I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

but... BB had android as a base... no? and I used BB and even had the BB playbook, which in its time was a great device! I just don't understand how BB could not have been popular... it was such a secure device! and used ADdroid as a base... I guess people are so funny... I myself don't see/understand the popularity of ADdroid... I just don't get people lol

Once Apple showed the world you could use your finger to control the phone, BlackBerry's days were numbered. Then the App Store came along and it's coffin was nailed shut.

People wanted what's new, cool, hip and convenient. The iPhone showed the world what smartphones could really do and from then on, nothing else, apart from to a lesser extent, Android, ever measured up. And the rest is history.
I've sacrificed my wife to Android. Nokia 7 plus. I'm hanging on as long as I can! Being forced to reset my phone made me lose the instagram app is annoying. No video and direct messages on the web instagram :(
I don't use instagram myself but according to AAWP Winsta UWP is a good 3d party option Winsta UWP adds Instagram photo uploading/sharing

Glad to see ppl still using windows phone. I am still using my Lumia 950 as my daily driver and it works perfectly although I could do with a new battery if anyone knows where I could get a good reliable one.
It is still the best mobile OS out there and I'm gonna stick with it. I even bought aWiley Fox Pro as a back up if needed.
I'm also followig the 950 hacking to windows 10 which seems to be gaining momentum and success. I might join the party at a future date.
Still, there is little out there to beat the 950 and I'm staying put!
not stopping any time soon, I'm buying a brand new in box HP X3 which will be my 3rd one, to good of a deal to pass on! and I still luv using my X3 haven't gotten bored of it and all the apps and games I use are still working perfectly... but that is changing all the time and when the time comes and I need to, I will pull out my LG G6... which to me is an android equivalent of the L950
My 950 started going erratic whenever the battery level went below 40%. Replaced it with this and it works like a charm now. I am using my 950 for Mail, Calendar, WhatsApp, Camera, Podcast, OneNote, Cortana (for texting while driving), News, SMS, Skype, TuneIn, phone calls (not many people do this :wink:) and so on. Never needed anything else. I have used iOS and Android and found them both to be overkill and complex to use. WM is so simple, elegant and does more than those two (e.g. LiveTiles). I am staying put until it dies.
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I moved on back in March, went to android, however a relative needed a camera, and my l950 still works, so I fired it up to get it going for them.

Got a few updates, and I still get annoyed at how clunky android is in terms of UI and integration. While loading is slow for a lot of apps on the lumia, doing things still works really well, and is much quicker. I miss the dedicated search button most actually. Somehow the mS launcher widget just isn't the same.

I'm basically bored with android. I don't download any new apps, most of the games suck. I'm not going back, but it is good to see that windows phone is going along. It almost seems like they're keeping it handy for some reason, as some things have had improvements and upgrades.

My Nokia 8 camera sucks, as soon as I find a decent replacement, this phone is gone.
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I can't find a replacement to my Lumia yet, and I don't see myself using an iPhone or an Android device. This is my ninth Windows mobile/phone and I hope Microsoft decide to change its strategy.
I can't find a replacement to my Lumia yet, and I don't see myself using an iPhone or an Android device. This is my ninth Windows mobile/phone and I hope Microsoft decide to change its strategy.

And I'm still usi g my L950 as my daily driver and will until end of December when WhatsApp will leave the platform. That will be a deal breaker for me. If out continues to work then I will continue to use my Lumia. I still love it and the OS. I just hope MS gets back in the game with a surface phone running Santorini. It would seem that this new OS can run android apps and, with the nee Chrome Edge browser PWAs will have a new lease of life. I believe there is a window here for MS and I hope they use it. There is absolutely room for a third mobile ecosystem.
And I'm still usi g my L950 as my daily driver and will until end of December when WhatsApp will leave the platform. That will be a deal breaker for me. If out continues to work then I will continue to use my Lumia. I still love it and the OS. I just hope MS gets back in the game with a surface phone running Santorini. It would seem that this new OS can run android apps and, with the nee Chrome Edge browser PWAs will have a new lease of life. I believe there is a window here for MS and I hope they use it. There is absolutely room for a third mobile ecosystem.

I hate to tell you but WhatsApp will definitely stop working soon, but I am forced to use my android phone now cuzz my band 2 has ceased to function! I really needed that to work as I can't hear incoming calls and needed the band 2 to vibrate to alert me of incoming calls... That I'm afraid was the last straw for me... Now using my LG G7 phone and it sucks!!! lol
I hate to tell you but WhatsApp will definitely stop working soon, but I am forced to use my android phone now cuzz my band 2 has ceased to function! I really needed that to work as I can't hear incoming calls and needed the band 2 to vibrate to alert me of incoming calls... That I'm afraid was the last straw for me... Now using my LG G7 phone and it sucks!!! lol

I felt the same way when my last Band 2 died this past February. I'm now using a Garmin Vivoactiv 3 Music and sync it with my Surface. Still using my 950XL, but it definitely took a few days getting used to using my phone vibration and sound for notifications again. Now its a non issue.
... but I am forced to use my android phone now cuzz my band 2 has ceased to function! I really needed that to work as I can't hear incoming calls and needed the band 2 to vibrate to alert me of incoming calls... That I'm afraid was the last straw for me... Now using my LG G7 phone and it sucks!!! lol

OMG, I thought for sure you'd be using your elite x3 to the last breathe or next windows mobile device!
Also can't believe your band 2 lasted this long.
OMG, I thought for sure you'd be using your elite x3 to the last breathe or next windows mobile device!
Also can't believe your band 2 lasted this long.

oh I'm still using it.. just not as much as I would like... I go back to it sparingly when I get fed up with android... using android has made me very bitter and angry at MSFT, how they could have given up and like they did and just totally screwed up the release of WM phones from NOT doing enough to advertise, to doing things they shouldn't.... shame on you MSFT and shame on Nadella!!

edit: also forgot to mention how angry I am that MSFT just made our band 2 useless when abandoning the band 2, by crippling the health monitor app and making it useless!!! I'm sure it wouldn't cost THAT much to leave something on so we can still use our watches with just our phones! really sh!tty of them to just "unplug us" and render our watches useless like that... "flips MSFT the bird"
I felt the same way when my last Band 2 died this past February. I'm now using a Garmin Vivoactiv 3 Music and sync it with my Surface. Still using my 950XL, but it definitely took a few days getting used to using my phone vibration and sound for notifications again. Now its a non issue.

how does the Garmin watch work with MSFT? I'm sure they don't have a windows app for it... does it only rely on BT?
"using android has made me very bitter and angry........"

Yeah it did that to me too. Not angry at Microsoft, they just did what any business does to a product that is not selling and is losing billions of dollars. They killed it. Now - without a loser phone business - Microsoft is a huge success again.

I was angry because Android is a mess. Android is Google. How many more reasons do you need to not use Android?

So, of course I moved on to the only other option. Apple. Try it. You might just like it.

"There is absolutely room for a third mobile ecosystem"

No, there is not. That has already been tried and it failed. We have Android, for those who like to follow the crowd. We have Apple, for those who don't want to follow the crowd. Why is a 3rd choice even needed?
"There is absolutely room for a third mobile ecosystem"

No, there is not. That has already been tried and it failed.

This is not a popular opinion, especially in the Windows crowd. However, I think it is true. Developers would probably prefer if there would be only one ecosystem.

Imagine if there were 3 ecosystems, all equal to each other in market share and usage. Developers would be forced to create 3 apps to cover the market. As it is now, they need 2 apps to cover the market. How is 3 better than 2 for a developer? One would be best for them!

Also, desktop has a much more lopsided situation. Sure, MacOS and Linux exist, but together they are at 12%. Windows has 87% market share on desktop, much higher than Android's 70% in mobile.

We have Android, for those who like to follow the crowd. We have Apple, for those who don't want to follow the crowd. Why is a 3rd choice even needed?

I don't think that using Android is "following the crowd" any more than using Apple. However, I wouldn't blame that on either side. What are the options?

Am I "following the crowd" when I drive my car on the road? Why not head out cross country? How about when I eat at a restaurant with other patrons vs finding an empty field somewhere and sitting down to eat? When I run a power line from the grid into my home vs setting up my own generator?
how does the Garmin watch work with MSFT? I'm sure they don't have a windows app for it... does it only rely on BT?

Fitbit is your safest bet - for now. The Fitbit app works very well with Windows 10 Mobile, the notifications are spot on and you can use Fitbit Pay for mobile payments if you have an Ionic or Versa Special Edition. The app was recently updated through the Store so there’s also that.

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