Do you go on any psychology forums and post in threads where people are discussing their issues, that you are not having any problems that so many people there seem to have?
Well said.
We know that there is a good portion of folk that aren't having issues... the thread is for cba191 and his trouble.
Now cba191, have you tried to use the Microsoft Device Recovery Tool? If you aren't that fussed about being on the Insider program, perhaps this is the better option for you. The tool is very easy to use, and it will do a clean install of your OS up to the general release builds. There were reports of problems with early builds not getting updates (such as mine), and I needed to use the MDRT and that sorted it out.
Another recommendation is not to use a backup to recover all your apps etc (especially not one from a Win8.1 phone). I know this sucks but starting fresh gives the OS a better chance of functioning right. Doing this allowed my phone at least to get the Dec firmware update and the latest builds correctly. (It also gave me an opportunity to clean up my apps, which is always a good thing if you dload apps to test them).
Hope this helps.