Is MS giving up?

Another thing I think with win 10 If you do write a good app for windows 10 mobile you can be a big fish in a small pond. Whereas with IOS you just another little fish in a very big pond. But I do hope they do fix the IOS bridge to import apps and get more onboard so everyone stops whining. We all what the problem is so let's fix it.
Another thing I think with win 10 If you do write a good app for windows 10 mobile you can be a big fish in a small pond. Whereas with IOS you just another little fish in a very big pond. But I do hope they do fix the IOS bridge to import apps and get more onboard so everyone stops whining. We all what the problem is so let's fix it.

And this is why i want to learn how to develop apps for Windows 10 Mobile.
Lol that's overly dramatic. W10M is already far better than 8.1. TBH 8.1 on my wifes phone infuriates me with lack of features that 10 has. I had 10 on my 930 & it was solid. 10 on my 950XL is even better.

I seriously doubt what you are saying. MS has Pushed back the release of W10M again, now to February. Not ready enough. WP8.1 should have been matured way more and the same goes to the 10, its another re-start. Joe Belfiore should be fired no question about that. No matter how brilliant mind he is as a developer, but this mess should cast a very dark shadow over him.

Im sure even the web browser is still lacking on WP. IE just isnt good enough, wasnt on 8.1 and isnt on desktop either. I used it recently for a year also on desktop because I like to sync my history between my devices (wohoo smartphone). Edge is not ready (trend of Microsoft, not ready yet). After moving to Android and of course blocking Chrome, I installed Mozilla back to my desktop and to my phone, whohooo it works! Best mobile browsing experience I have had in years.

As to the original question are they giving up? Yes Im sure they will. Or if they take the Surface route and make one or 2 devices a year with not much expectations on sales, but can it work here? Because the apps the apps the apps. When you are on WP you are like a second class citizen. Things just dont work and if they do, they work barely.

Oh man the scanner app that I got now just works. I love scanning documents now with my phone. I remember on WP how it could be done, but adding / deleting pages, forwarding the scan with email or some other thing was just problematic and not quite there. Giving this example out of many to reflect the app situation beyond the obvious big apps missing or functions the big apps lack.

I dont think they will waste anymore money on this project. Its sad, I would have rather used WP than Android by Google which I dont like too much, but at least with Android I have been able to kill basically all google's apps and installed others that I rather use. Navigation for example Im using HERE. And you know that works too, clicking links from webpages etc open HERE automatically! A smartphone... By the way, on Android all the HERE apps are in one app, weird that they had separate apps on WP.

When Nokia got on board, on the edge of WP7>8, that was Microsoft's chance, the time to shine and make things happen. they just couldnt do it, they blew it. They would have needed to keep the same momentum that started then, keep pushing fast forward and steadily gain market share as they were doing. Keeping this up, would have one by one got developers to put more attention to the platform and little by little it would have been battle won.

How would any serious developer be really interested on the platform, if you look back now? Seriously, and dont bring up Rudy Huyn who Im sure is getting paid by Microsoft from under the table. Damn, without Rudy and 6tag there wouldnt even be decent Instagram on WP, hahaha, crazy. Which by the way is better than the official Instagram app on Android.

And Im from Finland, we had naturally a very high adaptation to WP after Nokia got on board. Now the amount users here has just plummeted. And yes while selling the devices to MS is something people took notice, its not the ultimate reason. The ultimate reason is, that the devices they had werent working as good as they expected, they were lacking in functionality, in the OS and in the APPS.
Even the dumb phones Nokia forced MS to buy are doing horrible. Wow Nokia really sold so much useful plants and infra to Microsoft its amazing. 7 billion? I love the board of Nokia. And besidess Ballmer, Elop was fired also naturally. Forgot to mention that above.

Facts are facts. ****** bs is ****** bs. Business is business.

Im not expecting MS to be pulling any rabits out of their hat anymore. I was a believer still a year ago, but facts are facts, they will bury this project.

BTW. Continuum at this moment is a joke. Sure, if more progress in technology comes and this idea is refined, it probably will be the way how everything works, but now? I will have my mobile phone, keyboard/mouse and the dock with me, so I can connect my phone to the hotels television and do my emails and whatnot sitting on the small table? Or the next day at presentation break all this out and use the projector with this setup...

Sorry folks, I will just have my Lenovo Carbon x1 and do my stuff on the hotel bed and plug that in to the projector for the presentation. Nice bonus is that I can actually use the device when there isnt extra tv around, like in the airplane and use real programs, wohooo its a computer.
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Oh man the scanner app that I got now just works. I love scanning documents now with my phone. I remember on WP how it could be done, but adding / deleting pages, forwarding the scan with email or some other thing was just problematic and not quite there. Giving this example out of many to reflect the app situation beyond the obvious big apps missing or functions the big apps lack.

You are talking about office lens?
I think it works great!
Scanning and automatically converting to a word document, PDF file, or PowerPoint.
Automatic upload to your OneDrive and OneNote, so you can acces it from any devices, how can you call that problematic?
That and other apps in the store. The functionality just wasnt there 6 months ago. always when trying to do something, it wasn't possible. Like sending the scan as attachment. Or maybe when you scanned a document you wasnt able to add a page in between. Depending on app and situation, always something stopping you. Many things all around the apps and the OS where you just needed a workaround, always doing something simple wasn't straight forward.

Sure, WP is the new kid on the block, but not anymore.

I moved to Android that I so hate(d), things just work. Like the scanner app, I read about 15 minutes of reviews and bought one thats been working like a charm since. Anything I come up with and want to do, it just works. Scanned 6 pages and realized I want to delete one from the middle, not a problem, scan again a page, rearrange order, upload somewhere or better yet email attachments; not a problem... When I was on WP I bought about 150-200? apps, BOUGHT. I bought apps just to support the developers, like Timber I bought on release and never even used it or logged in. Same goes for everything else, there just isnt options to find the app that does what you want. Also many things seem to be limited by OS restrictions, secure OS? Great, but if I want to send an attachment from somewhere, or write/edit to calendar from an app and there is an obstacle, its a problem. Oh man I remember now, a function important to me TASKS. There is/was like 3-4 apps in the store to sync with my O365 (MS service) and have them displayed on my today... horrible, horrible experience. few better than others but all lacking somehow or had bugs. Latest updates a long time ago in most of them.

Like I wrote, this is ok after the release, after 1-2-3 years sure, making progress. But not anymore, its a joke it really is. The MS people in charge know this. They know the mistakes the failures the problems. They have to cut their losses and kill this project. Like I also wrote, they might be looking to take the Surface road, which in theory I guess could in time work, but the app gap. If there comes 2 WP's from MS and 8 small company generic devices a year, is it enough for the developers to make the apps? I doubt that, and great about the tools to convert iOS apps, but its not only about writing the apps, its about the support and other infrastructure for the customers. Would that be enough users / devices to make it worth for the developers? I seriously doubt it and I think many developers voiced their doubts when MS released the idea of the tools. Its not only about making the app, a lot more to it.

All above, makes more and more sure the project will be killed.
Yawn. Even in2016,the doom and gloom and the forum psychics ade redundant.

I suggest that on their deal Nokia took Microsoft forcefully and not even payed for dinner. The main points where that I know what you are saying, but actually doom and gloom has been right since. It looks worse to WP now than it did 2 years ago. Even less users, more time gone and money spent. I was a believer also year or so ago, but not anymore.
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But also on android you needed to buy a separate app for that. It was not build into stock android. So again, it is related to the app gap.

Anyhow, I have faith they are going to close a good part of this gap, and really think that stock W10, has a lot of features build in.
MS doesn't have to give up because windows phone users are giving up.. After my 520,720 and now 735 I am also giving up on Windows phones..soon there will only be some die hard loyalists left the rest has moved on.
But also on android you needed to buy a separate app for that. It was not build into stock android. So again, it is related to the app gap.

Anyhow, I have faith they are going to close a good part of this gap, and really think that stock W10, has a lot of features build in.

Yes, but my point was I bought every app possible I thought might help me, and some even that I didnt need out of support, and still was lacking functionality and was always doing things with workarounds. My device was not smart, or as smart as the other devices seemed to be.

I still think that if MS would have been able to move faster after Nokia jumped on board, the market share would have been steadily rising, slowly but steadily. This would have also sent a positive signal for developers to get on board, which would have equally helped the rise of the market share. At some point a tipping point would have reached where everyone would have considered it as the real 3rd option.

What happened instead was Microsoft going back and forward, taking very long time on implementing new needed functionality, depressing the developers and just killing the momentum.

Good for Nokia, Im really happy they were able to unload the doomed business to MS. That costed Ballmer and Elop their jobs, but I think more should go, or drastically demoted.

Whoever thought crippled experience of integrated Facebook would be enough, or that Facebook would be ok on Microsoft changing their user experience as they pleased and removing adds where they make their money, should also go! The whole team who said wow, this is a great idea, should go! These people didnt think it through, MS wasted years on that, WP users were left with 2 subpar Facebook experiences for ages, the crippled integrated and the HORRIBLE app. It was a joke, do you guys remember that app? Hahahahhahahaha, seriously, the team must have been high. Many problems like that interfered with the main objective and caused delays as things were started from the beginning opposed to keep moving forward to reach the objective.

It was a wasted opportunity. We saw the hope when Nokia got on board and the direction was good at that point. Everyone makes mistakes on business, Microsoft made a huge mistake with WP, Im sure the books will tell the story later.

I wouldnt be surprised that when Nokia went exclusively to WP, the deal was already put in place, you will take our person as CEO, we work together with so and so resources and after we will buy the business from you on price according to sales. I dont think this type of arrangement would be legal? But it would be a great move by Nokia, consider how the whole business has changed. Even if this fantasy scenario is not true, the sale of the business was still AMAZING move by Nokia.

How Microsoft has progressed with WP in the past 5!!! years its a joke, it really is. I guess the company is "little" lost.
I suggest that on their deal Nokia took Microsoft forcefully and not even payed for dinner. The main points where that I know what you are saying, but actually doom and gloom has been right since. It looks worse to WP now than it did 2 years ago. Even less users, more time gone and money spent. I was a believer also year or so ago, but not anymore.

Fanboys are fanboys, facts are facts and business is business..

I love how people are fanboys because they are not forum psychics predicting Microsoft doom
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I love how people are fanboys because they are not forum psychics predicting Microsoft doom

No, there you are wrong. Microsoft isnt doomed. they just messed up their chance with Windows Phone, their mobile platform. Is the company doomed? No, I dont think so. But for them to get their OS in to decent amount users, they blew it. If you dont see it, I dont know, are you a ******, objective or what?

Only look at the numbers. Lets forget everything else and look at the numbers. Is this a success? No, I dont think anyone why understands business basics can call it a success.

Based on numbers Microsoft has little choice here.

EDIT: Here, take a look at this statistic from IDC in December:
Worldwide Smartphone Market Will See the First Single-Digit Growth Year on Record, According to IDC - prUS40664915

Lets forget the very horrible prediction for Windows Phone as its speculation. The current numbers are also HORRIBLE. Yes, no flagship and not that this or those, but that does not matter, only the numbers matter in business.

The issue for getting around it, is so much more than just one "killer device", or that "crazy one function people cant live without", making this impossible to achieve. They know this; thus to the topic, they have to kill it.

And once more, they blew it themselves. The market was difficult sure, but there was the need for 3rd platform. The market share started to rise. there was the chance, but when the rise stopped. Its lights out.
No, there you are wrong. Microsoft isnt doomed. they just messed up their chance with Windows Phone, their mobile platform. Is the company doomed? No, I dont think so. But for them to get their OS in to decent amount users, they blew it. If you dont see it, I dont know, are you a ******, objective or what?

Only look at the numbers. Lets forget everything else and look at the numbers. Is this a success? No, I dont think anyone why understands business basics can call it a success.

Based on numbers Microsoft has little choice here.

EDIT: Here, take a look at this statistic from IDC in December:
View attachment 121132
Worldwide Smartphone Market Will See the First Single-Digit Growth Year on Record, According to IDC - prUS40664915

Lets forget the very horrible prediction for Windows Phone as its speculation. The current numbers are also HORRIBLE. Yes, no flagship and not that this or those, but that does not matter, only the numbers matter in business.

The issue for getting around it, is so much more than just one "killer device", or that "crazy one function people cant live without", making this impossible to achieve. They know this; thus to the topic, they have to kill it.

And once more, they blew it themselves. The market was difficult sure, but there was the need for 3rd platform. The market share started to rise. there was the chance, but when the rise stopped. Its lights out.

We should look back at this post exactly one year from now, just to see if Windows Mobile is around or not. Only time will tell.
But I am sure Windows Mobile will be around as long as Microsoft is around.
Well see and if it's around in what form. If its just an OS that scales to a smaller screen, but no one actually uses a phone with it, does that mean its still alive.

Nadella said Windows Phone is not sustainable with market share that is has now. Will the market share change soon? I doubt that very much, which would mean they will kill it.
We all have our opinions but I think we can agree on one thing. Like my dad would say when I was growing up, it's time (for MS) to pee or get off the pot.
Priority is where their strength lies and their strength lies in the PC/Tablet market.

Which is exactly what they're doing. What you've missed is they've merged the phone market in with it. WM will succeed if universal apps on PC/Tablet work.

Another thing I think with win 10 If you do write a good app for windows 10 mobile you can be a big fish in a small pond. Whereas with IOS you just another little fish in a very big pond. But I do hope they do fix the IOS bridge to import apps and get more onboard so everyone stops whining. We all what the problem is so let's fix it.

The thing is, it's *not* a small pond. Look at the figures below. Over 31 million units in just the last year. That's 31 million currently under-served potential customers!

No, there you are wrong. Microsoft isnt doomed. they just messed up their chance with Windows Phone, their mobile platform. Is the company doomed? No, I dont think so. But for them to get their OS in to decent amount users, they blew it. If you dont see it, I dont know, are you a ******, objective or what?

Only look at the numbers. Lets forget everything else and look at the numbers. Is this a success? No, I dont think anyone why understands business basics can call it a success.

I'm an entrepreneur. I've been founding and running my own companies for a couple of decades. Yes, just look at the numbers. Do you know how many units the first iPhone sold? 6.1 million. Was it a failure? It wasn't until 2010 that Apple sold more than 30 million iPhones in a year.

Was the iPhone a failure for it's first 3 years? Of course not.

Just forget iOS or Android exist for a moment. If you had some product and you sold 31 million new units in a year where you didn't actually launch much in the way of new products, and had 100 million + active users of it, you in no way would consider it a failure. Standing alone, those are very big numbers. It's only in comparison to iOS and Android as a percentage that it looks small.

Based on numbers Microsoft has little choice here.

EDIT: Here, take a look at this statistic from IDC in December:
View attachment 121132
Worldwide Smartphone Market Will See the First Single-Digit Growth Year on Record, According to IDC - prUS40664915

Lets forget the very horrible prediction for Windows Phone as its speculation. The current numbers are also HORRIBLE. Yes, no flagship and not that this or those, but that does not matter, only the numbers matter in business.

The issue for getting around it, is so much more than just one "killer device", or that "crazy one function people cant live without", making this impossible to achieve. They know this; thus to the topic, they have to kill it.

And once more, they blew it themselves. The market was difficult sure, but there was the need for 3rd platform. The market share started to rise. there was the chance, but when the rise stopped. Its lights out.

Now, I absolutely agree (as do many others), that Microsoft really did screw this up more than once. It doesn't mean it's full-time just yet though, and I do think the current attempt to merge markets is there best chance of getting back in the game. I came across some articles yesterday on the Surface Pro 3 as it was launching - they were basically calling the Surface line a failure and predicting (and/recommending) Microsoft would drop it soon.

As a businessman I actually think some developers are missing an opportunity here. If I lived in australia (used to, Europe now), population 20+ million, and I saw some product selling like crazy in the US that wasn't available in Australia, I'd see opportunity - there's a proven, customer validated product and an untapped market with little competition.

Instead, they're all desperately hoping to be the next big "new" thing in the highly AndriOS world.
Well, I see it in a different light.

Well that's too bad - because THE MARKET, which is ultimately the number one priority for any product, sees it in the light of WP having no apps and ecosystem to offer. That's the mass consensus.

And sadly, more bad news (given there's never any good news)...

Windows 10 Mobile Again Delayed... Should Microsoft Give Up on Its Windows 10 Mobile Strategy?

Once again delayed. It's seriously time for MS to concede it hasn't worked and to let things go. They'd be much better off creating great apps & services for iOS and Android (which frankly, is what's going on anyway).
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Well that's too bad - because THE MARKET, which is ultimately the number one priority for any product, sees it in the light of WP having no apps and ecosystem to offer. That's the mass consensus.

And sadly, more bad news (given there's never any good news)...

Windows 10 Mobile Again Delayed... Should Microsoft Give Up on Its Windows 10 Mobile Strategy?

Once again delayed. It's seriously time for MS to concede it hasn't worked and to let things go. They'd be much better off creating great apps & services for iOS and Android (which frankly, is what's going on anyway).

I think most of us have not go it yet. Microsoft has already let go and they are not competing with anyone. They are just trying to improve the services they have currently. They have already said that they are not looking for market share in mobile market.

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