Is MS giving up?

I love the windows mobile platform. For me me I think the iPhone is way too expensive for what you get and I would never go to Iphone. As far as android goes for the same price point you will get a better windows phone, my 640 is hard to beat for what you get for the price. I think many of the Android apps have malware, and have exploits like stage fright. Also the lower priced android phones will never get an update. They have a very fragmented market.. Having said that you don't have to look far on this forum to discover many people are having issues with their phone random reboots or whatever. I am very upset that MS is giving away all the best assets to other platforms and in many cases the apps work better on the other platforms. So many people think MS is giving up on mobile while I hope they are not giving up, they are conveying that they are, by going and making better apps for other platforms. I live in Germany and I know in Europe that windows phone is doing better than the US but I have never seen a windows phone in the wild besides my wife's phone. I guess what I am trying to say is I think MS should fix there own platform before giving all there good apps away even if they are basically just a software company. We should have a better windows experience on a windows phone and sadly that is not always the case.
You need to open insider app, and then change to fast. I have absolutely no problems. I?m patient with WP 10, it?s great, but from time to time irritating with these bugs. They promise to send out fast updates from January, I hope. Update .63 is great.
I'm still frustrated that my iPhone Windows central app functions way better than the one on my lumia
I love the windows mobile platform. For me me I think the iPhone is way too expensive for what you get and I would never go to Iphone. As far as android goes for the same price point you will get a better windows phone, my 640 is hard to beat for what you get for the price. I think many of the Android apps have malware, and have exploits like stage fright. Also the lower priced android phones will never get an update. They have a very fragmented market.. Having said that you don't have to look far on this forum to discover many people are having issues with their phone random reboots or whatever. I am very upset that MS is giving away all the best assets to other platforms and in many cases the apps work better on the other platforms. So many people think MS is giving up on mobile while I hope they are not giving up, they are conveying that they are, by going and making better apps for other platforms. I live in Germany and I know in Europe that windows phone is doing better than the US but I have never seen a windows phone in the wild besides my wife's phone. I guess what I am trying to say is I think MS should fix there own platform before giving all there good apps away even if they are basically just a software company. We should have a better windows experience on a windows phone and sadly that is not always the case.

I agree that they need to focus on their own OS first! But I stand by the fact that the iPhone is always dependable for me. I've had over 100 phones easily since 2008 and the iPhone is always the most stable. I did enjoy my HTC 8x while I had it. I have a iPhone 6 and a lumia 640 right now and am gonna go full time on my 640 here pretty soon. I can't wait for the surface phone if it really becomes a thing
Ballmer made the WP and the phones we loved, but they weren't successful due to lack of apps and wp8 immaturity. Now that we will have a lot of universal apps, I feel a bit less the spirit of WP.
Do you see Apple or Google offer any apps for Windows Phone . The answer is no . Only MS is wasting time to offer its apps on those platform . And amazing thing is that the apps work better on IOS than Windows Phone . Go figure
Do you see Apple or Google offer any apps for Windows Phone . The answer is no . Only MS is wasting time to offer its apps on those platform . And amazing thing is that the apps work better on IOS than Windows Phone . Go figure

Microsoft wants people to use their apps like One Drive, Office, Cortana, etc etc. So they can make it for iOS and Android and get Millions and Millions of people using them, or, they can keep them exclusive to WP and have 37 people using them.... Google won't give MS any apps because of Ballmers bashing of google for 10 years. Apple is going to take care of its millions and millions of Apple users.
I think it is the end of the road for W10mobile. As much as I love it, it is frustrating to continue using it.

Take the recent Xiaomi MI 4 that has a custom ROM running windows 10 mobile. It runs great, all looks good. But if you have a MI Band, you have an laughable application to download and track your steps and sleep patent. That app just does not work. Period.
Compare to the same app that use the MI Band data on Android, it is just superb, the graphical representation of the data is impressive.

So there you have it, the best example of why W10m will continue to frustrate you. It is the apps! Xiaomi is kind enough to support W10M with a ROM, but can you use the MI Band effectively in the platform? The answer is NO.

And then there are so many more apps examples to quote. It is endless.

- Not able to enjoy a promotion in a shop where they give 20% off the bill if you download their app. Why? There is no WP app. There are always just iOS and Android apps
- Can you trade with TD Ameritrade app in W10M? NO! The app is a joke. Try download it and run it.
- There is no Google Hangouts app, no Google Photos, no proper Google Drive app (3rd party app, most can only upload photos, no way to upload documents). Okay, at least Gmail works. You get the point, it is frustrating.
To be fair, I gave WP platform a good two and half years...
Amazing OS.
Disappointing Apps scenario.
Amazing Nokia hardware and camera. (920)
I was first with wireless charger among my friends.

If Nokia make a C1 or a good Android Phone, I will buy immediately.
you should go with outlook, OneDrive,they will work much better then any google program.
I was a ALL google guy, but as I like windows phone soo much, I made the switch to all Microsoft. they are better, no ads. if you sing for Office you get tons of free space on OneDrive, you probably know all this, just saying ok
Microsoft will continue to make windows smart phones on a very limited basis. the Microsoft Lumia smart phones will be the Lumia 550, Lumia 650, Unannounced mid priced continuum smart phone and the Lumia 950/950XL. that's 5 smart phones. there will probably be 2 Surface smart phone one an ARM's CPU type smart phone and the other an Intel CPU smart phone/Pocket PC hybrid that will run all Windows 10 Desktop PC store Apps, MS "Universal Apps" and windows desktop win32 programs which number in the millions. 7 total Microsoft smart phones
I think Windows 10 Mobile won't be a succes. I really like Windows Phone, and I have used Windows Phone since 2012, but I don't think Microsoft is doing the right thing at the moment. Windows 10 Mobile still has bugs, on phones that have been released already (950, 950XL, 550). And does even Microsoft think it will be a succes? They are releasing Cortana and Touch Flow keyboard for iOS/Android, which means some unique features of Windows Phone are already gone. Why doesn't Microsoft first try to fix their own OS, and release it to other phones, before they release apps for iOS/Android? Instead of trying to get people switching to Windows Phone, they are just helping Android users, to stay on Android. I did like Windows Phone 7.8/8/8.1 much more. Sorry for my bad English.
It depends completely on what they do with the Surface Phone. If they create mid and high end devices and don't gouge with prices, then they stand a chance. But more importantly, they have to become extremely competitive in the low, low mid-range segments. I would hope that they come up with a new brand name for these value segments and move permanently away from Nokia and Lumia. If they're to continue making phones, they all need to be MS branded with simple names.
The same has been for me. No issues, reboots, or anything crazy. Perhaps a little UI stutter every now and then but everything else has been amazing. Battery life is amazing for me. Possibly because no more Clash of Clans but hey a good trade-off no doubt.
I felt like they were giving up. I hope i am wrong, i hope there will be a surface phone or whatever that brings me back. I am waiting for Windows 10 to stop being buggy and working well. Then i will look at windows mobile again.
In the build that comes with the 950XL WordFlow doesn't work in Edge, in .63 it sort of works. You have to add your own spaces.
Seems everyone is hanging their hopes on a Surface Phone that will way to pricy for me and many other people. It will be Like desktop power on a phone size device won't have much battery life. I just want the win10 experience that works without any random reboots and all the issues I have been having recently. I am happy with the apps that I have I just want them to work like they do on other platforms.
Seems everyone is hanging their hopes on a Surface Phone that will way to pricy for me and many other people. It will be Like desktop power on a phone size device won't have much battery life. I just want the win10 experience that works without any random reboots and all the issues I have been having recently. I am happy with the apps that I have I just want them to work like they do on other platforms.

Well they are gonna have to have a polished OS running on that phone so you should see one either way.

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