I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

I'm sticking to W10M as long as it keeps functioning on my phone. Right now, I have a 950. Should it die on me one day and the HP x 3 Elite is still available with W10 on board, I'll be replacing my 950 by the x 3. But I'll never buy an Iphone. I just hate those darn yuppie phones. Pretty sure Android won't work for me either so probably will go back to a classic cell phone with internet access and buy a tablet next to it. BTW, 90% of all time I use my 950 as a mini laptop, not as a phone. I love being able to use it with a bluetooth mouse and foldable keyboard when on the move. Or plug in a friend's usb stick to transfer a file to it for her/him. You should see the expression on their face when they see me doing that 😆 I'm really gonna miss all that 😭
I have been a fan of Windows Phone since my first Nokia Lumia (Verizon 928). From there I went to the 929 (Icon) and then unto the 950 XL (Microsoft). My family has also enjoyed their Windows phones which include a Lumia 830; 950; and Alcatel Idol 4s. I recently purchased a OnePlus 5 due the the app gap. While the new phone is definitely faster on opening apps, it lacks the gui look style and finesse of my 950 XL. I recently used my new Droid to take pics at an outing, but quickly realized I preferred and wished I'd brought my 950 XL. I have options since I use GSM network and own my phones. I am NOT going to give up on MS yet. I'm looking forward to a true enterprise MS Window Phone. Until then, I will see-saw back and forth between Windows and droid. But WINDOWS is still my favorite.
One thing Windows 10 Mobile does have going for it is regular bug fixes and security updates. And they will continue at least through the end of next year.

Most Android phones never get any updates at all.

Won't argue the fact Windows 10 Mobile gets LOTS of updates, but have they really improved its overall usability?

Say the above because I just spent the last 9 days trying very hard to use my L950 as our daily driver, running FCU (1709). Besides being quite lethargic in every aspect, we ran into numerous annoyance, bugs, quirks, app crashes, etc that it was a constant reminder that “yup, this is Windows 10 Mobile alright”. No, not a constant barrage but enough to take the enjoyment out of using it. Came to a head today when made a phone call, person I was calling was unavailable and when we pulled phone from our ear to cancel the call, display refused to come back on.

On the Android front, my LG G4 only had one major update from 5.1 Lollipop to 6.0 Marshmallow along w/several security updates. I’ve owned the phone for 2+ years with only ONE hard reset, ever, and it essentially runs circles around my 950. And to boot, its 7 months older than our 950.

Own the Samsung Galaxy S7 for 19 months. Updated from 6.0 Marshmallow to 7.0 Nougat along with several security updates. There again, only ONE hard rest ever and still performs like the day I got it if not better.

Also own the GS7 Edge, going on 5 months without a hard reset. No performance issues to speak of to-date.

Although my Androids have seen little love on the update front they continue to be there for me without all the hassle 10 seems to bring, definitely not perfect but IMHO far superior under everyday use. So going by my personal experiences can’t say Windows 10 Mobile's regular updates are a positive.

And just to note, we are not basing this off just one Windows Phone as we own two others. Even their progression, or lack thereof, has been proof (to me) that these updates have done little to sooth the soul.
Yes,I get regular updates to my L830 but after they download to the phone it becomes a question if IF not WHEN the phone will turn on again to install it. The most recent update took 3 hours before the phone got past the blue Windows logo to wake up and another hour to install it. But the security software update to my Note 4 yesterday downloaded and installed without any issues. I love WM but can't trust or rely on it. I can trust/rely on Android but can't say I'll ever love it
Well from 2 years ago my Lumia 950 has gotten better and better, more stable and smoother every build.

I like this phone and like the default dark theme.

The phone does what I want and is holding it's own 2 years into it's life.

I see no need to change until the backend services start shutting down.

I have zero need for a new phone. My wife is still using a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 that she got in 2013. I think it is on Android 5.1.
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Currently on a Lumia 950XL and have an iPhone 6S Plus as a spare. Due an upgrade in December and was initially considering the next W10M but I am now considering either the Nokia 8 or the Pixel 2 XL.

I have Continuum so I've been trying to get more accustomed to using MS services on the 950XL that can be synchronised across iOS and Android versions of the apps.

Plan for the switch is to maintain my L950XL in a non phone capacity for the storage, mobile app access & Continuum functionality. Android will become my personal phone and Ill move to using the iPhone for work. Will be keeping my Lumia until it dies.

Just wish they'd improved Continuum more before throwing in the towel - it is still so restricted compared to W10.
Currently on a Lumia 950XL and have an iPhone 6S Plus as a spare. Due an upgrade in December and was initially considering the next W10M but I am now considering either the Nokia 8 or the Pixel 2 XL.

I have Continuum so I've been trying to get more accustomed to using MS services on the 950XL that can be synchronised across iOS and Android versions of the apps.

Plan for the switch is to maintain my L950XL in a non phone capacity for the storage, mobile app access & Continuum functionality. Android will become my personal phone and Ill move to using the iPhone for work. Will be keeping my Lumia until it dies.

Just wish they'd improved Continuum more before throwing in the towel - it is still so restricted compared to W10.

I wouldn't buy a Pixel 2 XL just yet. I was going to until the massive issues they're having right now with the displays. Preorders are being cancelled by the bucket load and many people returning them. I'd hold out to see if the problem gets rectified or maybe even wait for the Nokia 9 which isn't far away
I'm usually on the Blackberry forums, so I'm sticking with my Bold 9900 until the end. That said, I have NO problem using multiple devices, so while my Bold is my carry-around phone, I love to use my Lumia 830 on Win8.1 from time to time, plus my Acatel is great on Continuum, moreso than my normal desktop and without so many ads. BBOS7.1 is EOL, and apparently so are the WinMobile OSes, but I still find them very useful.

I do have a nougat phone around in case I get hungry for some app. I even have an ancient Palm lying about! For games, well, why use a phone? That's so silly. Even the biggest one is TOO SMALL for good games. Use a tablet! That's what my ipad is for. :)
I’m sticking with Windows Mobile as long as I can. I’ve been on Windows Phone forever, and I still love the OS. I don’t suffer from the app gap, but I get that lots do. I’ve read comments from too many users who switched to Android saying they miss Windows Mobile, but like having more apps. I have a 950 and I just bought a new 950 to make sure I can get through the next two years.
What a silly statement. Most Android phones still receive updates even if they are just security patches on older phones. You really need to do your homework.

I got two or three on my LG G2X. That was over several years. So, I guess it really depends, huh...
I still like this platform. Nokia brought me here in late 2012 with my first smartphone,..the NL 810.

Was a great phone and operating system under 8.0. Now 5 years later I have acquired a Nokia 6 in July and liking stock android. I also use an Idol 4S when I switch back to Windows.

I love the live tiles and the pin to start screen and also favorites. Very easy to use .

Android with the Windows 10.launcher makes the android experience pretty good though.

I hope Microsoft really has something thing up their sleeves but it is highly doubtful now.

At least with the Nokia 6 I have that legendary build quality again. Such a solid and well made device which is getting the oreo update.

If anyone goes android, get a phone that supports updates. I will keep the 6 for a while until the 7 comes to the US ( I hope!). No regrets here . Everything on android works. I have had no screen freezes or apps crashing or sluggishness. Not yet at least.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

I just bought an HP Elite x2 and Alacatel Idol 4S - new. My Nokia 930 had a screen issue - while still functioning...it's unusable. I think I am in mourning. However, the OS is still solid. Like Symbian (yup, ran a Nokia N8 till Nov 2014) I will be here till the end.
I would like to stay with MS and am hoping 2018 will have another device. Maybe even something my two 'new' phones can support....Hoping...
I just bought an HP Elite x2 and Alacatel Idol 4S - new. My Nokia 930 had a screen issue - while still functioning...it's unusable. I think I am in mourning. However, the OS is still solid. Like Symbian (yup, ran a Nokia N8 till Nov 2014) I will be here till the end.
I would like to stay with MS and am hoping 2018 will have another device. Maybe even something my two 'new' phones can support....Hoping...

Unless someone kidnaps the entire MS management team I wouldn’t bet on it.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

I'm with you abel920, I'll be sticking to Windows Phone no matter what. I'm happy to see Microsoft developing Windows10 for all kinds of devices, and I'm waiting for carry-on always-connected PC's in the shape of a phone to continue using Windows10. I'm very interested about the upcoming Andromeda device!
I’m curious about the folks who are pining for the Andromeda device as to whether they will use it as a primary handset. Sure, it will supposedly have telephony but will y’all put that brick to your head to talk? I’m assuming people still have voice conversations right?

In South Florida we have this marvel of nature called the beach and I promise you that a phone that size doesn’t fit in swim shorts. Further, I also guarantee it will grow legs within 10 minutes after you walk more than 10 yards away from it. The same could be said if you’re at the tennis court, gym or any place where you wouldn’t normally have your phone on you.

Just some random thoughts on a lazy Sunday afternoon when your team doesn’t play. For a Dolphins fan that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
I’m curious about the folks who are pining for the Andromeda device as to whether they will use it as a primary handset. Sure, it will supposedly have telephony but will y’all put that brick to your head to talk? I’m assuming people still have voice conversations right?

In South Florida we have this marvel of nature called the beach and I promise you that a phone that size doesn’t fit in swim shorts. Further, I also guarantee it will grow legs within 10 minutes after you walk more than 10 yards away from it. The same could be said if you’re at the tennis court, gym or any place where you wouldn’t normally have your phone on you.

Just some random thoughts on a lazy Sunday afternoon when your team doesn’t play. For a Dolphins fan that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

I’m wondering the same thing. I’m not saying it wouldn’t have a use, but would it replace most people’s phone? I don’t see it.
I’m wondering the same thing. I’m not saying it wouldn’t have a use, but would it replace most people’s phone? I don’t see it.

Unless it’s like a flip phone that has a small secondary display that allows you to see who’s calling and allows you to answer the phone without having to unfold it, no. I don’t see it either.
Based in the rumor today from Brad Sams, it's not a phone. So those waiting til the end..... the end was here when they killed the Lumia line, and again when they publicly stated they are no longer actively working on the OS. It's D. E. A. D. dead. I was one of the hold outs. Going to finger a pixel 2 this weekend and see how it feels.
Xbox is getting Nadellaed too with not being able to watch television at the home screen, and also killing off of the kinect now. The whole idea behind the Xbox One was supposed to be exactly that an entire entertainment Hub Center for everything. I'm seriously starting to believe that everything's being sabotaged by people that just think that they are fans or let these companies know that their fans, and that's just not the way it is. It's like great idea let's kill it.

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