I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

What support do you need? Our Windows Mobile Phones work great.

Sure, if you want to talk and text. These phones are mini computers. More and more business is being completed on the phone. Support you ask? How about for just about everything. There are only so many shortcuts to websites that you can add. Then you have the apps that don't have full blown website functionality and rely on the app. Sadly your phones will continue to work probably longer than what few apps that are left.

There's been a lot of discussion on Waze not working. I need Waze for my job. If I was still on WP I would be in a world of hurt. Granted, some of you don't need it to the extent I do.

To keep saying "our phones work great" sounds like a badge of honor. I thought the same thing until I left WP. Wow, I wish I had moved sooner, and this was 2yrs ago!

I thought WP was the best. But when devs aren't supporting the OS and MS isn't supporting it, when do you say enough is enough? Don't you get tired of never seeing "available for Windows phone"?
To keep saying "our phones work great" sounds like a badge of honor. I thought the same thing until I left WP. Wow, I wish I had moved sooner, and this was 2yrs ago!

I thought WP was the best. But when devs aren't supporting the OS and MS isn't supporting it, when do you say enough is enough? Don't you get tired of never seeing "available for Windows phone"?

For my use case, most functions are workable, and some, my preference is WP, but too many things now are barely working that the phone is just not worth persisting with, not to mention the utterly decrepit state of third party apps. My problem is no one makes hardware which I can honestly say I'd be happy with. That's the really annoying part.

Was waiting for the Nokia 9, which still looks like a promising device, but with SD845, it better be cheaper than the others.
My problem is no one makes hardware which I can honestly say I'd be happy with. That's the really annoying part.

I really liked my Nokia phones, but my Samsung S7 has held up just fine. Now, granted, it lives in a case of some sort, but I've not had any issues with it.

This is my first Samsung smartphone, so I'm staying them when I upgrade.
I really liked my Nokia phones, but my Samsung S7 has held up just fine. Now, granted, it lives in a case of some sort, but I've not had any issues with it.

This is my first Samsung smartphone, so I'm staying them when I upgrade.

My problem is more along the lines of, I'd prefer to have a dedicated camera button, like the lumias, headphone jack, and no notch.

Seems to be that the dedicated camera button is pretty much non existent, except on sony phones, meanwhile the headphone jack is being dropped off wherever it can. Samsung still offers it, and I think they will continue to, but I've been eyeballing the yet-to-be-released nokia 9, and I get the feeling that it's going only have no notch.

Bit of a annoying trend from my point of view.
Most Sony phones have a dedicated camera button as well as numerous other Nokia Lumia features
After having used my Lumia 950 XL and Samsung Galaxy S8 on and off I have had plenty of chances to compare them. The truth is that what I cannot get done on a mobile website or some app on the Lumia 950 XL I can simply just do on my laptops or Desktops. Android is by no way a must have if one is that flexible. I think that people are forgetting that what many apps can do on a phone you can also do in a browser on a computer. Only real big issue I would have is if Spotify would stop work on my Lumia 950 XL but then I have Spoticast so....

Windows 10 Mobile will continue to be useful for some years yet. I prefer to take pictures with my Lumia 950 XL rather than the Samsung S8 though. For me light web surfing reading news, checking mails, texting and making phone calls as well as planing my day with the To do is great and all I need. hence for me any Win 10 mobile like HP Elite X3, Alcatel Idol S4 or Lumia 950 XL would do fine in most cases.
I think that people are forgetting that what many apps can do on a phone you can also do in a browser on a computer.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I'm sure people are aware.

Definition of mobile - able to move or be moved freely or easily, relating to mobile phones, handheld computers. If one's isn't, and they require such, then think it time to upgrade. :winktongue: Essentially you can't compare the two in the sense you are because all you have said "some of us are content relying on a PC when our smartphone is incapable of filling the gap". Perfectly fine for those choosing that path yet the idea of a smartphone is to mitigate the need for a computer.
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My problem is more along the lines of, I'd prefer to have a dedicated camera button, like the lumias, headphone jack, and no notch.

I think you'll continue to see some sort of quick-action to the camera, with the power button, since it's already incorporated on some phones. A double click of my home button on my S7 brings up my camera, even from the Always On Display
I think you'll continue to see some sort of quick-action to the camera, with the power button, since it's already incorporated on some phones. A double click of my home button on my S7 brings up my camera, even from the Always On Display

I can live without it, but it's just that the dedicated button is so much better to use. Similarly, a notch, while annoying to look at, can live with it. The disappearing headphone jacks is a bigger concern. It's just stupid why the industry is heading in that direction.

It's quite frustrating that no one makes a phone with a combination of all the features that I want. Ideally a lumia 950, with android, and modern hardware.
It's quite frustrating that no one makes a phone with a combination of all the features that I want. Ideally a lumia 950, with android, and modern hardware.

Well, you could design and sell your perfect phone.
Let us know when it’s ready.
While I would love to pick up a Nokia Lumia 1520 and just roll with the punches, I need a phone that's going to be an extension of functionality. And I have been a hardcore WP user and swore by the platform.

But I do miss it. But I don't want Win10. I absolutely hated that refresh. I miss the WP days and the integrated social media.
I hear ya. The People app no longer syncs your social media contacts and pictures. This started after the December Update.
While I would love to pick up a Nokia Lumia 1520 and just roll with the punches, I need a phone that's going to be an extension of functionality. And I have been a hardcore WP user and swore by the platform.

But I do miss it. But I don't want Win10. I absolutely hated that refresh. I miss the WP days and the integrated social media.
I haven't posted here (or even visited) in a long long time, but, something inside me told me to stop by, so here I am. I updated and played around with my Lumia 1320 today, and, as much as I miss W10M, and really enjoyed using it again, my BLU Vivo XL4 just does more of what I need a phone to do.

I just wish things had gone differently for Windows on phones...
I'm still here as well, although I am planning a move to a Note 8 when things start getting really wonky.
So far, my 950 XL is still working. Every now and then (becoming more and more frequent) I have to soft reboot, take out the battery, resend texts, but as long as I can keep working with it, I'll stay. I only wish I was able to fix the issue with the front camera...
Vive le resistance!
I'm still here as well, although I am planning a move to a Note 8 when things start getting really wonky.
So far, my 950 XL is still working. Every now and then (becoming more and more frequent) I have to soft reboot, take out the battery, resend texts, but as long as I can keep working with it, I'll stay. I only wish I was able to fix the issue with the front camera...
Vive le resistance!

My days are numbered (like until tomorrow that is). Struggling to decide on whether to buy an older Nokia 8 for less money, or splurge on a Galaxy S10e.

My the thing holding me back is basically whether 5G will go mainstream in the next year or two. If it's 3-5 years, I'd probably be a bit more tempted with the S10e, but at this stage, I'm kind of siding with the cheaper option. After all, the S10e is 3.3 times the cost of the Nokia 8. I'm not sure I'm getting my money's worth with the S10e, it's really expensive for what it is.

The main problem I've had with picking a phone is basically finding one with all the features I want. Unfortunately no one makes android phones with the same kind of design philosophy as the Lumia phones. They were remarkable. I still rank the L920 really highly, it was of the greatest phones for its time ever.
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Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I'm sure people are aware.

Definition of mobile - able to move or be moved freely or easily, relating to mobile phones, handheld computers. If one's isn't, and they require such, then think it time to upgrade. :winktongue: Essentially you can't compare the two in the sense you are because all you have said "some of us are content relying on a PC when our smartphone is incapable of filling the gap". Perfectly fine for those choosing that path yet the idea of a smartphone is to mitigate the need for a computer.

I have 4 desktop computers at home that I have built, no laptops, no tablets and one cell phone, an Essential phone. I prefer to choose what hardware goes into my computing devices and except for when I am out and about or on the toilet, I am on one of my desktops computers and enjoying them.

Sorry but, mobile is limiting, regardless of the factors involved. Most of the time, my phone remains in my pocket when I am out and about.
I have 4 desktop computers at home that I have built, no laptops, no tablets and one cell phone, an Essential phone. I prefer to choose what hardware goes into my computing devices and except for when I am out and about or on the toilet, I am on one of my desktops computers and enjoying them.

Sorry but, mobile is limiting, regardless of the factors involved. Most of the time, my phone remains in my pocket when I am out and about.

Of course there are limiting factors w/mobile that wasn't my point. My point was in regards WP and the lack of apps which requires one to rely on its browser to take up the slack (not always possible), or use a PC. Whereas the other platforms are capable of much more in comparison especially due to their app availability (need dependant of course) which lessens the need for a PC/laptop... hence why we used the term "mitigate" not eliminate.
Haven't been on here in awhile. Glad to know some are still using Windows mobile. Am still using Elite X3. Still works like nobody's business lol

Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk

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