Is MS giving up?

Do you go on any psychology forums and post in threads where people are discussing their issues, that you are not having any problems that so many people there seem to have?

Well said.
We know that there is a good portion of folk that aren't having issues... the thread is for cba191 and his trouble.

Now cba191, have you tried to use the Microsoft Device Recovery Tool? If you aren't that fussed about being on the Insider program, perhaps this is the better option for you. The tool is very easy to use, and it will do a clean install of your OS up to the general release builds. There were reports of problems with early builds not getting updates (such as mine), and I needed to use the MDRT and that sorted it out.

Another recommendation is not to use a backup to recover all your apps etc (especially not one from a Win8.1 phone). I know this sucks but starting fresh gives the OS a better chance of functioning right. Doing this allowed my phone at least to get the Dec firmware update and the latest builds correctly. (It also gave me an opportunity to clean up my apps, which is always a good thing if you dload apps to test them).

Hope this helps.
Microsoft's not giving up, they just shifted their focus to areas they could actually excel at. It was necessary too given that Win 8 was a disaster and Surface was hemorrhaging cash like crazy.

Recombined efforts turned that around, but come on guys... Processes like that take YEARS. The problem with these topics is that we want that change NOW, not two years from now. Changes as huge as we're demanding take years though, that's simply reality. Thankfully MS has the financial backing to throw a product out and make it better, no matter how few units it selss, until it's absolutely awesome.

Windows has fixed Windows and they fixed the Surface. With that out of the way you can bet they'll fully tackle mobile next or Panos wouldn't have been put in charge. It's just going to take time.

Buy a Windows phone or don't, there are legitimate reasons to do either. But one day, even if it takes another year, I'm confident forums like this will be pro e to far fewer "death of windows phone debates" and more debates on purely rivalry... That's when you know you've been successful
I'm on my second 950XL, I still get random reboots. It's not hardware related.

Correct. It is firmware/OS based issues IMO. MS is concentrating on getting the optimisations sorted for W10M. I suggest if you are participating in the Insider program to keep providing feedback so MS gets this info and can actually do something about it. :)
True this is a very small sampling of the people in the platform. The sad part is that the people that come to WindowsCentral are the fans of the platform. .

That's the part that is sometimes hard to figure out. If you look at some of the people bashing (not people who are trying to get help with problems) you will see that some of them have hundreds of posts and in their entirety they do nothing but bash MS. I'm definitely not speaking about you, but I've searched some of the frequent bashing posters and have come to the conclusion that they're just here for that purpose.
Here's what I think is possible. A few years ago many people were bashing T-Mobile and saying that they would be gone by the end of the year. There was even an organization that makes predictions at the end of every year predicting which companies would be gone by the end of the next year, and one of them was T-mo. As we all know, T-mobile is still here and have become somewhat of a mover and shaker amongst carriers (whether they will be a few years from now, who knows?). My point is that none of us really know what MS will do or what they have planned for W10M. Everything that is said is just conjecture and opinion. I don't believe it's demise is imminent, but who knows a few years from now if nothing changes? I'm willing to wait and see because I'm enjoying my WP's, and the past couple years have gotten me excited about the future of MS and it's products, something that hadn't been the case for a very long time.
What is with all the negativity? Half the time I go into these forums I see doom and gloom and from the same people! If you don't like it why spread the negativity around spooking others? I have been using windows phone forever and never had an issue. In fact, I recommend it to others and many have switched. Windows 10 M is new and it's going to be buggy, that's common sense people. I even use a 550 with no issues on those specs. I have a feeling the users with major issues haven't updated to the latest build, which takes forever by the way. The wait is worth it though...
Honestly, I had to get an LG G4 for school since my college apps aren't available on Windows 10, and I really regret it. This phone freezes quite a bit, and I really enjoyed Windows 10 Mobile, even though I was always talked down for my phone. The only thing I missed was having Snapchat, but that's easy to do without. I hope they keep going and launch a phone on Verizon so I can get back on it once my 2 years is up.
Ironically MS isn't giving up, but customer that just pick up and leave for another platform. And the thing is that I wouldn't just leave in order to use Snapchat or other app that doesn't care about working hard for customers. They just release on iOS and expect everybody to drop their phones and come running to them.
I don't think MS is giving up. I think WM will be there for quite some time. I think we, WM users, were just not MS' top priority. I know MS hears us, our problems with WM, but they just act less. WM is being developed for quite some time already. We reported bugs, problems, suggestions, but I don't think they're quick enough to solve those problems, to fix those bugs, or provide us with significant features. With MS' resources, I know they could do better. I know they have great people working there, brilliant engineers, devs, but they're just busy with working on something else (i.e. W10 for PC, Hololens, Surface, apps for other platforms, etc.). I think only few of those great minds are working on WM. That's why were mostly getting "minor updates" and mostly unnoticeable changes. But I'm not giving up yet. I'll still be using WM for a little while. Big updates, significant updates, massive bug fixes and great features will eventually come, soon. Yeah, soon. Soon.
So, how many are leaving? No one knows. The sampling of people here is miniscule. Even with Microsoft's small market share, the number of people on this site is statistically insignificant compared to the total number of users. Most people using products of any brand don't frequent forums like this. The other issue to keep in mind is that forums like this end up overstating the negative because that's the group that posts the most because they're having problems or they hate the platform and want to berate it. Either way, you generally get a skewed view.

If you'd take a look at WP marketshare over the last couple of years, you'd have your answer. No skewed numbers, just depressing results.

I stuck with WP from Windows Mobile 5 until December when I bailed and went Android. I still stick my SIM in my WP every couple of weeks. And I'm thoroughly convinced that it's all about apps. I'd rather build my app library on that platform, then waste money on a platform that I feel will be abandoned within a year or two.

And it kinda makes me sick. I truly enjoyed WP. Microsoft has bungled what should have been a very solid ecosystem.
I had many WP users around me after Nokia got on board. One by one people have moved away. People got frustrated with lack of function and tired of waiting. Many I saw were really puzzled "why I cant do this or that, my friend can do it with he's/her iPhone/Samsung".

After about 10 WP's I moved away too, havent regret it once. I got an L930 yesterday (again), but I wont even try W10M. No need because I know what it is; its something that's not quite there. Lack of apps is a big thing. Insode that, lack off app functionality an equally bad thing.

Bottom line: Microsoft dropped the ball. They moved too slow and to make things even worst, they back and forth too many times (poor management). All those re-starts were very damaging. Things weren't moving forward, or if they did, they moved back soon. also if you are behind, you need to move double speed to catch up, Microsoft couldnt (poor management again).

"Surface Phone" wont change anything. even though Im sure it will (or would) be an amazing device. It wont change anything however, because its not about the specs or flashyness of the devices. Its about the OS and that LACKS and with that about APPS that lack heavily too.

Its lights out for WP, WM or whatever its called today. Last one turns the lights off ok?
I had many WP users around me after Nokia got on board. One by one people have moved away. People got frustrated with lack of function and tired of waiting. Many I saw were really puzzled "why I cant do this or that, my friend can do it with he's/her iPhone/Samsung".

After about 10 WP's I moved away too, havent regret it once. I got an L930 yesterday (again), but I wont even try W10M. No need because I know what it is; its something that's not quite there. Lack of apps is a big thing. Insode that, lack off app functionality an equally bad thing.

Bottom line: Microsoft dropped the ball. They moved too slow and to make things even worst, they back and forth too many times (poor management). All those re-starts were very damaging. Things weren't moving forward, or if they did, they moved back soon. also if you are behind, you need to move double speed to catch up, Microsoft couldnt (poor management again).

"Surface Phone" wont change anything. even though Im sure it will (or would) be an amazing device. It wont change anything however, because its not about the specs or flashyness of the devices. Its about the OS and that LACKS and with that about APPS that lack heavily too.

Its lights out for WP, WM or whatever its called today. Last one turns the lights off ok?

Lol that's overly dramatic. W10M is already far better than 8.1. TBH 8.1 on my wifes phone infuriates me with lack of features that 10 has. I had 10 on my 930 & it was solid. 10 on my 950XL is even better.
Lol that's overly dramatic. W10M is already far better than 8.1. TBH 8.1 on my wifes phone infuriates me with lack of features that 10 has. I had 10 on my 930 & it was solid. 10 on my 950XL is even better.

I don't know. I don't think it's overly dramatic.

I loved my 1320 and 640. You dig your 950XL. But MS has lost how many billions of dollars so far on WP? The answer to the OP's question "is MS giving up?" can probably be traced directly to that. The employees might not be giving up, but there isn't a whole lotta time before the shareholders say "uh, yeah, that phone thing? Time to be done with that."
I don't know. I don't think it's overly dramatic.

I loved my 1320 and 640. You dig your 950XL. But MS has lost how many billions of dollars so far on WP? The answer to the OP's question "is MS giving up?" can probably be traced directly to that. The employees might not be giving up, but there isn't a whole lotta time before the shareholders say "uh, yeah, that phone thing? Time to be done with that."

Except that makes no sense. "done with that" - done with what? W10 works across all screen sizes. Do they suddenly say "oh, we're going to actively stop it working under a certain size, or if it has a sim card?" Are they going to not support tablets with LTE?

They can't "be done" with W10M without being "done" with their entire strategy.

I happen to think it's the right strategy. Android has between 1.5 and 2 billion active users globally. iOS probably has no more than 6-700 million active users.

W10 already has over 200 million active users. Microsoft's stated goal is to have W10 on a billion devices within 2-3 years. That will put the OS at least on par with iOS, probably exceeding it. Why do you think they're pushing so hard to get people to upgrade? Every XP, 7, 8 user who upgrades is now using the same OS as a Lumia or a Surface or a Yoga.

W10 gives MS competitive user share with Android and iOS - and that's without having to convince a single iOS or Android user to switch. The only question is whether developers remain focused only on small screens. Given the way many iOS and Android apps are crap on even 7" tablets, that may indeed be the point of failure on this strategy, but I for one hope not.
So far I love win 10 mobile and it can only get better. Having said I am not a big app person I have whatsapp and FB and just one or two other apps.
If you'd take a look at WP marketshare over the last couple of years, you'd have your answer. No skewed numbers, just depressing results.

I stuck with WP from Windows Mobile 5 until December when I bailed and went Android. I still stick my SIM in my WP every couple of weeks. And I'm thoroughly convinced that it's all about apps. I'd rather build my app library on that platform, then waste money on a platform that I feel will be abandoned within a year or two.

And it kinda makes me sick. I truly enjoyed WP. Microsoft has bungled what should have been a very solid ecosystem.
I wasn't talking about what's happened over the last couple of years. That's well known and some of the reasons for it (like no new flagship releases during that time period). I was speaking of what is happening currently, and none of us knows.
I'm enjoying W10M on two phones currently. I guess it all depends on what you perceive that your "needs" are. It meets mine.
That's the part that is sometimes hard to figure out. If you look at some of the people bashing (not people who are trying to get help with problems) you will see that some of them have hundreds of posts and in their entirety they do nothing but bash MS. I'm definitely not speaking about you, but I've searched some of the frequent bashing posters and have come to the conclusion that they're just here for that purpose.
Here's what I think is possible. A few years ago many people were bashing T-Mobile and saying that they would be gone by the end of the year. There was even an organization that makes predictions at the end of every year predicting which companies would be gone by the end of the next year, and one of them was T-mo. As we all know, T-mobile is still here and have become somewhat of a mover and shaker amongst carriers (whether they will be a few years from now, who knows?). My point is that none of us really know what MS will do or what they have planned for W10M. Everything that is said is just conjecture and opinion. I don't believe it's demise is imminent, but who knows a few years from now if nothing changes? I'm willing to wait and see because I'm enjoying my WP's, and the past couple years have gotten me excited about the future of MS and it's products, something that hadn't been the case for a very long time.

As I said before, I'm an MS fan-boy. MS indirectly pays my bills since developing in the MS platform is how I've made my living for the past 25+ years.
You are right. We don't know where it is going. I hope it is actually going up. For me, just like I have used the MS platform to pay my bills, my clients are asking for apps in the other platforms. I have to go that route to continue to satisfy my customers. So with the app gap, and the fact that for a business reason, I have to start developing for Android and iOS, it makes sense to move.
However, just guess what the development environment is going to be to develop for those platforms. Yes, you guessed it correctly, it will be a Windows 10 Surface 2 (still haven't updated to 4) running Visual Studio 2015. Using Telerik NativeScript, I don't even need an Apple Mac to develop for iOS.
So no, I'm not leaving MS, I'm just changing my phone. And if you look around MS itself, you will see that many employees use other platforms for their phones and development. Many use Macs.
And I'm sure you read my posts where I pointed out that not all of MS's apps are better in Android.
However, I am not a fan of Satya and what he has done. As you can also read in my previous posts.
Maybe I just got up on the right side of the bed this morning. But I feel optimistic I think that MS will slowly turn it around this year.

Not without properly addressing the main problem: THE ECOSYSTEM, chiefly, lack of apps and services. Without addressing that, there's nowhere for MS's mobile strategy to go. A new handset is not enough to generate momentum - the market demands apps.
As I said before, I'm an MS fan-boy. MS indirectly pays my bills since developing in the MS platform is how I've made my living for the past 25+ years.
You are right. We don't know where it is going. I hope it is actually going up. For me, just like I have used the MS platform to pay my bills, my clients are asking for apps in the other platforms. I have to go that route to continue to satisfy my customers. So with the app gap, and the fact that for a business reason, I have to start developing for Android and iOS, it makes sense to move.
However, just guess what the development environment is going to be to develop for those platforms. Yes, you guessed it correctly, it will be a Windows 10 Surface 2 (still haven't updated to 4) running Visual Studio 2015. Using Telerik NativeScript, I don't even need an Apple Mac to develop for iOS.
So no, I'm not leaving MS, I'm just changing my phone. And if you look around MS itself, you will see that many employees use other platforms for their phones and development. Many use Macs.
And I'm sure you read my posts where I pointed out that not all of MS's apps are better in Android.
However, I am not a fan of Satya and what he has done. As you can also read in my previous posts.

Actually, I see it as a positive event, that you are moving to iOS and Android development. If your clients want to develop for those environments, you must develop to earn your living but the positive part comes where you can impress upon your client that after development of the iOS and Android apps, you can develop a Windows Universal App without much effort using islandwood.
Not without properly addressing the main problem: THE ECOSYSTEM, chiefly, lack of apps and services. Without addressing that, there's nowhere for MS's mobile strategy to go. A new handset is not enough to generate momentum - the market demands apps.

Well, I see it in a different light. First of all, the mobile ship for Windows has already left the port and they don't have a ticket anymore.
However having said that, they still will have to keep mobiles in the market just to show their presence. Therefore, this apps on mobile is not something of real priority.

You are right that a new handset will never solve the issue because the issue lies somewhere else. Mobile is not the issue.

Priority is where their strength lies and their strength lies in the PC/Tablet market. They should focus on developing that market and improve the apps over there. Rest will fall in place by itself. Here is a picture that depicts what I said.
windows market.PNG

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