I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

I just bought an HP X3 and dock or $250 on eBay. I *love* it! I also switched from Verizon to T-Mobile and I *love* that, too.

I am delighted with the battery life and the fast data and easy hotspot setup, which worked flawlessly on my recent trip to Mexico (no roaming charges!).

I am most surprised by how often the X3 is replacing my Surface Pro 4 in day-to-day usage.

My wife just switched to Android, but I am sticking with Win 10 Mobile.
I have been a very loyal fan of windows phones. I have had 6 windows phone and loved them all. The announcement that Groove music would be shut down was the last straw for me. I made the jump a few day later to Andriod. I went with a Samsung Galaxy S8+ and am really enjoying the experience. The thing that I was not prepared for is how much better all the Microsoft apps are on this OS. It's really embarrassing that they would not support their apps better on their own OS. I became the rebel with all my friends with my windows phone. Well no more..i just feel as though MS really wanted to dump the whole mobile thing and move on.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I just bought a 950 so I'll be with you guys for at least another 2 years. 😀
I just bought an HP X3 and dock or $250 on eBay. I *love* it! I also switched from Verizon to T-Mobile and I *love* that, too.

I am delighted with the battery life and the fast data and easy hotspot setup, which worked flawlessly on my recent trip to Mexico (no roaming charges!).

I am most surprised by how often the X3 is replacing my Surface Pro 4 in day-to-day usage.

My wife just switched to Android, but I am sticking with Win 10 Mobile.

I'm on TMo and just returned an X3 because of poor signal versus my TMo Idol 4S. Maybe I messed up on the initial setup. WiFi calling did not work which I use my Idol 4S. I did like the X3 though.
I'm on TMo and just returned an X3 because of poor signal versus my TMo Idol 4S. Maybe I messed up on the initial setup. WiFi calling did not work which I use my Idol 4S. I did like the X3 though.
You didn't mess anything up. Wi-Fi calling and HD voice don't work on the x3 with T-Mobile. Very very few unlocked phones not branded by T-Mobile have those features. Wi-Fi calling is more prevalent but HD voice is limited to iPhones, Moto G series and the Nexus line.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
The bitter end has arrived. And what a bitter end it was. It was inevitable. Microsoft has a habit of leaving people hung out to dry.

If they ever do a Surface phone, it will be too little too late. Come November 3rd, I am out of here.
I'm happier with a dead platform than I am on the two majors. I'll stick with Win10Mo until my 950XL is dead. Hopefully by that point there's a new Windows device with telephony on the market.
Stayin with my Lumia 735. Might have to move to ATT for a decent phone, since Verizon never really got a good phone since. Don't like using ios or android
I tried to stay with Windows phone, I came to the party late and was impressed with Windows Mobile 10, but over the 2 years I used first Windows Mobile 8 and 8.1 and finally 10, I could see that the apps were dying out. Some came back but many left and now I am stuck with my Galaxy S7. I am getting used to it. But I do miss the simplistic way I could do things on my Windows phone. It was easier to make calls and to text on. Some of the features are still not up to par on Android or iOS. But, now that Joe has thrown in the towel, I will do the same. I can only hope that Microsoft comes to their senses and comes up with a surface phone that can run all the desktop apps. Then maybe the developers will enhance some of the features so they work better with a mobile device. But I won't hold my breath.

I am writing this on my Chromebook in protest of using any Microsoft products.:angry::angry:
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

I am in it, till the bitter end. I cannot stand android and have zero desire to have an apple. Microsoft should not give up so quickly. My kids would have went with windows if they could have been able to have the same apps that the others provide. That is where the real issue is as I see it. That is why they are not getting the business they would get.
I use windows computers, I have Xbox, and my phone is Windows. I personally do not want to lose the seemliness I enjoy now.
I left wimo after I found out that no new features had been implemented for numerous builds. Went to iOS bought a Mac and I’m set
iPhone after 950xl. mac after surface laptop. fitbit this thanksgiving and returning band.

Once that happens, will stop using onedrive and outlook and adopt apple ecosystem.

Still not decided on xbox one though
I'm sticking with my Lumia 950. I love this phone. It's gotten better and more speedy as time has passed which is exactly the opposite of my old LG Android.

Whenever I see Android and especially iOS I just think the GUI looks ridiculous. I mean, I really hate it. I love my live tiles.

Only thing that will push me off of Windows 10 Mobile is when my phone breaks or if some key function stops working. If my bank stopped supporting microsoft wallet then I'd be bummed out.

Keeping my eyes open for getting another 950/xl or X3 to have a back up.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

I'm running Microsoft 950, and will stay with it, until Microsoft gets it together and has a perfect marketing team. I have offered and know how to get the job done, so Microsoft will become the 90% like Android is. However, they keep stumbling and not marketing as they should. And, I still can be reached to solve their problem in marketing. I will keep my Microsoft Lumia 950 as long as it will run. It is the best.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

I'm with you.!

Not because I'm the Microsoft ******, but I do enjoy the simplicity and every sync between my phone-daily notebook-pc at home.

I still remember how interested i was since the first announcement of Windows Phone based device (based on how jealous I was to my iPhone-iPad-Mac's brother).

It's very understandable some of us choose to leave Windows Phone device, I do.
I'm very sory to hear that, but I do respect every decision u guys made.
100 % in it , newbie in the forum but old school at the same time, when i saw this post had to jump on board ,i too like the intergration across devices still ,im no expert but does most things i want .laptop, tablet and 2 mobiles.
2x L930, then L650 (till today)...

I want to say, that I am being tempted every day to just go to Android, because of Google services, apps base (I definitely would like to use more apps than I currently have available) and general reliability...
But I can't stand the fact, that users with Android are forced to upgrade phones every 2 years, because manufacturers decide that you will simply not get next major release. SD835 is one powerful chipset, so I am having hard time to understand, why 3-4 major releases are not possible

So for now, I am sticking to my L650 Dual SIM. I got rid off Office Suite (except OneNote), because I would have to pay for 365 license to get editing possibilities. I will also get rid off of TV/News, and whatever other balast I still have. Groove Music doesn't concern me - I own powerful headphones, which require something more than regular 3,5 mm jack output from phone, so I might as well uninstall also that. Contacts are synced nicely, though I would prefer local storage over cloud/Outlook. I rarely use outlook.com email, but calendar is nice.

I can justify me buying 700+ € device... but I can't justify that price for SW upgrade side of things.
I did read somewhere that keynote on 31st of October will also have Panos, who will present "one more category of device set" - here is hoping we will see something meaningful.
I am sticking with the Windows Mobile Platform like the windows desktop! I feel it has no replacement as yet. have been using windows phones since windows 5/6 appx from around 2006~7 or so and never once though of changing the platforms. Kept upgrading to newer windows devices and currently we have the lumia 1520, 640, 650 and the 950!!! Will keep using the windows phones till I find that all windows phones are out of the market and not a single piece found!

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