Is MS giving up?

I always laugh when people complain about issues when they are in a testing program. It's 'beta' software for a reason folks - don't install it unless you aren't depending on your device to be your daily driver. ...

If you have a Lumia 950/xl, you had no choice. It came with Windows 10 in all its buggie glory.
Unless your calling Windows 10 a beta, fine. But the fact that I haven't been getting general release updates and my phone keeps crashing is the problem. Having to open insider to get general updates is stupid. I know that reading is hard, but you might want to try it.
What are you talking about lol? I was making a statement about my personal experience. Idk what you quoted me for.

Zulfigar, is simply saying people will generally post about issues because they are looking for solutions whereas people who don't experience any issues will not. As the phone works fine, why go out of their way to find issues (if there are any)?

Therefore there will always imbalance in terms of perspective in forums such as this.
Do you go on any psychology forums and post in threads where people are discussing their issues, that you are not having any problems that so many people there seem to have?
I've been using Windows phone since I got my Focus when it first came out. I love the UI and the phones. I have a 950XL now. They keep pushing things to other platforms and seem unconcerned about issues in there own platform. I'm still unable to get the .36 update. Wordflow doesn't work in edge. Continual reboots. Etc.
Will the frustration ever end?

Once you embrace the iPhone it will.
WP is dead. The surface phone won't have any more apps. Without apps, the phone will never gain marketshare.
MS will botch the surface phone somehow.
They will start the OS all over AGAIN. They will do something stupid like make it AT&T only.
Since the 650 is the last of WP. You will see a few patches here and there to make that $700 950XL somewhat 'stable' and call it a day.
Your phone won't stop working. It just won't get much better. of course, it sounds like its not working anyways, so anything will be more 'stable'
Once you embrace the iPhone it will.
WP is dead. The surface phone won't have any more apps. Without apps, the phone will never gain marketshare.
MS will botch the surface phone somehow.
They will start the OS all over AGAIN. They will do something stupid like make it AT&T only.
Since the 650 is the last of WP. You will see a few patches here and there to make that $700 950XL somewhat 'stable' and call it a day.
Your phone won't stop working. It just won't get much better. of course, it sounds like its not working anyways, so anything will be more 'stable'

One of the reasons I sold my 640 xl. I don't see MS improving the OS in near future. The apps are terrible compared to Android ones, even those made by MS.
And now the news that the 650 will be the last Lumia... Well the future doesn't seem so bright
No they won't give up on mobile.
People saying they do, don't see the bigger picture, and are only looking at 1 thing which is W10 mobile, and as long as they keep doing this, they will never understand.
I always laugh when people complain about issues when they are in a testing program. It's 'beta' software for a reason folks - don't install it unless you aren't depending on your device to be your daily driver. That said, I think MS is throwing in the towel on Windows for Mobile soon, but not for the reasons you think. I think that people haven't adopted the platform like they hoped. People aren't developing Apps for the platform like they hoped. People aren't excited about the platform like they hoped. Overall, the platform has failed to do anything that they want it to. So, without further ado, I see a partnership with Intel coming where full blow Windows 10 gets rolling on the Surface Phone before the end of the year - like probably in time for the holidays.

Yes, abandoning the mobile in favor of a full version of Windows 10 would allow mobile tablets and phones to run EXE files and could load it as a PC using the Windows to Go protocols to make Continuum much more powerful. I think the Windows for Mobile idea is something that will build to a full blown version of Windows on a mobile device as soon as they have the hardware that will handle it.

Just my two cents though...

Have you been paying attention? There have been many new apps coming out and a lot of them universal. And windows 10 isn't even globally out on mobile. I barely ever saw this many apps coming out on 8.1. It was just sort of tumbleweed most of the time. So while it may not be as good as the competition it's in a much better state than before. Even existing apps are being updated and are coming out great. So not sure what you are expecting. Do you think every developer in the world has finished a quick windows 10 app without official API and are all going to submit at the same time and everything will be hunky dory?
I've been using Windows phone since I got my Focus when it first came out. I love the UI and the phones. I have a 950XL now. They keep pushing things to other platforms and seem unconcerned about issues in there own platform. I'm still unable to get the .36 update. Wordflow doesn't work in edge. Continual reboots. Etc.
Will the frustration ever end?

Word Flow does work in Edge, just not the address bar. I believe that is by design.
I think the problem is that the message Microsoft is sending by giving priority to other platforms is that W10M isn't a priority and they'll get around to it whenever they have time. Currently, W10M is a hot mess, absolutely still in beta, and has a long way to go to just get even with WP8.1. Hopefully by the time the Surface phone comes out they'll have W10M sorted, but right now it's mostly an exercise in frustration. This is coming from a diehard Microsoft fan.
Will the frustration ever end?


Microsoft seems like they are about the mighty dollar than their own products. They publicly stated that Windows Phone was a failure. So they are just selling out to all other platforms.

Now the wordflow keyboard to iOS ? Really ? Is there ANYTHING exclusive on Windows Phone at all now ? We lost Cortana, Office, Outlook, in fact, some of their products for Android and iOS are BETTER than they are on Windows Phone. Just when you would think Microsoft would put their 100% best into their own products...I guess this is not the **NEW** Microsoft

I am almost at the end of my rope with Windows 10 phone. Even current updates on the preview program version (.36), Hard reset with out restoring, did everything from ground up on my ICON.

Applcation crashes are VERY common, "Loading....." screens happen at least once a day, Create icons for each email account, click on one it opens the wrong account, random reboots, No way to mute Cortana. Even this morning, I check emails, I get long email, click "download from the server" scrolling up or down loses the rest of the email, so I have to wait 10 seconds for it to come back (FULL 5 BAR LTE, NO connection issues), Blue-tooth notifications are spotty (MS band 2, Not a 3rd party option). Of course we cant forget the just OK battery life on WIndows 10 phone

Ok, Uninversal apps, new Windows 10 platform, good play right ? Still Apps are a problem, even basic banking apps or common store or TV station apps are not available.... How about "Tap to Pay" sure coming with Windows 10 Phone, it's built in but, no such provider to use it. I know things will take time but, when you have been on a platform for over 5 years and have been told coming soon, it does get VERY OLD.

Shall I go on ? This is a released RTM/FINAL verson ? Really ?

Microsoft should change their name to "Comming Soon™"

Sigh....More waiting....
you all fail to see that there is many departments in a company. just cuase the Windows Developers aren't updating or fixing as fast as IOS or Android ones doesn't mean they are backing down or leaving W10M behind. No more lumia devices cause they plan a surface phone. Duh! Why have 2 mainstream devices.. stupid... Windows will always have a mobile os and phone cause its profitable for them. Why would you just stop accepting money from people. You guys need to use math.
They can't give up on W10M unless they are planning on giving up on Windows. They cannot go without a mobile OS because that's were most users will be in the following years.

That would be killing MS as we know it and becoming IBM to let android and ios rule the world.
I'm beginning to find these threads amusing. It's mostly the same group of people complaining about the same things over and over again, and predicting the end of WP (that's been going on for over a year now) and Microsoft's doom. The funny thing is that I've been hearing about the demise of Microsoft for the past twenty years. Mysteriously, Microsoft marches on and are becoming more profitable and have seen a significant increase in stock prices (nearly double what it was when Nadella took the reins). Meanwhile, I'm over here enjoying my phones on W10.
I thought this tread was going to be about only releasing 650 next month!
Lets make a left turn and talk about how M$ only need two phones. 650 and "Surface" phone.
I too have a Lumia Icon. I had one a year ago, sold it, and bought another one a few months ago. I thought I'd give W10M a chance. It's better, but not much. I suffer from app crashes, random reboots, email not syncing, weak WiFi signals, poor bluetooth connectivity, etc. As of right now, I am reinstalling W10M from a complete wipe. I'm tired of this crap. The mobile OS is garbage. I had these same problems a year ago. MS hasn't fixed the core issues with the OS. All you hear about is the apps. Who cares about the apps if the OS is fubar!!! This is why I bought a Moto X Pure this morning. Android may not be perfect either, but at least it has a huge support base. And to think, I almost bought a 950XL because I thought continuum was going to change everything.

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