I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

Sigh lost my 950Xl, broke my elite X3, now on a Lumia 650.

Missing the screen size. I do want bigger, i like being able to work on Excel, one note, and stuff on my phone. OneDrive, box, let's me transition from phone to laptop pretty seamlessly and vice versa. Webapps always benefit from more real estate. I RDP/TeamViewer to my computer at home when out and about.

I'm ready to try a foldable!
Sigh lost my 950Xl, broke my elite X3, now on a Lumia 650.

Missing the screen size. I do want bigger, i like being able to work on Excel, one note, and stuff on my phone. OneDrive, box, let's me transition from phone to laptop pretty seamlessly and vice versa. Webapps always benefit from more real estate. I RDP/TeamViewer to my computer at home when out and about.

I'm ready to try a foldable!

Perfect example of where this type of device might work.
Still Sticking with Windows Mobile. I am sad though that one of the apps I used a lot is gone from the store, it still works on phones with it installed but I can't figure out how to reinstall on two phones I did a hard reset on.
I traded phones with my daughter as to give her a better phone, gave her my alcatel idol 4s for her Nokia 520. Needless to say after a month I am I bought a Lumia 950 that should arrive this week. Just wish I could get that app. back. Developer was Gmark7, tried contacting through app support and got email returned as account no longer active.
Still Sticking with Windows Mobile. I am sad though that one of the apps I used a lot is gone from the store, it still works on phones with it installed but I can't figure out how to reinstall on two phones I did a hard reset on.
I traded phones with my daughter as to give her a better phone, gave her my alcatel idol 4s for her Nokia 520. Needless to say after a month I am I bought a Lumia 950 that should arrive this week. Just wish I could get that app. back. Developer was Gmark7, tried contacting through app support and got email returned as account no longer active.
Log in to those two phones (or at least to the Microsoft Store app) with the Microsoft Account that you used when you installed the app earlier. Find the app in Microsoft Store > My Library, and install.
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Log in to those two phones (or at least to the Microsoft Store app) with the Microsoft Account that you used when you installed the app earlier. Find the app in Microsoft Store > My Library, and install.

Done that, not in the library any more. Went to contact for support on one of the phones that still has app. installed. Got return email saying email address no longer valid.
I switched from Windows Mobile a few years ago. I loved my Icon, but when Microsoft didn't make a 950XL for Verizon, I decided that switching carriers was not worth staying with Windows Mobile.

I initially went back to Android with an HTC. The problem HTC was a mess, so I switched to iOS for a bit. I eventually went back to Samsung. Microsoft has stepped up its Android apps quality. I have all the same capabilities on my Note 10+ that I had on my Icon as well as capabilities that WM didn't have.

If anything I'm more deeply entrenched in Microsoft's ecosystem than I was a few years ago.

Outlook, Office 365, OneDrive, OneNote, Your Phone, Edge Chromium, and Microsoft Launcher are my daily drivers. The integration between my Note 10+, Tab S5e, Surface Pro 5, and Dell desktop is great. It is better than when I had my Icon. The only Google services I use are its search engine, Waze, Classroom (my daughter's school uses it), and email and GDrive (my company uses Google's services). Otherwise, I'm almost Google free.

Windows Mobile may be dead, but Microsoft has done a LOT in the Android space. To include making an Android powered phone.
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I switched from Windows Mobile a few years ago. I loved my Icon, but when Microsoft didn't make a 950XL for Verizon, I decided that switching carriers was not worth staying with Windows Mobile.

I initially went back to Android with an HTC. The problem HTC was a mess, so I switched to iOS for a bit. I eventually went back to Samsung. Microsoft has stepped up its Android apps quality. I have all the same capabilities on my Note 10+ that I had on my Icon as well as capabilities that WM didn't have.

If anything I'm more deeply entrenched in Microsoft's ecosystem than I was a few years ago.

Outlook, Office 365, OneDrive, OneNote, Your Phone, Edge Chromium, and Microsoft Launcher are my daily drivers. The integration between my Note 10+, Tab S5e, Surface Pro 5, and Dell desktop is great. It is better than when I had my Icon. The only Google services I use are its search engine, Waze, Classroom (my daughter's school uses it), and email and GDrive (my company uses Google's services). Otherwise, I'm almost Google free.

Windows Mobile may be dead, but Microsoft has done a LOT in the Android space. To include making an Android powered phone.

Post 666.... pretty fitting lol ??????
You're a smooth talker who makes a lot of sense.. very persuasive...... you're not the Anti-Christ are you? ??????????????????
I switched from Windows Mobile a few years ago. I loved my Icon, but when Microsoft didn't make a 950XL for Verizon, I decided that switching carriers was not worth staying with Windows Mobile.

I initially went back to Android with an HTC. The problem HTC was a mess, so I switched to iOS for a bit. I eventually went back to Samsung. Microsoft has stepped up its Android apps quality. I have all the same capabilities on my Note 10+ that I had on my Icon as well as capabilities that WM didn't have.

If anything I'm more deeply entrenched in Microsoft's ecosystem than I was a few years ago.

Outlook, Office 365, OneDrive, OneNote, Your Phone, Edge Chromium, and Microsoft Launcher are my daily drivers. The integration between my Note 10+, Tab S5e, Surface Pro 5, and Dell desktop is great. It is better than when I had my Icon. The only Google services I use are its search engine, Waze, Classroom (my daughter's school uses it), and email and GDrive (my company uses Google's services). Otherwise, I'm almost Google free.

Windows Mobile may be dead, but Microsoft has done a LOT in the Android space. To include making an Android powered phone.

Post 666.... pretty fitting lol 😈
You're a smooth talker who makes a lot of sense.. very persuasive...... you're not the Anti-Christ are you? 😨😱😅
Unfortnately MS couldn't decide what they wanted from their own phone platform. They kept rebooting and revising and then ended up chasing rivals who had been far quicker and smarter. Yes, it was arguably a better platform than iOS and Android (at that time) but MS also mishandled it in terms of marketing and communicating it to the public. You can see that they are learning from this with how they now handle the Surface line of products.
If they don't get they must have apps on day 1 or even ever then it'll never get enough adoption.

Surfaces are different use cases, until the duo
"Unfortunately MS couldn't decide what they wanted from their own phone platform."

What they wanted was for it to sell. It never did.

"They kept rebooting and revising...."

But they could do that precisely because it was not selling. Apple has never rebooted iOS. Why? Because it is a roaring success.

And don't give me "But WP had 10% market share in Italy and Spain in 2014". Whoopee. 10% in 2 small countries is not enough to bet the company on. It was never above 3% anywhere else, including the U.S.
"Unfortunately MS couldn't decide what they wanted from their own phone platform."

What they wanted was for it to sell. It never did.

"They kept rebooting and revising...."

But they could do that precisely because it was not selling. Apple has never rebooted iOS. Why? Because it is a roaring success.

And don't give me "But WP had 10% market share in Italy and Spain in 2014". Whoopee. 10% in 2 small countries is not enough to bet the company on. It was never above 3% anywhere else, including the U.S.

I loved it. I bought a Nokia 900 the day it became available at ATT. Then had pretty much every Nokia including about 5 1520s. Had a HTC Titan II. Had a 950. Finally gave it up and went back to Android and iOS. It was fun while it lasted but the app gap became a real issue.
WoA is more robust than w10m is on Lumias now. And that's pretty much home brewed with zero direct support from Microsoft.
Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do.
Right now they're working on arm32 for non-64 bit arm chips (SD400, SD200, SD800 are a few).

Cellular and sms only work on highest builds 18362/18363 arm64. Other than that 19041 is the latest arm64 build for flashing. They've made a big leap in driver support for color profile/night light etc. Those guys do this just for a hobby and have mad leaps past even what Microsoft would have wanted to do.

PS I believe they even support the jade primo now. Idol4s has had success booting arm32 woa only there is almost zero driver support or documemtion for the sd820 woa. Lumias had it lucky with the vast amount of dev devices and even the lumia 960 for testing or even reverse coding drivers for woa.
I believe they even support the jade primo now.
That would be nice since it's the same SD808 as in the L950. I'll have to read up on it since the only thing keeping it as a backup was using Continue on PC but that's now broken. You just don't know what's going to break next although.......OneDrive camera roll is populating photos again. At least it was this weekend.

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