is it worth to make the jump to the arrive?


New member
Mar 29, 2011
This isn't what the post is about so this is getting ridiculous.

I will say that the Pre had so much promise two years ago but somehow Palm managed to screw up a good thing and fail as a company and now that HP owns the company and have failed to give me 2.0 (even though my hardware prolly couldn't handle it), I can honestly say I don't think others are willing to put money into webOS and new devices. It looks slightly promising again but webOS could have competed in the early days of android but like i said, the hardware just wasn't up to par and Palm's failure doomed it to a niche product.

I hope WP7 can take off though, the 3,000 lb gorilla that is Microsoft cannot possibly allow it to fail.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I have had the Pre, all versions of the iPhone, the Droid, and the HTC Evo. The Arrive is by far the best of the bunch in my opinion. Quality hardware and Super OS!
I am looking forward to the future development on Windows Phone OS.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
My first post

I switched from Pre- on day 1 the Arrive was released. WP7 OS is simple, clean, easy to use and most importantly FAST. I was honestly surprised, was expecting something close to Android experience (slaps myself for thinking this). Phone build is solid, hardware and on screen keyboard are comfortable to type with and feels good in the hand, battery life is good for me I don't play games or music on it plus I put it in airplane mode when at work. This is a BIG plus for me no garbage Sprint or HTC Software (football, nascar, htc sense etc never used any of that crap anyway) on the phone. You do have the option of installing this stuff but only if you want to. I don't regret my switch for one bit.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
Had the Evo for ten months and loved it. Just switched to the Arrive and am enjoying it much more than the Evo. Zune is incredible, everything is so fast and beautiful, Netflix works great, love the hardware keyboard. Telenav isn't as good as Google Navigation but is a decent alternative. Flory works sometimes - hopefully a working GTalk app will be released sometime soon.

There are some complaints, though: I've read reviews talking about the great and powerful vibration on this phone. I'm finding it insufficient, certainly much less noticable than the vibration on my Evo. I'm also finding that outlook mail takes about a minute longer to be pushed to my inbox than it did for my Evo.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I got the arrive on saturday, but I took it back today to go back to my overclocked pre.

Yes, I loved the speed, the hardware, zune, netflix, kindle, hell I pretty much loved WP7... BUT, it can't compete with webOS at this point. I'm going to get an unlocked GSM Pre2 and radioswap it to get it working on sprint. webOS on a true 1GHz processor is faster than WP7 on the same 1GHz processor. In comparing the Pre2 to the Arrive, the Pre2 wins IMO. The only advantage the Arrive has over the Pre2 is a bigger marketplace. The only thing I wish the Pre marketplace had would be kindle and netflix apps. I'm sure they will come at some point.

webOS > WP7 > iOS > Android (IMHO)


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Who wants to take bets that Mongr, DontHate and Thrasher are all the same person?[/QUOTEN

Nice try but your wrong. Ask a admin to check for themselves... Is it really that hard to believe that webOS is amazing? I go to Engadget and see all these Android fan boys who even say they are rooting for webOS because of its superior multitasking and notifications.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
I got the arrive on saturday, but I took it back today to go back to my overclocked pre.

Yes, I loved the speed, the hardware, zune, netflix, kindle, hell I pretty much loved WP7... BUT, it can't compete with webOS at this point. I'm going to get an unlocked GSM Pre2 and radioswap it to get it working on sprint. webOS on a true 1GHz processor is faster than WP7 on the same 1GHz processor. In comparing the Pre2 to the Arrive, the Pre2 wins IMO. The only advantage the Arrive has over the Pre2 is a bigger marketplace. The only thing I wish the Pre marketplace had would be kindle and netflix apps. I'm sure they will come at some point.

webOS > WP7 > iOS > Android (IMHO)

wp7 has more app growth than any other OS did at this point
so in no time it will pass webPOS if it already hasn't and its slated to pass BlackBerry towards the end of the year.while u may think that webPOS is more superior to wp7 is it really worth mentioning this on wpcentral whom are which still celebrating and loving the first CDMA WP7 device?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
wp7 has more app growth than any other OS did at this point
so in no time it will pass webPOS if it already hasn't and its slated to pass BlackBerry towards the end of the year.while u may think that webPOS is more superior to wp7 is it really worth mentioning this on wpcentral whom are which still celebrating and loving the first CDMA WP7 device?

Look at the name of the thread and I think you will have answered your last sentence... This particular person is saying it is not worth it... Me,Donthate, and m0ngr are not the same people either. Get over it...
Last edited:

Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
or so u think. The mods told u to stop and gave u an infraction and u are still at it with ur nonsense. Sounds like trolling to me.
And you weren't warned? I don't think you're in a place to take the high ground here. Button it.

Who wants to take bets that Mongr, DontHate and Thrasher are all the same person?
I sure hope you're not a gambler, if so then you should seriously stop taking bets on anything.

I will repeat what Dave said; stay on topic and quit the arguments.


Jan 14, 2011
I think you'll like it. I got my Arrive last Saturday and came from the Sprint Pre Minus. I do miss the cards a bit and using the sms message tone per contact (preware).

With that being said, I think the Zune and XBox integration out weighs this for me. I am very satisfied with it.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
eric12341 or anyone else who does it--

I cannot take you seriously at all when you say "webPOS" and I am sure I'm not alone. Why not "gaydroid" or "CRAPple"? You're making yourself look like an immature fool. It brings back memories of 10 years ago, reading slashdot, and seeing all the immature linux kids saying "micro$ucks". It's lame, it says to me that you're a stubborn and stupid child; which you probably are not, I'm sure you're a great guy when not hiding behind an anonymous screen-name. Either way, anything you say is painted in that tone when you use such childish jokes.

Please stop saying "webPOS". I want to take your seriously and respect you, but I cannot if this continues. We can take this debate to somewhere the mods allow, but only if you stop with the nonsense. I understand that you have a dire burning uncontrollable disgust towards webOS. It has been noted. You can stop with the immaturity now.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Even if webOS is better than WP7 in certain asepects, it still begs the question as to how long it will take for Sprint to even get one of the new devices which by that time WP7 may already have Multitasking and even more apps and possibly even better hardware.


Mar 30, 2011
Even if webOS is better than WP7 in certain asepects, it still begs the question as to how long it will take for Sprint to even get one of the new devices which by that time WP7 may already have Multitasking and even more apps and possibly even better hardware.

WebOS is a great OS, no doubt, but even at 2.x, it's still in a beta state. Read the comments from Pre 2 owners over at PreCentral. It randomly goes unresponsive to touch or type input, has memory leaks, has glitches in various native apps. The app situation is still paltry and there's no sign of that improving in the near future. All of the existing hardware has tiny screens and there's no telling when new hardware will be out or on what carrier. Too many variables.

The Arrive is awesome and on Sprint NOW, has a great build quality NOW, has a super fluid UI NOW, has the Zune Pass NOW, has Netflix NOW, has way more polished apps NOW, voice search NOW, and is one of the most impressive handsets I've seen. This OS is also available on every carrier (except Verizon, and that's being corrected in two weeks) from several manufacturers NOW.

When the Mango update arrives with cards and Internet Explorer 9, there may be no catching up for WebOS.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
Sorry, tongue was firmly placed in cheek when I made that comment. Its interesting that the vast majority of us came from webos it appears. Fwiw I really wanted palm to succeed, but it appears that isn't the case. 2 years later and there hasn't been significant progress.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
most of us came from webos becuz we cant or dont want ios and becuz android sucks lol so the next best solution is wp7 and its a great alternative, if i had a choice id want webos and wp7 on top, not android and ios. but palm just isnt doing a fast enough job or a good enough the os it self was never as smooth or responsive as wp7. im leaving as soon as i can.

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