I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

Fitbit is your safest bet - for now. The Fitbit app works very well with Windows 10 Mobile, the notifications are spot on and you can use Fitbit Pay for mobile payments if you have an Ionic or Versa Special Edition. The app was recently updated through the Store so there’s also that.

really? thanks for the suggestion, I will totally look into that...
"using android has made me very bitter and angry........"

Yeah it did that to me too. Not angry at Microsoft, they just did what any business does to a product that is not selling and is losing billions of dollars. They killed it. Now - without a loser phone business - Microsoft is a huge success again.

I was angry because Android is a mess. Android is Google. How many more reasons do you need to not use Android?

So, of course I moved on to the only other option. Apple. Try it. You might just like it.

"There is absolutely room for a third mobile ecosystem"

No, there is not. That has already been tried and it failed. We have Android, for those who like to follow the crowd. We have Apple, for those who don't want to follow the crowd. Why is a 3rd choice even needed?

that's just it, they were not a loser phone business in a sense, had they did things "RIGHT" from the beginning we could have had a 3rd option and Windows Mobile phones could've been more successful and profitable "EASILY" Biggest mistake was not pushing mobile companies like AT&T and others to market their phones, next big nono, they never advertised WMP accept a couple of times here and there with their L1020 and had they done so, more people would have known there was a 3rd option at the big cell companies, which brings me back to my first point of mobile companies pushing for windows phone, cuzz they only pushed (AD)roid and iPhone… a lot of my friends didn't even know about WMP and didn't know there was a 3rd option except from what I have been telling them!... and there's a plethora of other things they coulda done, list too big to post here LOL... basically what they wanted was to have their phones be successful like the SP3 line and newer with no commercialization and no effort and expect it to become a huge hit! which no doubt the surface line is an amazing product which survived on its own merits. but WM needed the backing of MSFT... so of course it didn't work out... I Know some of you are going to roll your eyes or facepalm but windows mobile is superior to ADroid and iPhone in every aspect of usage and convenience and great integration of little things like Cortana reading my txt messages to me while I drive and being able to answer also while never taking my eyes off the road.. ADroid forget it! there's so many example of things like that, that I can give but don't have the patience to write everything LOL I'm already getting CTS from writing this post! lmao
but windows mobile is superior to ADroid and iPhone in every aspect of usage and convenience and great integration of little things like Cortana reading my txt messages to me while I drive and being able to answer also while never taking my eyes off the road.

For YOU I have no doubt it is superior yet I'm pretty confident in saying for the majority of others (including me) it can't hold a candle to the other platforms especially in its present state. Obviously time has done it no favours.

I agree it would have been nice if Microsoft kept the flame lit yet at this point there's no denying she's a done deal leaving one with two choices, if they so choose... Three if one is into flip phones LOL. I moved to where the grass is definitely greener for my needs (Android) having little to complain about. Gets the job done, does most of what I need, and superior reliability/consistency makes it all worthwhile.
For YOU I have no doubt it is superior yet I'm pretty confident in saying for the majority of others (including me) it can't hold a candle to the other platforms especially in its present state. Obviously time has done it no favours.

I agree it would have been nice if Microsoft kept the flame lit yet at this point there's no denying she's a done deal leaving one with two choices, if they so choose... Three if one is into flip phones LOL. I moved to where the grass is definitely greener for my needs (Android) having little to complain about. Gets the job done, does most of what I need, and superior reliability/consistency makes it all worthwhile.

It’s “ADroid” which means it’s no good.
For YOU I have no doubt it is superior yet I'm pretty confident in saying for the majority of others (including me) it can't hold a candle to the other platforms especially in its present state. Obviously time has done it no favours.

I agree it would have been nice if Microsoft kept the flame lit yet at this point there's no denying she's a done deal leaving one with two choices, if they so choose... Three if one is into flip phones LOL. I moved to where the grass is definitely greener for my needs (Android) having little to complain about. Gets the job done, does most of what I need, and superior reliability/consistency makes it all worthwhile.

no. not just "ME" lets put the obvious thing aside, if WMP was given the attention and effort it deserved like MSFT did with the Surface line or like "Windows" (MSFT's bread and butter) and app devs gave it the attention and made all the apps and was an equal contender like the other 2 phones, you would totally be singing a different tune! c'mon be honest! ONLY reason you're saying it isn't superior is because of the lack of apps and attention that it got from the start! the whole integration of Windows mobile is better than ADroid and iPhone... it has better things like how Cortana handled your day to day things and appointments or reading txt messages to you while driving and I know I keep bringing this up but its such a great function and it blows my mind that ADroid or iPhone haven't bothered to implement this into their phones! I truly miss this on my Windows phone! especially how rampant txting while driving is nowadays! distracted drivers are now one of the biggest reasons for accidents today when it used to be drinking and driving! only when self driving cars are fully functional on the road that will change. stop bringing into it "the app gap" and when you "REALLY" think about it... Windows Mobile is way better!
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I’m convinced there was no room for a third major smartphone maker. Too difficult for app developers to keep up. The best two won.
Someday, if the ecosystems change, it could be different.
Poked in here out of curiosity, and decided to share my "in between" setup.

Currently still using my lumia 735. It still does the job. Oddly my favorite app is a 3rd party Reddit app. (Because the first party one is downright terrible, I don't care what device or OS you're using.) Other apps are slowly getting rotated in or out based on what is no longer functioning. I ended up replacing groove with "Loco Delight", which is very very nice.

A few years ago, I started bluetooth tethering an iPod to it for anything "appy" that couldn't be handled from the Windows Phone. (Which these days, amounts to a game or two, as most any online service still has everything available via their mobile website.) This year the iPod 7th gen was released and I picked it up. Not too much difference, it's just faster, includes more drive space, and handles more games. I use Verizon Messages+ and it allows normal texting and even phone calls if I can't find my phone.

I feel like I'm in a weird situation. Android, to me, is out of the question. Years ago I would have said it'd be the other way around, but Google is getting downright creepy on way too many levels. If this 735 doesn't hold out, I'll likely be buying an iPhone, and cringe the whole way to the store.

Still believing in the PC-in-the-pocket for now. Samsung's flop with the fold gave me a lot of insight as to what was taking so darn long. Curious as to what will happen in the future, but I'm sticking it out.
no. not just "ME" lets put the obvious thing aside, if WMP was given the attention and effort it deserved like MSFT did with the Surface line or like "Windows" (MSFT's bread and butter) and app devs gave it the attention and made all the apps and was an equal contender like the other 2 phones, you would totally being singing a different tune! c'mon be honest! ONLY reason you're saying it isn't superior is because of the lack of apps and attention that it got from the start! the whole integration of Windows mobile is better than ADroid and iPhone... it has better things like how Cortana handled your day to day things and appointments or reading txt messages to you while driving and I know I keep bringing this up but its such a great function and it blows my mind that ADroid or iPhone haven't bothered to implement this into their phones! I truly miss this on my Windows phone! especially how rampant txting while driving is nowadays! distracted drivers are now one of the biggest reasons for accidents today when it used to be drinking and driving! only when self driving cars are fully functional on the road that will change. stop bringing into it "the app gap" and when you "REALLY" think about it... Windows Mobile is way better!

"IF" in regards to WM/WP is history so why keep bringing up what will never be?

And no I am not just saying it because the apps are lacking. My Droid's have much superior, battery technology (fast charging/longevity), performance, biometrics, consistency, reliability. Updates come through w/o holding me hostage for hour(s). Hard resets are almost non-existent. Always have access to bleeding edge technology if we so chose. Hand warmers, what's that? And yes apps are an integral part as without them I personally would be left in the lurch 80-85% time in regards to my needs if we were still using WM.

No offence but you do bring up the handsfree communication apect lots. Is your life so full that another platform can't suffice even if it means you'd have to stop more often to smell the roses? It's one thing to enjoy something yet when it takes control of you rather than YOU taking control of it then we've got a problem Houston(imo)... My smart-home gets equal interaction voice and physical seeing no need for it to be one-sided.

Thinking about it... Yes Windows Mobile "could have been" way better but the reality is, it will never be... Now!
I’m convinced there was no room for a third major smartphone maker. Too difficult for app developers to keep up. The best two won.
Someday, if the ecosystems change, it could be different.

Anyone thinking of taken on that task would find the climb almost insurmountable. It'd likely take years, lots of $$$, before they'd see the fruits of their labour. Could start now getting prepared for the next generation, those that haven't seen the light of day being none the wiser LOL.
I’m convinced there was no room for a third major smartphone maker. Too difficult for app developers to keep up. The best two won.
Someday, if the ecosystems change, it could be different.

I agree. If there is any entity on the face of the earth that could have done it, it's Microsoft. Microsoft tried, and failed.
I agree. If there is any entity on the face of the earth that could have done it, it's Microsoft. Microsoft tried, and failed.

Nope, I think they're taking a different approach. There is room for a 3rd platform, but it all comes down to the apps. Who's going to bother writing for a 3rd platform? Everybody. If that 3rd platform is Windows.
Microsoft has laid all the groundwork for that already. The most important was actually the UI, I think.
If you have a phone that runs standard Windows applications, you'd immediately eliminate the "app gap" in one blow. Does Windows have a UI designed to run on smaller screens and portable devices? Yes. Does Windows run on ARM processors? Yes. (I don't mean Windows RT).
If they are promising 20 hours of active use on a massive laptop with Windows 10 on ARM, I think they can get a day out of a phone sized device.
That's the thing. If whatever device they come out with has the full capability of a desktop machine, down to the x86 and x64, the app gap reverses instantly. The library of available PC software is so enormous that android and iPhone would need decades to catch up. Webapps already exist for most everything else (vast majority of "apps" are glorified web links). iTunes and apple music? Already there! Various IoT home devices? Covered. Smartwatches? Heck, last I checked, some smartwatches already sync with a computer if available.

Screw snapchat if I can run Steam on the darn thing!

Does it need to outsell every other phone instantly? No. In fact it doesn't need to outsell other devices at all. But the merits of such a device would get an instant foothold and open door. And to be honest this is what they've been trying to do ever since those tiny little windows CE palmtops.
that's just it, they were not a loser phone business in a sense, had they did things "RIGHT" from the beginning we could have had a 3rd option and Windows Mobile phones could've been more successful and profitable "EASILY" Biggest mistake was not pushing mobile companies like AT&T and others to market their phones, next big nono, they never advertised WMP accept a couple of times here and there with their L1020 and had they done so, more people would have known there was a 3rd option at the big cell companies, which brings me back to my first point of mobile companies pushing for windows phone, cuzz they only pushed (AD)roid and iPhone… a lot of my friends didn't even know about WMP and didn't know there was a 3rd option except from what I have been telling them!... and there's a plethora of other things they coulda done, list too big to post here LOL... basically what they wanted was to have their phones be successful like the SP3 line and newer with no commercialization and no effort and expect it to become a huge hit! which no doubt the surface line is an amazing product which survived on its own merits. but WM needed the backing of MSFT... so of course it didn't work out... I Know some of you are going to roll your eyes or facepalm but windows mobile is superior to ADroid and iPhone in every aspect of usage and convenience and great integration of little things like Cortana reading my txt messages to me while I drive and being able to answer also while never taking my eyes off the road.. ADroid forget it! there's so many example of things like that, that I can give but don't have the patience to write everything LOL I'm already getting CTS from writing this post! lmao

There’s no third OS because capitalism and development only need and will support two. Whether it’s Microsoft and unlimited resources or BlackBerry and limited resources, capitalism and development only want duopoly since a monopoly isn’t allowed. It speaks nothing about quality or quantity just who are the first two getting devs on board. That’s why standard OS is Microsoft/Apple for now and probably will be for awhile.
There’s no third OS because capitalism and development only need and will support two. Whether it’s Microsoft and unlimited resources or BlackBerry and limited resources, capitalism and development only want duopoly since a monopoly isn’t allowed. It speaks nothing about quality or quantity just who are the first two getting devs on board. That’s why standard OS is Microsoft/Apple for now and probably will be for awhile.
, there is a third OS rising though (besides some asian OS'ses); KaiOS. It is more meant for cheap/feature phones but it does have whatsapp, facebook, youtube etc. I wish it would value privacy features a bit more (like e.g. sailfish) but than again they would than probably miss the (money and app/features) investments of Google etc they now have.
After reading all of the post giving opinions for 3 OS's phone systems, I can only state my simple response:

"IF" a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his *** when he hopped.
There’s no third OS because capitalism and development only need and will support two. Whether it’s Microsoft and unlimited resources or BlackBerry and limited resources, capitalism and development only want duopoly since a monopoly isn’t allowed. It speaks nothing about quality or quantity just who are the first two getting devs on board. That’s why standard OS is Microsoft/Apple for now and probably will be for awhile.

Doesn’t quality or quantity develop through support and meeting customer expectations?
Is a duopoly a bad thing? How many potential OS’s do we need?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck.....
I doubt anyone really cares much about that anymore. If they do they shouldn't. There are much bigger fish to fry than being an OS of choice from my perspective.
There’s no third OS because capitalism and development only need and will support two. Whether it’s Microsoft and unlimited resources or BlackBerry and limited resources, capitalism and development only want duopoly since a monopoly isn’t allowed. It speaks nothing about quality or quantity just who are the first two getting devs on board.
True. Most don't know that before Gates founded Microsoft, he opened a small chain of Taco fast food restaurants. When they went bankrupt, Bill blamed it on the world only needing the burger or chicken places that existed before, concluding no other type of fast food is viable.
True. Most don't know that before Gates founded Microsoft, he opened a small chain of Taco fast food restaurants. When they went bankrupt, Bill blamed it on the world only needing the burger or chicken places that existed before, concluding no other type of fast food is viable.
Awesome Right there. Don't worry about what's around you. The more you focus on it the more you are a product of it...
"Nope, I think they're taking a different approach. There is room for a 3rd platform, but it all comes down to the apps"

There is no 3rd platform anywhere. In IBM mainframes, you have IBM's z/OS (plus variants) and Linux. In PC servers, you have Linux and Windows. On the desktop/laptop, you have Windows and MacOS.

Why should phones be any different?

Remember, PCs didn't really take off until there was a single standard. We had Apple 2s, Radio Shack TRS-80s (with various incompatibilities between models), CP/M systems from dozens of companies (with various incompatibilities between models/companies), the Apple 3, the Apple Lisa and the Apple Mac.

Not to mention the various Commodore, Atari, Amiga, Texas Instruments systems. And on and on and on.

None of these were software compatible with each other. Imagine being a software house in 1983, having to potentially code for a dozen different systems. At one point Radio Shack had 5 different machines, all incompatible with each other. Apple had 4.

Talk about a nightmare.

Then the IBM PC came along in 1981. All of the above machines were gone by 1988, except the Mac.

Two systems are enough. Yes, "it all comes down to the apps". The fact is, no one is going to code for 3 systems. We have 2 well established, popular phone systems. A 3rd is simply not needed, and will not get any dev support.

If a 3rd comes along, it will only be a success if it manages to displace one of the others. Good luck with that. As someone above said, "If anyone could have done it, it was Microsoft. They tried and failed."
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