Is MS giving up?

I really had hopes mostly because of the whole android/iphone apps can be recompiled for WP10 and just work with minor issues. I've not even touched my Lumia phones in ages and its just what it has always been, a great phone but thats it, just a phone with a great camera.

I'll just look from the outside in and wait how the surface phone if ever comes true. Its a real pity. I'll pick up the 950 XL when on sale. Dual SIM is sweet. Loved the phone but not enough to switch.
I think MS won't give up. They will continue to pain us. I bought my Lumia to enjoy Windows 10. 9 months hone but I didn't get the update. I hope I will have to purchase a new one before they release update for my device.
Seems everyone is hanging their hopes on a Surface Phone that will way to pricy for me and many other people. It will be Like desktop power on a phone size device won't have much battery life. I just want the win10 experience that works without any random reboots and all the issues I have been having recently. I am happy with the apps that I have I just want them to work like they do on other platforms.

May be the surface phone won't be as bad as I first thought I just read this.
Another glimmer of hope for Windows Phone: It can work on phones with Intel x86 chips | PCWorld
Maybe I just got up on the right side of the bed this morning. But I feel optimistic I think that MS will slowly turn it around this year.
I have been a windows mobile fan since windows phone 7 but lately I feel Microsoft has given up with windows mobile. Microsoft seem to make apps for ios and android before windows phone and the apps they make for windows mobile are worse than the ones they make for ios or android. Also all marketing for windows mobile from Microsoft has now stopped. I feel by july this year Microsoft will announce they are exiting the phone business which will be a pity because the future will be a phone that turns into your pc through the display dock with contium. I loved the windows phone platform but slowly Microsoft are driving me away through their lack of support today you will get a better experience with ios and android
I think Microsoft has given up on selling the idea of a Windows "Phone" to masses. Instead, they know that windows 10 mobile is no where ready for everyday android and ios fella, how presumable feels the mobile experience is better not worse. So, as Microsoft has been seen quoting "for the fans", it is truly for fans, meaning no one else can keep up with their response so far on windows 10 mobile. We all wonder, what keeps them from implementing those features which are common in other platforms. Answer is simple, Windows 10 mobile is not mature, practically in beta state. Is WaaS thing exists, but you gotta have a solid base first.
This also explains the lack of interest from other OEMs,
Maybe MS is not, but a great chunk of the WP user are, including myself. W10M is still buggy as hell, and the updates and improvements are so slow to arrive. Meanwhile, I read in the tech sites new apps released for iOS/Android, or improvements to the current ones. I am not whining, because I know how things work in a big corporate, assuming that the division working on W10M does not have anything to do with the division that is developing apps for other platforms, but at least they need to include a WM version when they release for other platforms.
In the beginnings of WP8, Nokia made a good job releasing exclusive apps, which most of us liked. Now Microsoft and Mr. "Nutella" seem that are taking too seriously their position as a software company, by giving priority to the most popular platforms, and forgetting their own. Hey a*$###es, Google is a software company too, but they have developed the best apps for Android first!!
To conclude, I am not even asking for apps or sh*$t, I have been using WP for more than 2 years, and I am used to be the one that can not have that particular app, I am asking to have a proper OS, polished and functional, the one that should have been delivered a couple of months ago as promised initially.
IMO, that is not a problem for Microsoft, Why?, because even with an alpha prototype preview called Windows 10 Mobile burying itself, Microsoft rely on their services (OneDrive, Azure, Office, ...), I have my iPhone running some of those services, the so called iPhone Pro as Satya once said. Once I had my device I forgot completely about the Windows Platform. I just keep my Lumia 1020 because nothing can beat that camera (being as slow as it is).

That's the trick the fanboys are missing, Microsoft already has a solid presence in mobile through their apps on ios and android so they don't need their own mobile OS and its lame duck marketshare. And that wont affect desktop Windows as its already in decline AND desktop users have all the programs they need via a web browser and specialized applications like PhotoShop.

Just take a look at Cortana on android, already on par with the Windows version in the ability to send SMS from a Windows 10 PC. What benefit really does W10M bring especially in the abysmal, buggy state its in now and with the seemingly could care less attitude Microsoft has towards it?
Microsoft wants people to use their apps like One Drive, Office, Cortana, etc etc. So they can make it for iOS and Android and get Millions and Millions of people using them, or, they can keep them exclusive to WP and have 37 people using them.... Google won't give MS any apps because of Ballmers bashing of google for 10 years. Apple is going to take care of its millions and millions of Apple users.

It's a great strategy in my point of view, but to be successful they need to dramatically improve their own platform. Right now their apps on Android and iOS are much much better than in Windows, if people eventually land on W10M, they will be disappointed for the lack of features and general polishment of Microsoft apps.
Man I just finished writing a long post and I had some links. I was told I couldn't post links because I've only posted 7 times. But it didn't give me a choice to change my post so I lost my reply. So I'm trying again...
It is sad to read about how many people are leaving the platform (including me.) I'm almost 100% convinced that I'm leaving. It is nice to not wonder when an app comes out if it would be available in your platform. It will most likely be. Of course there are some that are only available in one vs. the other such as Photoshop Fix (I had a link here) is only available for iOS. But if Photoshop Fix is going to come to another platform, it will probably be Android.

As far as MS's apps being better in other platforms, that is true for the most part, but not always. For instance, go ahead and try to update or add a contact with Outlook for Android (and I presume iOS). There is no way to do that. "MS's is looking into it." The suggestion from support is to use the web to update and add contacts. So I'm out and about and someone is giving me his information and I have to go to the web to add it. Ha! That's great implementation.
Another example, take a look at a Groove comparison between Android, iOS and WP (I had a link to YouTube here. The video id is: VprHyNgP0Zs) Whether the application is good overall or not, the fact is that it is more user friendly in WP than in the other two.
Or take Cortana. It will not be as integrated with your Android/iOS phone as it is in WP unless you are using the OnePlus One phone (and only that one). I've had Cortana give me reminders as late as 15 minutes after the fact. What good is that?

Bottom line is that if you are making the move, be prepared to deal with issues and, of course, differences. The grass might not always be greener on the other side. It will depend what kind of grass you are looking for :)

Anyway, you should do what I did. Get an unlock from Amazon and try it. You can get the Moto G 3rd generation for $180. It will be updated to the latest Android after your set it up. Look for all the features you will need. If you like Android keep the capable Moto G or return it and get another more powerful phone. I went for the Moto X Pure for $449 (32GB in white). Basically the same specs as the L950 (no biometrics though) but a lot cheaper and a platform that it appears to have greener grass for me than WP.
It is sad to read about how many people are leaving the platform (including me.) .

So, how many are leaving? No one knows. The sampling of people here is miniscule. Even with Microsoft's small market share, the number of people on this site is statistically insignificant compared to the total number of users. Most people using products of any brand don't frequent forums like this. The other issue to keep in mind is that forums like this end up overstating the negative because that's the group that posts the most because they're having problems or they hate the platform and want to berate it. Either way, you generally get a skewed view.
NO it wont! You will always be frustrated!
Since the HTC HD2 came out i have used Windows phone and stick to the Plattform. But yesterday I switched to an iPhone. I am tired of the poorly developed Windows phone apps and that win10 is so buggy and slow. And what is worse MS is doing a better Job with their iOS apps than on WP (better Performance, more updates and even more Apps). I really am sorry, because I have always been a fan of Windows phone and Microsoft but now they really messed up with me.
well, a week ago we bought a Samsung Galaxy s6 edge for our foster son, and today my wife's Lumia 950 arrived. First thing I noted was that all the comments about the plastic case not being premium etc are bull - the phone (black) looks fantastic, much better than in did in pictures. It holds it's own just fine against the very well received s6 edge.

Obviously we haven't had it long enough to talk about stability, but I've been running insider 10 on a Lumia 535 for a few months now and had virtually no stability problems. Occasional app crash, but that's about it, and I have those on my Galaxy s5 too, so no big deal.

So why did we buy a Lumia? Well, my wife used the S5 for a month while her Lumia 830 was getting repaired - and she hated android compared to Windows Mobile. On top of that, she needs a new laptop as well, but all she does on a laptop is surf the web and use hotmail, occasionally writing in Word. A 950 with continuum, a keyboard and the dock (free with the 950) to use with the various screens we have around the house seems a perfect solution. We'll see how it goes.

As for apps, I'm getting the impression Universal Platform is starting to get some traction. Not for phones, but there seem to be an awful lot of windows tablets hitting the market, not to mention the W10 desktop and laptop marketplace, so it is becoming a more attractive platform for app developers - and then a far smaller leap to W10Mobile.

So I'm feeling a lot more positive about the future of W10M than I have in a long time - and I'm jealous of my wife's new phone!
So, how many are leaving? No one knows. The sampling of people here is miniscule. Even with Microsoft's small market share, the number of people on this site is statistically insignificant compared to the total number of users. Most people using products of any brand don't frequent forums like this. The other issue to keep in mind is that forums like this end up overstating the negative because that's the group that posts the most because they're having problems or they hate the platform and want to berate it. Either way, you generally get a skewed view.

Well said. Also in addition, we don't know how many people use WP/WM as a secondary device, or on the side. Even on the forums here, they do exist.
So, how many are leaving? No one knows. The sampling of people here is miniscule. Even with Microsoft's small market share, the number of people on this site is statistically insignificant compared to the total number of users. Most people using products of any brand don't frequent forums like this. The other issue to keep in mind is that forums like this end up overstating the negative because that's the group that posts the most because they're having problems or they hate the platform and want to berate it. Either way, you generally get a skewed view.

True this is a very small sampling of the people in the platform. The sad part is that the people that come to WindowsCentral are the fans of the platform. If the fans (like me) are leaving. That doesn't look good for the platform. And yes, people leave iOS for Android and vice-versa. People leave AT&T for Verizon and so on. The problems is that WP is so small that people leaving is just not good.

And you read my previous posts, you would see that I AM a huge MS fan boy. Like I have mentioned before MS has indirectly paid my bills for the last 25+ years.
well, a week ago we bought a Samsung Galaxy s6 edge for our foster son, and today my wife's Lumia 950 arrived. First thing I noted was that all the comments about the plastic case not being premium etc are bull - the phone (black) looks fantastic, much better than in did in pictures. It holds it's own just fine against the very well received s6 edge.

Obviously we haven't had it long enough to talk about stability, but I've been running insider 10 on a Lumia 535 for a few months now and had virtually no stability problems. Occasional app crash, but that's about it, and I have those on my Galaxy s5 too, so no big deal.

So why did we buy a Lumia? Well, my wife used the S5 for a month while her Lumia 830 was getting repaired - and she hated android compared to Windows Mobile. On top of that, she needs a new laptop as well, but all she does on a laptop is surf the web and use hotmail, occasionally writing in Word. A 950 with continuum, a keyboard and the dock (free with the 950) to use with the various screens we have around the house seems a perfect solution. We'll see how it goes.

As for apps, I'm getting the impression Universal Platform is starting to get some traction. Not for phones, but there seem to be an awful lot of windows tablets hitting the market, not to mention the W10 desktop and laptop marketplace, so it is becoming a more attractive platform for app developers - and then a far smaller leap to W10Mobile.

So I'm feeling a lot more positive about the future of W10M than I have in a long time - and I'm jealous of my wife's new phone!

My wife also has a L640. She's probably going to stay with it. There is no reason for her to move at all. She has everything she needs on the platform.

If I could post a link I would, but I'm not trusted enough to do that yet. So instead, I'm going to paste part of one of my posts I did over at Android Central.

Copy below...
"Here are the two reasons I would move to Android
1) I build systems for companies. One of the system that I'm building right now will need a couple of mobile apps. These are going to be develop for Android and iOS. As I mentioned before in Windows Central, there is no way the customer will pay for development of the apps for WP. Simply there is no Market for it.
2) The app gap just got to me. As I said, I don't use many apps. But here is a few examples...
My car manufactures provides a mobile app that will work with all mobile phones as long as those phones are iOS or Android
I have two banks. Both have mobile apps that only work in iOS and Android.
So yes, I've lived without these so I can continue to do so.
But take for example the bank apps. I can do mobile deposit from them. I work out my home for several clients.
So here is my scenario.
I don't get checks from clients the same day. So in a week say I might checks on Monday and Wednesday.
I can go the bank on Tuesday and Thursday to deposit those checks or hold on to the one from Monday and hope I get the one on Wednesday and then go to the bank.
So I'm either wasting time driving to the bank or not having the money available while I wait for the other check.
I go the bank twice a month. Each time it takes about 45 minutes by the time I go there, deposit the checks and drive back.
One of my banks has had an app for about 6 years. So let's do the math. It cost me about $70 worth of not working to go the bank. That makes it $140/mo. In the last 6 years that has cost me $10,000+ in non billable time.
I could had bought tons of phones by now

When I got my first WP 5 years ago, it would annoy me that companies wouldn't develop for it. Now, it doesn't anymore. The reason it doesn't anymore is that the fault is not the companies, it is MS's. MS didn't do what they had to do to make WP what it could had been."
we're fortunate in that our main bank has a windows app, otherwise it might be a deal breaker. I own a tech startup so I also have various iOS and Android devices as well. Even though I much prefer w10m, we develop for iOS and Android first though. They'll be Windows apps too - but that's cause the boss wants it :)
we're fortunate in that our main bank has a windows app, otherwise it might be a deal breaker. I own a tech startup so I also have various iOS and Android devices as well. Even though I much prefer w10m, we develop for iOS and Android first though. They'll be Windows apps too - but that's cause the boss wants it :)

I'm my own boss too :) However, even though the boss wants Windows Apps, the clients (the real bosses who pay the bills) don't (or won't pay for them) :(

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