ship (Titanic) of windows mobile
I just cant stand apple and wife has android and its ok.Hope mms,facebook and skype work
For those "sticking with it" I'd like to know how your web browsing experience is (any WM device). That has been one of my main complaints since the app-gap has broadened.

Like yesterday, fired up my 950 just to browse the web - last used device over a week ago for 9-days as my daily driver - trying to access most sites via Edge or BlueSky was like watching paint dry and it felt as if we were thrown back several years in terms of technology. W10M IMHO has NEVER felt up to speed in this particular area and one reason it fails to fulfill my everyday duties. Can easily replicated same on our 650/830 too, somewhat more understandable considering their specs yet it still should be better, way better especially on our 950.

Compared to my Android's it'd literally day and night so obviously you know what my go-to devices are... Actually have no issues with the "other" side but would like the ability to enjoy our Windows Phones when that urge comes about - have many more problems than just this but browsing the web in itself really cripples the their overall usability/usefulness.

Any opinions, thoughts?

I have no problems browsing on my Idol 4s. The camera is what kills that phone.
Well broke another screen on my 1020 . So its time to upgrade.I've been with window since my tiny HTC had it on it
I know and hear all the bad rap with wp10 but I'm dumb as I found a unlocked Alcatel 4s for $300.Going to buy it and
hope its works on Rogers here in Canada. Hope this isnt my last kick at the sinking ship (Titanic) of windows mobile
I just cant stand apple and wife has android and its ok.Hope mms,facebook and skype work

Wow, $300? They're only $199 unlocked at the Microsoft store in The U.S.
Other than the camera, it's a good phone, or at least it has been for me.
I wish I could stick Windows 10 Mobile on a Samsung Galaxy S8 that would do me for another 2 years.

We can dream! Guess I will get an S8 and keep it as a backup to my 950.
Well said fatclue_98 by the way I haven't checked lately but I think my T-mobile A6 Symbian phone can still make phone call & txt. More on that when & if my 950XL dies. :-/
What we really need is a good amount of indie-developers and tinkerers. We used to have them back in the WM6.5 days. They did really awesome job! Heck I learnt so much from them, I developed ROMs for Toshiba phones back in the day! WP locked down so much of the OS, many gave up. If those folks were around, WM at this stage, would have been ported on so many unsupported handsets. That said, it wouldn't have fixed the app gap that killed it though.
True. Browsing isn’t bad on the 4s. The camera is garbage.

That’s an insult to garbage. I honestly feel the only camera worse than the Idol is, regrettably, another WP device: Dell Venue Pro. Like the Idol, it too was a gorgeous phone.

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