Is 1520 still worth buying?


With confidence, I can say that THIS is the best Windows Phone yet.

The gorgeous display, fantastic battery life, amazing camera and solid build overall makes it still the best WP to buy especially with the prices going down right now. I can see myself still rocking this phone until the next 2+ years.

One thing for me though, although I love the size, it's really a burden to use it while running. I still can't find a decent armband for the phone. I tried te Spibelt but it kept bouncing and I wasn't comfortable with it. Also, while it fits my front pocket, when I connect my headphones it's just a big rectagle with an "antenna" because of the base of my headphones.

I don't like to replace my 1520 yet so I'm looking at other headphones that have flat bases to actually fit in my pants. If I can't find anything, I might get the new flagship later this year if sized right, if not then I'm going to stay.

This is just a personal gripe though. If I don't listen to music all day, I'm sure I wouldn't have any problems with the 1520.

I'd say go for it. The 1520 is just too amazing and can still compete with flagships of 2015.
Thanks for the suggestion. Since 1520 has is discontinued by MS, so all retailers are running shortage in their stock.

Can someone suggestion me a good stylus and an application, which converts hand written input into digital, just like the way, it is in Surface Pro 3 and Note 3? If there is, I have enough reasons to convince my dad to go for 1520 instead of note 3 or 4.
I was referring to the Nexus 6.

To OP:
A device with a digitizer intended for a stylus should always out perform one without such a digitizer in handwriting recognition. The question of value depends on if such a system will be used the majority of the time or (as was the case with my wife) he plays with it a month then gives up and uses the on-screen keypad from then on.
I was referring to the Nexus 6.

To OP:
A device with a digitizer intended for a stylus should always out perform one without such a digitizer in handwriting recognition. The question of value depends on if such a system will be used the majority of the time or (as was the case with my wife) he plays with it a month then gives up and uses the on-screen keypad from then on.

I know that, but, my dad is not a technical enthusiastic like me. He will always prefer hand writing over typing. So he will prefer a good stylus (pressure sensitive if possible), and an application, so that anything that he types, automatically converts into digital.
I was referring to the Nexus 6.

To OP:
A device with a digitizer intended for a stylus should always out perform one without such a digitizer in handwriting recognition. The question of value depends on if such a system will be used the majority of the time or (as was the case with my wife) he plays with it a month then gives up and uses the on-screen keypad from then on.

Ohh. I totally missed it. Thanks.​
Then by all means get him a note. Then learn these two lines you will repeat over and over.

"Well, you wanted a pen. Live with it."
"You wanted the crayon phone, live with it."

You will get to say these alot.
Then by all means get him a note. Then learn these two lines you will repeat over and over.

"Well, you wanted a pen. Live with it."
"You wanted the crayon phone, live with it."

You will get to say these alot.

I am in favor of getting a 1520 over its inferior counterpart Note 3, if I can get that stylus and a software
I had those issues and it drove me to hate the phone. Especially on days where I've had a bad day, maaaaan did it ever get on my nerves. I miss everything else about that phone. I have the 930 now, just wish it was bigger!

If it's any consolation, when I had the W10 Preview on my 1520, the phantom touches were gone and the slow screen rotation was greatly improved. I rolled back to Denim after 2 weeks because it's really not ready for its airworthiness certificate yet. As soon as I did, the phantom touches returned. Oh well, the time's getting closer for the public release.

If you are very careful with the phone and baby it you won't have the touchscreen issues, it's not a QC issue it's a design flaw that made the phone much more fragile compare to smaller phones like the 930 or Icon. I have phantom touch issue after nearly a year of use and Microsoft refuse to service it in the US because mine (1520.3) is not a US market phone, still I would buy this phone again in a hear beat, but this time around I would baby it like an iPhone 6 Plus.

Thanks a lot for your comments guys!
Still worth buying? For me, definitely. Just bought a nearly new 16 GB AT&T 1520 to replace my 920 (still in great shape) while I wait for the new flagship. Had been waiting for the 640XL but decided to go for 1520. Wanted to try out the large format and that has turned out to be a big plus so far. Still porting photos and music to the phone but am impressed by the overall performance, camera and screen. I am experiencing the slow rotation issue but I can live with it. The Miracast feature is very handy for photo/video viewing.
I know that, but, my dad is not a technical enthusiastic like me. He will always prefer hand writing over typing. So he will prefer a good stylus (pressure sensitive if possible), and an application, so that anything that he types, automatically converts into digital.

I don't have a Note, but I have a stylus using the same tech in my SP2. I've also tried capacitive styluses. It seems like your dad would be a lot better off with the Note if he cares more about written notes than the OS. Writing on a normal phone with the fat crayon stylus is very tedious and awkward. It's actually still terrible on a full size iPad (I tried the new OneNote version). There's no substitute for a real stylus like the Note has, it will be incomparably better than trying to use a capacitive stylus with a 1520. They aren't even close, and the difference is even bigger on a small device like a phone. Also, capacitive palm rejection is rubbish. With a digitizer, a device knows to only pay attention to the pen when it's near the screen.

I would love it if they made a 1520 successor with a stylus, but for now the Note is the only real option for handwriting IMO.
Unfortunately 1520 is out of production, and none of the dealer has it in stock, except for few stores by AT&T :(
I vote yes. I have the Note 3 as a secondary phone now. (started having some reset issues with it that could be an app issue for all I know-not faulting the device-it's a nice device). But I got back into the Windows scene again-using a Surface tablet and a 2 in 1 so wanted to try a Windows phone again many years later. (had a Windows Mobile phone we're talking 10 plus years ago along with the Treo days). Totally different platform now of course. I got it about two months ago at the Microsoft Store for $99 as I'm in the US and my one line was upgradeable. At the time the phone was still at Best Buy for $199. I chose it for the size and I love the thing! The 16 GB memory with a SD card expandable works just fine. The 2GB RAM is no problem-runs just as fast as my Note 3-I don't have any issues. I also can see the screen better in direct sunlight. I can live without the stylus. I don't use the stylus as often as I thought I would though I can see where I has its advantages. But I am a tech lover and I bought this phone late in the game of this phone's life span and feel my phone is as up to date as anyone else's out there. Just as quick, good pictures, good call quality, same everything, great screen, but I like the way Windows does it.
Update: Been using my 1520 for 10 days now and I'm very satisfied. Phone performs very well. I use navigation everyday and I drive for 2 hrs while playing music on my car. Yea screen is turned off and I follow the voice navigation but when i come back home i have 70% battery remaining. I plug my phone for charging every night because i had that habit with my 920. Otherwise this phone needs charge once in 2 days.
Unfortunately 1520 is out of production, and none of the dealer has it in stock, except for few stores by AT&T :(
New in box will be hard to come by and most in the US will be 16GB. The only consolation to this is the phone will not suffer "GAPPS Bloat" so space doesn't constantly disappear with each google app update as android phone do.
I bought it 10 days ago.
The only think I can say, if you like windows phone platform BUY IT!
It's simply the best windows phone right now.
I have to admit i was tempted to buy a 930, but the 1520 has glance screen (i use it a lot, i'd have missed it too much) and far bigger battery (It is just awesome, mine reached 40% after 48 hours using).
I came from a lumia 620 (3.8") and i was scared that the 6" would have been too much for me; after 10 days using it I can only say my next phone won't be smaller than 5", the experience is just epic.
Actually going to stick I out with my broken 1520 till new phones come out but since it pretty much still works I can stick it out till then but at the end of the day the my 1520 is still so good even broken it's hard to get rid of!
Am planning on replacing my lovely 925 any time I would like to change my phone to a 1520, don't really like the idea of not having glance screen (930)

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