I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

I don’t post here often but here I am. I’m a CrackBerry BlackBerry guy. I moved from BBOS and BB10 onto Android via BBAndroid with BlackBerry and BlackBerry Mobile. I also own Android Flagships though I prefer the BBAndroid experience on my latest AT&T KEYone though not as well supported by the carrier as I expected. That being said, I use iPads but only for the last five years as alternative Mobile OS to supplement my phones. I recently used hand-me-down iPhone 5 from my kids that I purchased six years ago. That prompted my first new iPhone XR purchase for me. Three mobile OS
used for last 12 years since I dual carry for both of my business needs. Actually, four Mobile OS, since I carried Windows phone different times also.

Sticking with any OS that hasn’t stuck with you is misguided loyalty. Microsoft supports Android/IOS just like BlackBerry transitioned. If you want to commiserate, head over to CrackBerry and you’ll see the parallels. The what next is easy because it was decided for you long ago. It’s Android/IOS, just take your pick, or use both. It’s crossplatform and quite enjoyable between devices. One large contract I have requires Windows 7 programs on a laptop. It’s miserable because I’m locked out from mobile capabilities other than laptop. It uses Lotus Notes e-mail if you can imagine the pain.

Good Luck and Merry Christmas.....
no one is here sticking with MSFT because of brand loyalty lol we are sticking with MSFT (WM10 actually) because we like the OS *period* and/or we don't like the "other" choice of OS and prefer to stay with WM for as long as we can.... IF/WHEN MSFT releases Andromeda then we will change to that.. if MSFT doesn't release it, then we will begrudgingly move to whatever we're stuck with... but it is seriously dishearteningly to realize there is only 2 OS's to chose from... all of you in this and other threads don't realize how annoying it is to be pushed and chastise into going over to ADroid/ IOS and can't accept that in the end it is OUR DECISION not yours... you like Adroid/IOS for whatever reasons/justifications then go and be at peace with it... just leave us WM users to our fun :wink:
no one is here sticking with MSFT because of brand loyalty lol we are sticking with MSFT (WM10 actually) because we like the OS *period* and/or we don't like the "other" choice of OS and prefer to stay with WM for as long as we can.... IF/WHEN MSFT releases Andromeda then we will change to that.. if MSFT doesn't release it, then we will begrudgingly move to whatever we're stuck with... but it is seriously dishearteningly to realize there is only 2 OS's to chose from... all of you in this and other threads don't realize how annoying it is to be pushed and chastise into going over to ADroid/ IOS and can't accept that in the end it is OUR DECISION not yours... you like Adroid/IOS for whatever reasons/justifications then go and be at peace with it... just leave us WM users to our fun :wink:

I agree it’s always better to have more choices. It creates competition and variety.
I blame the actual corporations for this though, not forum members. BlackBerry and Microsoft thought thought they were infallible and didn’t have to react to the changes that were occurring. I won’t continue to support companies like that, but that’s just my choice.
no one is here sticking with MSFT because of brand loyalty lol we are sticking with MSFT (WM10 actually) because we like the OS *period* and/or we don't like the "other" choice of OS and prefer to stay with WM for as long as we can.... IF/WHEN MSFT releases Andromeda then we will change to that.. if MSFT doesn't release it, then we will begrudgingly move to whatever we're stuck with... but it is seriously dishearteningly to realize there is only 2 OS's to chose from... all of you in this and other threads don't realize how annoying it is to be pushed and chastise into going over to ADroid/ IOS and can't accept that in the end it is OUR DECISION not yours... you like Adroid/IOS for whatever reasons/justifications then go and be at peace with it... just leave us WM users to our fun :wink:

My comment about moving specifically answered “what next” and I’m not saying to move right now. However, I’m sure you’re familiar with other different OS already. My point was if you support Microsoft, luckily, they’re supporting the other different mobile OS now. I don’t believe anywhere that I chastised you but if you feel wronged on any thread, hit the report button. That’s what it’s for. I referenced CrackBerry so that you can see, it happens everywhere, but you can’t be on public blogs and expect a safe place from different views. That’s what threads are for. Differing points of view.
My comment about moving specifically answered “what next” and I’m not saying to move right now. However, I’m sure you’re familiar with other different OS already. My point was if you support Microsoft, luckily, they’re supporting the other different mobile OS now. I don’t believe anywhere that I chastised you but if you feel wronged on any thread, hit the report button. That’s what it’s for. I referenced CrackBerry so that you can see, it happens everywhere, but you can’t be on public blogs and expect a safe place from different views. That’s what threads are for. Differing points of view.

I wasn't saying "you" specifically that was chastising, I meant many others on this forum in general... and yes I agree people should be able to post their disagreements and differant views, but I have viewed that many on here don't like that we as WM users have this different view and wanna stick with our windows phone... some of us have a dislike of ADdroid and IOS and thats ok too... thats all I was saying...
That's an incorrect generalization. Brand loyalty plays some role as well.

says YOU... others feel differently about that. believe me there is others on here that aren't happy with MSFT as a company and don't like the stupid things they've done to us USERS and how they've abandoned us users, but still stick with WM because some of us feel its more better OS that suits us better... like myself for instance... if something came out that was better than the 3 OS then I'm sure we would jump on board and go with "whatever" company... like say blackberry for instance. say BB came out with their own OS on a phone sorta like windows or lets say HP came back with webOS but more current standards then I would probably jump to that too lol my point being is there is not any benefits to only 2 OS and there isn't any benefits to too many OS also... get what I mean? as of now some of us are not happy with ADdroid or IOS for multiple reasons... so what else is there to do? accept stick with WM for as long as we can...
I wasn't saying "you" specifically that was chastising, I meant many others on this forum in general... and yes I agree people should be able to post their disagreements and differant views, but I have viewed that many on here don't like that we as WM users have this different view and wanna stick with our windows phone... some of us have a dislike of ADdroid and IOS and thats ok too... thats all I was saying...

That’s alright. See my response in my other post.
says YOU... others feel differently about that. believe me there is others on here that aren't happy with MSFT as a company and don't like the stupid things they've done to us USERS and how they've abandoned us users, but still stick with WM because some of us feel its more better OS that suits us better... like myself for instance... if something came out that was better than the 3 OS then I'm sure we would jump on board and go with "whatever" company... like say blackberry for instance. say BB came out with their own OS on a phone sorta like windows or lets say HP came back with webOS but more current standards then I would probably jump to that too lol my point being is there is not any benefits to only 2 OS and there isn't any benefits to too many OS also... get what I mean? as of now some of us are not happy with ADdroid or IOS for multiple reasons... so what else is there to do? accept stick with WM for as long as we can...

The reason i keep referring back to CrackBerry is the same arguments go back and forth there with the similar reason from both sides. Ironically, BB had it’s OS twice, BBOS and BB10, yet couldn’t survive. Just thought you might find interesting....
The reason i keep referring back to CrackBerry is the same arguments go back and forth there with the similar reason from both sides. Ironically, BB had it’s OS twice, BBOS and BB10, yet couldn’t survive. Just thought you might find interesting....

Absolutely true. The exact same defensive comments were being made. It went so far as a certain group leaving the forums to start their own where they could mock Android and iOS and exalt the superiority of BlackBerry.....until it completely failed. Guess what they use now? Mostly Android.

No one is saying anyone has to leave Windows mobile. If it’s still working for you, and you like it, so be it. It doesn’t hurt anyone. At the same time there is nothing wrong with having a factual conversation about the future where it will not exist. Perhaps Andromeda will, perhaps it will not. Maybe something new and exciting will come along and take the world by storm. One thing we do know is technology is ever changing and it helps to be flexible so these changes don’t find you unable to adapt.
The reason i keep referring back to CrackBerry is the same arguments go back and forth there with the similar reason from both sides. Ironically, BB had it’s OS twice, BBOS and BB10, yet couldn’t survive. Just thought you might find interesting....

but... BB had android as a base... no? and I used BB and even had the BB playbook, which in its time was a great device! I just don't understand how BB could not have been popular... it was such a secure device! and used ADdroid as a base... I guess people are so funny... I myself don't see/understand the popularity of ADdroid... I just don't get people lol
Absolutely true. The exact same defensive comments were being made. It went so far as a certain group leaving the forums to start their own where they could mock Android and iOS and exalt the superiority of BlackBerry.....until it completely failed. Guess what they use now? Mostly Android.

No one is saying anyone has to leave Windows mobile. If it’s still working for you, and you like it, so be it. It doesn’t hurt anyone. At the same time there is nothing wrong with having a factual conversation about the future where it will not exist. Perhaps Andromeda will, perhaps it will not. Maybe something new and exciting will come along and take the world by storm. One thing we do know is technology is ever changing and it helps to be flexible so these changes don’t find you unable to adapt.

ACTUALLY, not true a lot of people are saying it.... which is why we (WM users) get so annoyed
ACTUALLY, not true a lot of people are saying it.... which is why we (WM users) get so annoyed

I’m not sure why you would get annoyed about something someone says (opinion) on the internet if you feel secure about your decision to stay with WM. It shouldn’t affect you at all. Enjoy your phone and be happy.
but... BB had android as a base... no? and I used BB and even had the BB playbook, which in its time was a great device! I just don't understand how BB could not have been popular... it was such a secure device! and used ADdroid as a base... I guess people are so funny... I myself don't see/understand the popularity of ADdroid... I just don't get people lol

No. BBOS7 and previous not Android. BB10 from 2013 had similarities but Android developers could make some minor changes and port their apps over instead of developing native. Later BB10 incorporated Google ART 4.3 but it’s forever stuck at that level.
I’m not sure why you would get annoyed about something someone says (opinion) on the internet if you feel secure about your decision to stay with WM. It shouldn’t affect you at all. Enjoy your phone and be happy.

Well what annoys me is that people get chastise for not going with ADdroid/IOS and saying Windows Mobile is *insert whatever* and not too stay with it... Subtle undertow that we're idiots for sticking with WM and I can read between the lines... Having to defend ourselves for whatever reasons we chose to stick it out... Even in this thread and others, and please don't tell me I'm imagining all of this... But does it affect my life? .no, Not in the least... Still rocking my X3 all the while answering this post with it ??????

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