Is MS giving up?

...So it is much too soon to conclude if WP is dead.
You know, I was running iOS as daily driver phone until just a few weeks ago. I jumped ship, to W10 mobile, because of the universal apps, and because of the integration/synchronization with OneDrive and my home PC.....

You did what to gain what?
Exactly, what "Universal apps" are better than what you did get on "your iPhone" and what is better on the OneDrive version found in W10M vs the OneDrive version found in iOS?
You did what to gain what?
Exactly, what "Universal apps" are better than what you did get on "your iPhone" and what is better on the OneDrive version found in W10M vs the OneDrive version found in iOS?

Maybe like the onedrive app getting support for annotations, oh wait, that's ONLY on ios, oops..... /s
It is sad that MS is spending time and money to offer more and more apps on other platforms than its own platform . Usually if you have some fantastic features or apps you keep them tightly secure so that people are tempted to move to this platform to take advantage of the apps . It is like you give your enemy your best weapon in a war . Right now no one is moving to this platform and worse than that the fans are frustrated and leaving . The new phones are not working right and have got so , so reviews . MS has always gone backward instead of forward
No way!! Microsoft is investing heavily in the oneCore for all platforms making win10 future proof. Am a software engg myself, i realize the frustration end consumer feel when they see no visible change. But believe me they are(in my opinion ) very much investing in it(Universal Apps , ARMx64 and stuff). Once the underlying architecture is up to the mark ,adjusting the UI and stuff is a menial task and that's when we'll start seeing the visible changes. MS have really deep pockets and solid potential first party apps. It's just a matter of time which devs start porting their apps.
No way!! Microsoft is investing heavily in the oneCore for all platforms making win10 future proof. Am a software engg myself, i realize the frustration end consumer feel when they see no visible change. But believe me they are(in my opinion ) very much investing in it(Universal Apps , ARMx64 and stuff). Once the underlying architecture is up to the mark ,adjusting the UI and stuff is a menial task and that's when we'll start seeing the visible changes. MS have really deep pockets and solid potential first party apps. It's just a matter of time which devs start porting their apps.

And what did you say a year ago? Two years ago? Three...?
WP is dead and W10M is also as close to dead as possible.
Even Microsoft is releasing more apps for ios in an average week than they do for WP/W10M in a year.
Nadela is just full of ns!
They can't give up on W10M unless they are planning on giving up on Windows. They cannot go without a mobile OS because that's were most users will be in the following years.

That would be killing MS as we know it and becoming IBM to let android and ios rule the world.

IMO, that is not a problem for Microsoft, Why?, because even with an alpha prototype preview called Windows 10 Mobile burying itself, Microsoft rely on their services (OneDrive, Azure, Office, ...), I have my iPhone running some of those services, the so called iPhone Pro as Satya once said. Once I had my device I forgot completely about the Windows Platform. I just keep my Lumia 1020 because nothing can beat that camera (being as slow as it is).
'Is MS giving up?'
yes, on windows phone they are giving up in favor of Windows 10 in combination with universal apps and continuum...
MS is heavily invested in the mobile platform regardless of what anyone thinks or says. Take note of the XBOX history. MS was not a console gaming company. The release of the XBOX was really their first large scale hardware. Sure it was not great at first, but now look at the latest iteration. The "Surface Phone" will most likely be their first in-house phone. Prior to that, MS was just developing software for a variety of manufacturer phones.
I'm beginning to find these threads amusing. It's mostly the same group of people complaining about the same things over and over again, and predicting the end of WP (that's been going on for over a year now) and Microsoft's doom. The funny thing is that I've been hearing about the demise of Microsoft for the past twenty years. Mysteriously, Microsoft marches on and are becoming more profitable and have seen a significant increase in stock prices (nearly double what it was when Nadella took the reins). Meanwhile, I'm over here enjoying my phones on W10.

Lucky you! I've been selling my devices (Lumia 1020,830,640XL & 630) and I desisted to buy a new one (950) with me having the uncertainty if it'd work correctly, so, I bought an iPhone that at least I know how it works. I consider unfair from Microsoft to sell a pre-Beta OS to general people, having a lot of issues. For me that's another nail to W10M's coffin.

Anyway, I will receive Cortana, Office, Wordflow keyboard, and chances are that some of those apps will work better on my iPhone than the W10M's versions (like Outlook).

Just my opinion.
I too have a Lumia Icon. I had one a year ago, sold it, and bought another one a few months ago. I thought I'd give W10M a chance. It's better, but not much. I suffer from app crashes, random reboots, email not syncing, weak WiFi signals, poor bluetooth connectivity, etc. As of right now, I am reinstalling W10M from a complete wipe. I'm tired of this crap. The mobile OS is garbage. I had these same problems a year ago. MS hasn't fixed the core issues with the OS. All you hear about is the apps. Who cares about the apps if the OS is fubar!!! This is why I bought a Moto X Pure this morning. Android may not be perfect either, but at least it has a huge support base. And to think, I almost bought a 950XL because I thought continuum was going to change everything.

Which network are you on - AT&T or Verizon? I bought a Lumia Icon 929 (unlocked) last Spring and had it ported to my Verizon account. It was running WP8.1 very well. I waited until I saw that W10M was fairly stable then took the plunge. I chose the slow ring first, so I had to download 10586.29 first - that went flawlessly. So then I jumped on the fast ring and downloaded 10586.63. That is also working quite well. I have some minor issues with the OS along the lines of formatting and text scaling, but have seen none of the dire issues reported by others.

I have to wonder if those experiencing problems don't have hardware or network issues that are impeding the smooth upgrading of their devices?
Your battery life is bad? My L950 lasts all day and has more than 50% charge after 16 hrs off the charger. My Galaxy S5 on the other hand, after reading and responding to some emails and checking my calendar in the morning, when I get to work at 7am the battery is down to 60%. I have to charge it or swap out the battery to make it to noon. My wife and kids are plugging in their iphones all the time to recharge and constantly running out of storage. I understand some people are missing certain apps, but the windows 10 mobile OS and L950 device are better than the competition.

I don't know what you guys do with your devices. Everybody told me that iPhone 6s battery life was horrible, against all odds, mine lasts 1 day and a half with "normal" usage. Sometimes battery lasts longer as on the image. I think you guys live inside your phone with no social life, to deplete a battery so fast.
I always laugh when people complain about issues when they are in a testing program. It's 'beta' software for a reason folks - don't install it unless you aren't depending on your device to be your daily driver.

Remember that this is not a valid argument considering that Lumia 950/950XL were released to public with a "RTM" version of Windows 10 Mobile (If that's RTM, the Wolverine exists and it's me)

That said, I think MS is throwing in the towel on Windows for Mobile soon, but not for the reasons you think. I think that people haven't adopted the platform like they hoped. People aren't developing Apps for the platform like they hoped. People aren't excited about the platform like they hoped. Overall, the platform has failed to do anything that they want it to.

If Microsoft don't ship the update to every Windows Phone 8.1, the platform will still be unknown for people that every day is switching to other OS.

So, without further ado, I see a partnership with Intel coming where full blow Windows 10 gets rolling on the Surface Phone before the end of the year - like probably in time for the holidays.

Yes, abandoning the mobile in favor of a full version of Windows 10 would allow mobile tablets and phones to run EXE files and could load it as a PC using the Windows to Go protocols to make Continuum much more powerful. I think the Windows for Mobile idea is something that will build to a full blown version of Windows on a mobile device as soon as they have the hardware that will handle it.

I don't see this happening, at least not a x86 phone. That's why Projects Centennial & Westminster exist, to port legacy Win32 EXE apps and WebApps to Windows Store Apps.

Just my two cents though...
I don't know what you guys do with your devices. Everybody told me that iPhone 6s battery life was horrible, against all odds, mine lasts 1 day and a half with "normal" usage. Sometimes battery lasts longer as on the image. I think you guys live inside your phone with no social life, to deplete a battery so fast.
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At this point iOS 9.x is a very mature OS .. I've been using it on a 6 for about 4 months now and I have to say that I am impressed with what they've done with it since the last time I used it a few years ago.

Battery consumption is impressive.

The hope is that Microsoft can do the same with Windows, but at this point its kind of hard to believe that they ever will.
I would say exchange the phone I was having reboot issues and other problems I exchanged mine a month now haven't seen any issues since, I'm on the latest beta also. p.s. just got my mozo case for Lumia 950XL loving it.
I see so many so many complains about the phone..To be honest I have the phone for one month now..i update it normal even to 63 insider update...dont have any problems with phone it's not overheating all apps that I need they work perfect it's just one amazing phone..battery life is's just good and that's it...some minor bugs but nothing that bothers me.People don't have patience with this...iOS had same problems Android still have them so just be patient for a while and it will be fixed....after all if you don't like it you can always sell it someone will be more than haply to buy it.

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