I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

Sticking with my Lumia 950 for as long as I can, partly because Continuum works out great for me and the superior UI. However, I have ordered a Android One device as I have customers using apps not present for W10M, so I expect to be running two devices for the foreseeable future. Until the ubiquitous and device-less (which is actually devices and sensors everywhere) future arrives...
Sticking with my Lumia 950 for as long as I can, partly because Continuum works out great for me and the superior UI. However, I have ordered a Android One device .....

Same here

Continuum works quite well when you have a need for it.

A work, (with the dock, mouse/keyboard), I dont use lots of apps, but 90% of the time I'm running excel, once a while I'll use mTalk to get in here (these forums). The rest is Telegram, and email. Whatever apps that is not UWP, I'll use multiple tabs in Edge.

End of the day, I just unplug and roll up a few cables and I'm gone from the office in seconds.
The amount of denial here... And I'm writing this as a strong fan and early adopter of all Microsoft services. We have to understand that it's not the end of Windows 10 Mobile, that was stated some time ago due to One Windows, but it's the end of whole Microsoft ecosystem based on UWP apps and everything - this is what Belfiore stated. This makes me really worried about whole Windows future.
One thing that's making it very difficult for me to consider other phones is the camera, last weekend went with a friend around a lot of scenic areas, and she has a SGS8, I just can't see what the hype around the SGS8 camera is, photos just don't come out as well as the L950 ones.

I had the Galaxy S8 and s8 Plus and I kinda agree that the camera is nothing special but the 950 is showing it's age now I'm afraid. I've compared a lot of photos from my 950xl to my current Huawei P10 and the P10 are generally much better. Not only the quality of pics but the camera functionality. The 950s are way behind on features now too. The new Pixel cameras too are amazing.
I'm standing my ground, tearing my hair, cursing Microsoft and thinking Enough is Enough. My L830
downloaded the .1770 update 2 hours ago, it only took a few minutes as usual BUT
Instead of installing it I've been left staring at the blue Windows logo for 2 hours and thinking "Is this the end? Is the phone bricked this time?"
Every software update for the past 6 months has been increasingly problematic when it comes to installation. The first time it wouldn't begin the install for about 10 minutes, next time 20 minutes, then 30, and today 2 hours.
Has anyone else had similar Issues? Is there a reason this happens? Is there a solution? With Windows Phone there aren't any answers anywhere for any of us.
But my digital life was locked inside a useless paperweight as I stared at that dammed Windows logo for 2 hours this morning removing and replacing the battery a hundred times before it rebooted and began the installation. And I don't even know if doing that made any difference, do I?
So how long will I be without a phone when the next patch arrives? And is it worth the hassle?
I love my phone and the OS. I want to stand my ground. I want to stay. But every indication is telling me I'm a fool(and potentially a fool without a usable phone) if I do.
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The amount of denial here... And I'm writing this as a strong fan and early adopter of all Microsoft services. We have to understand that it's not the end of Windows 10 Mobile, that was stated some time ago due to One Windows, but it's the end of whole Microsoft ecosystem based on UWP apps and everything - this is what Belfiore stated. This makes me really worried about whole Windows future.

I agree 100% on Windows 10 and UWP future being in doubt and believe Mobile failure is bigger issue than MS is admitting. Everyone I know hates Windows 10 and either prefers IOs or chrome. Strong movement at my employer to ditch PC in favor of Macs.
I'm sticking with my (Nokia) Lumia 735, love it! It's running Win10 insider and pretty much does all I want. I'm not an App fan and only use the bare minimum. I mainly use it for texting, whatsapp, facebook and sometimes use it to talk to people :-) I occasionally use the map app and take the odd photo when out n about.

I'm not too impressed with WM being dropped as it will mean having dip my hand in my pocket to buy the replacement - whatever it will be :-) We shouldn't try to stop evolution to save a few shillings! I'm quite excited by the "PC in your Pocket" situation and WCOS, its regrettable that we'll have good kit that will become redundant but hey ho, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette! Make way for progress.
It's makes one think, why now does MS make the announcement about W10m at this particular time? Is it because One Core is right around the corner? Meaning closer than we think. Wishful thinking on my part.

Twitter: @PhotographyET
I'm not going anywhere. I'll keep using my 640 until it dies and I cannot find another one. I refuse to submit to Apple's greed, and I tried Android earlier this year and wasn't crazy about it. It's too disjointed and clunky compared to W10M. And I can't believe how primative Okay Google is compared to Cortana, especially when it comes to hands free texting and voice navigation in the car. Had MS publicized this at all, WM might have taken off. I just took it for granted that all mobile OS worked this well until I tried Android. I was very disappointed. I wanted to like it, but it was too much of a step backwards in so many areas.
I'm still going after the illusion that something good and new will come out of MS Labs for mobile users. Truth is that when a beloved device like my 950XL (the third I bought) is starting falling in pieces (yes I "consume" my mobile devices) I don't have other choices. If apps keep crashing right when you need them or the camera only shows a black screen for 15 seconds after launching.... I lose a nice picture of my son running under the falling leaves. And I have to start thinking about moving to Android. And no the $$$$ iPhones are not an option (nor the S8, for that matter).
I'll stick with Win10Mobile as much as I can, but an Android is coming on my way.
My daily driver is still going to be windows phone/ windows mobile. I was going to start a new post and ask around but I saw your post, so I didn't want to make a double post.

Right now I am still on my alcatell, but if this breaks, I will have the option to get the high end ones. And since microsoft will continue to support it and update it then theirs no reason for anyone who are fans to jump ship.

I love how fast and reliable the outlook is, messengers, texting, and overall windows phone still is a fast and fluid phone. I've also been carrying an android phone just to see how or which phoen I use more often, and well basically, when it comes to social media, I only use facebook/instagram/twitter (all avail on wm). The onyl thing I use on my android is the snapchat, and i dont care much for what people post, its only when I trade noodz with someone. yup, my second android phone is just use for sexting. I'm not much of a social media ***** like everyone else.
My WM is still getting msot of the heavy loads and will continue to do so until the technology or OS becomes obsolete.

Oh and to be fair, grindr is also on android, and that's a necessity. so maybe snapchat/grindr.
I agree 100% on Windows 10 and UWP future being in doubt and believe Mobile failure is bigger issue than MS is admitting. Everyone I know hates Windows 10 and either prefers IOs or chrome. Strong movement at my employer to ditch PC in favor of Macs.

Very few companies will do this. The cost of replacement and training exceeds what they are willing to spend. Add to that, Macs have their own issues. I run a Mac lab at my school and have frequent problems (and, since I'm an educator, I've been using Macs in my work life since 1984). In my personal life I use nothing but Windows and that includes editing HD video for my freelance work. Windows provides far more flexibility both in hardware and software. The reason there are people that prefer iOS or Chrome is because it doesn't require you to invest any significant time into learning it's features. A three year old can do it.
I agree Windows is heavily entrenched in many corporations. However, I do run across many startups and smaller companies using macs. My company is piloting Surface Pros and IPad Pros for our Mobile workers. IPad is favored because of iPhone usage across our company.
The different between WeboOS and Windows is, Windows is still going to around (I'm not going to count WebOS on TVs). One Core will come and there will be hardware, but, that could be another year or so. I doubt my 735 will last that long but . . . we'll see.
I'm all for One Core. I'll buy whatever Mobile device comes out with One Core, but I suspect that will never happen. W10M is dead with no glimmer of hope from MS on next evolution. For me, dead means no new hardware.
I'm all for One Core. I'll buy whatever Mobile device comes out with One Core, but I suspect that will never happen. W10M is dead with no glimmer of hope from MS on next evolution. For me, dead means no new hardware.

I assume u realize this but One Core and W10m are two different beasts. I agree, the hope of W10m is very bleak but why do suspect no hardware for One Core? It's been MS plan since Vista to have one OS for everything and One Core is a step in that direction.

Twitter: @PhotographyET
I assume u realize this but One Core and W10m are two different beasts. I agree, the hope of W10m is very bleak but why do suspect no hardware for One Core? It's been MS plan since Vista to have one OS for everything and One Core is a step in that direction.

Twitter: @PhotographyET

No hardware for W10M, not one core, is what I meant by dead. I think One Core will have same app limitation discouraging mobile device development for One Core. Of course, apps wouldn't stop me from purchasing device since I purchased my 1st W10M 8 MThs ago. What a dumb$$$, hahaha.
Do you have a backup older WM phone? I keep all my older WM phones, just in case, luckily my trusty 950 xl is getting better and running strong. :-)

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