Is MS giving up?


I'm running it on HTC One M8 my Daily driver ( My wife has the same phone & OS also) , Microsoft Lumia 535 ( My 7 yr old son) & my backup NL 925. It's strange but our experiences are nothing like that which you state. I'm happy with the direction & eagerly anticipate it getting even better.
I've been using Windows phone since I got my Focus when it first came out. I love the UI and the phones. I have a 950XL now. They keep pushing things to other platforms and seem unconcerned about issues in there own platform. I'm still unable to get the .36 update. Wordflow doesn't work in edge. Continual reboots. Etc.
Will the frustration ever end?

that's the only reason I'm cautious I want the xl but I'm reading so many issues and I'm not sure why Microsoft is porting some of their best features on windows phone to other platforms it makes absolutely no sense. why is wordflow going to ios before windows 10 pc smh.

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I understand some of the negativity and downbeat thinking, but I disagree with the notion that Windows on mobile is in a terminal decline. There are many rough edges yet to be worked out and many compromises one must make to use the platform, but I think that with Windows 10 as a unified platform, we're finally seeing Microsoft take a forward-looking approach at anticipating where tech is heading in the medium term. Whereas Apple is still insistent on separate operating systems for every device and Google only recently announced that they will merge Chrome OS into Android in the future, Microsoft realizes that technology is moving toward a user's interaction with their services and data being the same no matter what the interface device is (phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, hybrid, augmented reality, etc.). Having come so late into "modern" smartphone game, Microsoft is attempting to beat everyone to the next step. And from what I've seen so far, they are on the right track.
I understand some of the negativity and downbeat thinking, but I disagree with the notion that Windows on mobile is in a terminal decline...

What's in "terminal decline" is the community here and on other top Windows sites/boards, and it's infectious.

The attitude of doom and gloom and most of all the hyperbole (on top of the attitude of actual writers and the editor here) are driving me away more than anything because I'm one of the users that is actually very happy with my 950 and the Windows 10 OS.

(I am mostly pissed about how well Microsoft apps are on iOS compared to Windows phone, but that's nothing new.)
Once you embrace the iPhone it will.
WP is dead. The surface phone won't have any more apps. Without apps, the phone will never gain marketshare.
MS will botch the surface phone somehow.
They will start the OS all over AGAIN. They will do something stupid like make it AT&T only.
Since the 650 is the last of WP. You will see a few patches here and there to make that $700 950XL somewhat 'stable' and call it a day.
Your phone won't stop working. It just won't get much better. of course, it sounds like its not working anyways, so anything will be more 'stable'


Everyone is trying to get blood out of stone now instead of being realistic about the situation. You have the last Lumia being released in a few weeks time, and then MAYBE a Surface Phone later in 2016 - which will still have the same problems the platform does now.

Get rid of that thing and move over to one of the other two platforms. I miss WP, but I don't miss a platform filled with broken promises and rejection by the industry. Time to let it go.

I'm beginning to find these threads amusing. It's mostly the same group of people complaining about the same things over and over again, and predicting the end of WP (that's been going on for over a year now) and Microsoft's doom. The funny thing is that I've been hearing about the demise of Microsoft for the past twenty years. Mysteriously, Microsoft marches on and are becoming more profitable and have seen a significant increase in stock prices (nearly double what it was when Nadella took the reins). Meanwhile, I'm over here enjoying my phones on W10.

Nobody is talking about the death of MS. On the contrary, MS is doing some amazing things these days. Surface is absolutely brilliant and looks to have an excellent future, many iOS and Android users are rocking a Surface with their mobile devices. Windows 10 has been really well received. MS is doing great things.

The death knell is about the MOBILE side of things. Threads like this are more and more common, and more people, even die hard fans of WP are reaching the limits of their patience.

Enjoy that phone - with next to no services (let me guess, you "don't need any apps") and no developer or industry interest. Meanwhile, MS is more focused bringing its services to other platforms where they will be better received. Unfortunate, but even they realise their mobile strategy has failed. Soon you'll see MS services on other platforms which have more features than they do on MS's own mobile OS.
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I remain very bullish on the Windows 10 cross platform strategy. I am the owner of a 950XL, and I find it to be excellent. The experience of Windows 10 Mobile on my 950XL is light-years ahead of the insider build experience on my 735 and old 920.

Late last year, Microsoft got their ducks lined up. We now have Windows 10 across PC, tablets, phones and Xbox One consoles. We are now in the Redstone phase of updates. It has already been mentioned by Microsoft that they are doing a lot of back end work to get the three main device types working tightly together.

The early synergies between my Windows 10 PC and my 950XL are already empowering. I get missed call notifications in my action centre on my PC, and I can respond to a missed call via text message from the PC. This type of cross platform convenience will only improve with time.

My 950XL already offers me a great Continuum experience on my 60inch TV wirelessly, courtesy of my Xbox One. I have a free Microsoft Dock coming that will take Continuum's performance to the next level and give me another PC to play with, this time in my living room with surround sound

The camera is superb

The screen is superb

Windows Hello has had a nice boost in performance in update .36 and above

Groove's performance is so much better than it was on my other two handsets.

Cortana is superb in my car, and "Hey Cortana" is working superbly well on my phone and PC. I also understand it is coming to Xbox One

Xbox One is now part of the Windows 10 family. This year it will run universal apps, and complete the universal app landscape across platforms. This can't come soon enough

No other platform can give me these features across tablet, multiple PCs, phone and gaming console.
Once you embrace the iPhone it will.
WP is dead. The surface phone won't have any more apps. Without apps, the phone will never gain marketshare.
MS will botch the surface phone somehow.
They will start the OS all over AGAIN. They will do something stupid like make it AT&T only.
Since the 650 is the last of WP. You will see a few patches here and there to make that $700 950XL somewhat 'stable' and call it a day.
Your phone won't stop working. It just won't get much better. of course, it sounds like its not working anyways, so anything will be more 'stable'

Basically my thoughts. This is the harsh reality of Windows Phone. I love Windows Phone. I love it, don't get me wrong. The lack of support is what kills it for me. Did they even try? Sucks since I love the design of the 950 and 950xl but I had to choose functionality over design so I went with the iPhone 6s. iOS isn't as dynamic as Windows but it's miles more stable than Windows.

I'm not closing my doors for new Windows Phones but right now, there's still no reason to switch back. I had a Lumia 920, 1520 and 630. I had 3 WPs and this is just my second iPhone. I was into that but when it was time to upgrade I had to think reasonably and the iPhone is the reasonable choice for me.

Now that Cortana and the AWESOME Word Flow keyboard is coming to iOS, I think I have everything I need sans the Windows UI (and Xbox Music UI but since they botched that up too, then good riddance).
The smartphone market is growing and growing. Wearable's are going to grow. I doubt they will leave the market. There is to much opportunity for growth. MS is not poor either.
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Why do people keep thinking MS is going to give up? Its plain that they aren't and that they will always have a phone OS.
The 'one OS' and universal apps (for PCs, tablets, Xbox and Windows phone) is still in it's in infant stage.
Yet, I see remarkably more apps being released compatible with Windows 10 Mobile than say a year ago, for WP8.x.
My bank never released a mobile banking app for WP8.x. Yet it is now available as W10 universal app, and runs on my Lumia 950 XL.

So it is much too soon to conclude if WP is dead.
You know, I was running iOS as daily driver phone until just a few weeks ago. I jumped ship, to W10 mobile, because of the universal apps, and because of the integration/synchronization with OneDrive and my home PC.

Sure, not all great apps are available yet for W10, but I think that only now this market is gaining momentum, and more apps will become available soon. And when there is no 'official' app, there often is a 3rd party app to fill the gap (Youtube / metrotube, Tinder / 6tin, etc...)

So keep your Lumia's rolling, keep using W10 (mobile). If we keep the platform going, Microsoft will as well.
MS may not be giving up, but I am. After 4 lumias, and 2 for my wife, I can't stick with it. Things are not getting better with apps, and Windows 10 mobile has more bugs than Joes Apartment. We need to stop making excuses for this platform. I am tired of waiting.
MS may not be giving up, but I am. After 4 lumias, and 2 for my wife, I can't stick with it. Things are not getting better with apps, and Windows 10 mobile has more bugs than Joes Apartment. We need to stop making excuses for this platform. I am tired of waiting.

The 10 Mobile OS seems to be really not a priority like Nadela said (could first, mobile first).

Guys, we are heading to February and the battery life is horrendous, they still can't fix screen tearing, there are performance issues to load and to return to apps... and people complained about Astoria? Like it was slowing down the OS? No, that always was W10 Mobile.

There's a long road ahead them to make it more stable, reliable and fast like WP 8.1.
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The 10 Mobile OS seems to be really not a priority like Nadela said (could first, mobile first).

Guys, we are heading to February and the battery life is horrendous, they still can't fix screen tearing, there are performance issues to load and to return to apps... and people complained about Astoria? Like it was slowing down the OS? No, that always was W10 Mobile.

There are a long road ahead them to make it more stable, reliable and fast like WP 8.1.

Your battery life is bad? My L950 lasts all day and has more than 50% charge after 16 hrs off the charger. My Galaxy S5 on the other hand, after reading and responding to some emails and checking my calendar in the morning, when I get to work at 7am the battery is down to 60%. I have to charge it or swap out the battery to make it to noon. My wife and kids are plugging in their iphones all the time to recharge and constantly running out of storage. I understand some people are missing certain apps, but the windows 10 mobile OS and L950 device are better than the competition.
Yes barnyr, I own a Lumia 830 (which has great battery life with 8.1).

Last night was the first day I didn't have to recharge and went to bed with 15% but I almost didn't use it all day.
I've been using Windows phone since I got my Focus when it first came out. I love the UI and the phones. I have a 950XL now. They keep pushing things to other platforms and seem unconcerned about issues in there own platform. I'm still unable to get the .36 update. Wordflow doesn't work in edge. Continual reboots. Etc.
Will the frustration ever end?

I had the Lumia Icon and I loved it. I even made the switch to AT&T just to get the 950. After it started to reset and apps wouldn't launch, I knew the only solution AT&T would offer would be to replace the phone. Phones shouldn't randomly reset. I found W10 mobile OS to be extremely buggy and I couldn't believe MS thought it was a finished product. I ended up just getting an iPhone instead. Even though I would have preferred my 950, I didn't want to wait around for all the bugs to be fact, I shouldn't have to. It should have been more stable upon release. At least with the iPhone it is reliable and works as it should. MS will really need to do something amazing before I consider getting another WP.
I had the Lumia Icon and I loved it. I even made the switch to AT&T just to get the 950. After it started to reset and apps wouldn't launch, I knew the only solution AT&T would offer would be to replace the phone. Phones shouldn't randomly reset. I found W10 mobile OS to be extremely buggy and I couldn't believe MS thought it was a finished product. I ended up just getting an iPhone instead. Even though I would have preferred my 950, I didn't want to wait around for all the bugs to be fact, I shouldn't have to. It should have been more stable upon release. At least with the iPhone it is reliable and works as it should. MS will really need to do something amazing before I consider getting another WP.

Bummer for you. I have 2 950's from att and haven't had such dramatic life altering problems with either. Very happy with them over here. Enjoy your iPhone though, glad we live in a world with choices, yup
They are going the blackberry way and will close down certainly
no it wont it will eventually get things right and will continually eat away at apples mind share and google will be google they said same things about surface but it beat along and quietly is be coming king, and vender did not abandon windows mobile they just been waiting for ms to get its **** together, islandwood is gonna work as well the android bridge worked to well meaning pirates and its over kill since ios has everything that android has so if it work then whats the point who knows even nokia might get back in the game for windows mobile and continue the lumia line as ms is gonna switch to there own line. Why the 950s as good devices but got hate from lumia fans where as it was no different from googles nexus's as looks go.
If you have a Lumia 950/xl, you had no choice. It came with Windows 10 in all its buggie glory.

Yep. 950XL has Windows 10 Mobile and its sold commercially in stores. The apologists need to drop the "lol its in beta what do you expect" line from their repertoire.

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