I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

This is just so sad. I am among the many that LOVE WM10 and especially my 950XL. I want to grab MS and shake them by the collar shouting "do you have any idea what you are doing?" Is the future really just tied to gears of war v20 and VR? How does making excel and PowerPoint easily accessible for android get them anywhere? Yes, I am that frustrated.
This is just so sad. I am among the many that LOVE WM10 and especially my 950XL. I want to grab MS and shake them by the collar shouting "do you have any idea what you are doing?" Is the future really just tied to gears of war v20 and VR? How does making excel and PowerPoint easily accessible for android get them anywhere? Yes, I am that frustrated.

Oh it gets better, all those MS apps you love on your 950 are better on android and ios. Apparently much better according to some that have recently jumped ship.
Oh it gets better, all those MS apps you love on your 950 are better on android and ios. Apparently much better according to some that have recently jumped ship.
No, they're not better. At all. Those who recently jumped ship say that out of frustration and pettiness. There are features that are just now making their way into Android and iOS. The same people who claim Outlook is better on the competition are the same people who come here and moan and complain about why their calendars and contacts don't sync properly.
No, they're not better. At all. Those who recently jumped ship say that out of frustration and pettiness. There are features that are just now making their way into Android and iOS. The same people who claim Outlook is better on the competition are the same people who come here and moan and complain about why their calendars and contacts don't sync properly.

When I switched 8 months ago to W10M from android, I really only recall being disappointed there was no Bing app, but the bing site on edge is good enough. For the other MS apps, I don't recall any major differences. I think I preferred Outlook and Onenote on W10M. I don't use the others enough to comment on differences. I was disappointed in the music player options on W10M and lack of airline apps. Lucky for me I fly United and that app still works on W10M. My bank also has a very good W10M app. So, my only deal breaker at the moment is my Idol 4S battery life and camera. W10M is actually performing quit well recently.
No, they're not better. At all. Those who recently jumped ship say that out of frustration and pettiness. There are features that are just now making their way into Android and iOS. The same people who claim Outlook is better on the competition are the same people who come here and moan and complain about why their calendars and contacts don't sync properly.

I use Outlook on all my Apple products and it syncs perfectly. I also have stuff on OneDrive and that works too. I am switching to iCloud though. I’d say they’re about equal really because I don’t have any issues.
I use Outlook on all my Apple products and it syncs perfectly. I also have stuff on OneDrive and that works too. I am switching to iCloud though. I’d say they’re about equal really because I don’t have any issues.

I'd never switch to iCloud.I've had a lot of iPhone's but OneDrive has always been my main cloud storage solution. My biggest gripe with iCloud is that when you delete a photo from your phone it's also removed from iCloud. It completely misses what I need cloud storage for which is keeping all my media backed up so I can have physical memory free on my phone.
I'd never switch to iCloud.I've had a lot of iPhone's but OneDrive has always been my main cloud storage solution. My biggest gripe with iCloud is that when you delete a photo from your phone it's also removed from iCloud. It completely misses what I need cloud storage for which is keeping all my media backed up so I can have physical memory free on my phone.

Yes, iCloud is not designed for storing photos as much as it is for syncing photos across all your devices. I really don’t have a gazzilion photos so it’s not an issue for me.
I use Outlook on all my Apple products and it syncs perfectly. I also have stuff on OneDrive and that works too. I am switching to iCloud though. I’d say they’re about equal really because I don’t have any issues.
They just got 2 - way sync working a couple of weeks ago. Before you would make changes on your phone but it didn't transfer to the server. It was a local change only. Shared calendars just became available this week. Unless you use all the features you wouldn't know what's missing or flaky.

OneDrive works well enough on iOS and Android but the photo upload isn't as instantaneous as on Windows. On a Winphone that picture was in the cloud faster than you could switch from the camera app to OneDrive. Since people like to make such a big deal about milliseconds when it comes to how slow Windows apps open I thought I'd throw that out there.
This is just so sad. I am among the many that LOVE WM10 and especially my 950XL. I want to grab MS and shake them by the collar shouting "do you have any idea what you are doing?" Is the future really just tied to gears of war v20 and VR? How does making excel and PowerPoint easily accessible for android get them anywhere? Yes, I am that frustrated.

It gets users using their stuff and being everywhere rather than forcing people into one way of working.

I'm a big proponent of platform agnostic. Maybe because I've been a windows phone/mobile user for so long lol. Anyhow my root concern was hearing how members of my family are saying they need to buy an ipad for their kid's school work, or they need a chrome book cause again they need that for school work. I'm talking elementary level. Public education systems needs to remain accessible and not put families in situations where they must purchase something for the best experience.

For school, it should just work on anything. Oh hey web apps? With whatever browser I want? sweet.

So coming back from that tangent, getting people used to MS stuff on anything they want is cool because people don't need to worry what they're using, they'll have excel, word, or whatever MS software they want to use everywhere.

Don't force people to buy certain platform or hardware for it work, just be everywhere.

Whatsapp is awesome cause they made sure they could be as everywhere as they could be and they didn't meddle too much with 3rd party ports. I got started using whatsapp on my Nokia N9 with meego!

Software everywhere on any platform and any kind of hardware is a good thing. It's one less thing to worry about for the consumer. They could just pick up something and all that they need would be there.

Looking forward to having minds blown throughout 2018
I have had a Mobile phone for 20 years now. I have used Nokia's since day one. I had a HTC Windows mobile back in the Windows Mobile 6 days and I hated it.

I used Symbian for 14 years then when Nokia came out with the Lumia 900 I loved it.

I went from the 900 to the 1020, why they did not put the,SD800 in the 1020 I do not know.

Now I have had the 950 for 2 year and it has gotten great with all the updates.

With WP7 through W10M MS finally got things right but it was too late.

Had Windows 10 Mobile come out of the gate on the 950 smooth and fuid as it is now with Groove Music & Grover Pro etc as polished as they are now back then things might have been different.

Then again we could have all been using Nokia N9's with Meego now or some take on that.

The point is MS is a business and they go where the money is. I use what apps I like and have my music stored locally or on Onedrive.

I have done this for years so I will be able to move painlessly from Symbian to Windows Phone and when the time comes I will move to Android. I may even go back to using a Nokia although I do like the look of the Samsung Galaxy S8.

I still have my 1020 running Windows 10 Mobile 1511 and a 640 in the fast ring not forgetting my 950.

When I make the move I will continue to use the MS apps like Groove Music that I enjoy currently.
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I'm still using my 950 XL. Takes amazing pics! Just picked up a Mozo leather back cover. Really like the shiny edge that comes with it. This phone does everything I need!
I loved my 950 Xl too. Still do. But now it's sitting and waiting to be hard reset because the last Windows Central app update froze my phone soI uninstalled it except it didn;t uninstall. So after reboots, soft reboots and anything else I could think of, It won't let me reinstall th Windows Central app because it says it's still installed even though it's not. So now I need to do a hard reset. In fact, that was the straw that broke the camels back for me. So Thank you WIndows Central, for pushing me the rest of the way to Android.

As far as the MS apps, other than Cortana, they all work fine though I think I still prefer most of them on WM. But there are 2 that are better. 1st is the previously mentioned Windows Central app, it actually works on Android and you can even reply and submit comments in it which is something I couldn't do on WM for months. There is no lag when you open it, it doesn't freeze. So there's that.

The bigger thing is Edge. For the past year Edge on WM would not sync favorites with Edge on my other devices. Edge syncing on WM simply has not worked for a long time. I installed Edge on my Note 8 yesterday and 5 minutes later every single favorite I have came into Edge on my phone. Imagine that.
Keep it simple. I don't use a billion apps, I use 1 app at a time. So, for phone calls to Excel spreadsheet to Live Tiles I'm staying with Microsoft Windows products. Looking to the next innovation that the others will copy and take credit for, Humm! Enough said!
The bigger thing is Edge. For the past year Edge on WM would not sync favorites with Edge on my other devices. Edge syncing on WM simply has not worked for a long time. I installed Edge on my Note 8 yesterday and 5 minutes later every single favorite I have came into Edge on my phone. Imagine that.

I just started using edge today to access all my favorites. Seems to be working fine on my V20.
I have not had any issues syncing my favourites across all my Windows devices from my 5 year old Surface RT to my Lumia 950 (3 tablets, 3 desktops & a laptop + 3 phones).
It works on all of my Windows devices too, except the Windows phones. It stopped working on my 1520 and then never even started working on my 950 XL. As soon as I installed in on my Note 8, it worked perfectly.
Oh it gets better, all those MS apps you love on your 950 are better on android and ios. Apparently much better according to some that have recently jumped ship.
Yea I wish this were actually the case. outlook and one note which i use often are much better on Windows phone than on my android. OneNote really ticks me off with its conflicting changes error I get often only on my android and sometimes changes I make don't even sync and show up on my windows phone or computer.
I stand corrected, now that I've actually switched to android, I prefer outlook, onenote and Cortana on W10M. And of course I prefer W10M over android. Contacts are kind of a pain as well since I'd like to be using my outlook contacts for calls and texts. Instead, they have to be synced with google. Yuck.
I am syncing my contacts, calendar and emails using the regular Exchange funtionality on my android device. I can use any calendar app to manage my calendar entries and I can see all my outlook.com contacts for calls and texts as well as managing them (adding, editing, deleting). I am also using the stock gmail app to access my emails using my outlook.com account (not forwarding it to my gmail address, just the app that is on the phone - everything is handeld on outlook servers) - There was never a need for me to install the outlook app or syncing my contacts with google (I have 0 contacts synced with google.)

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