Is this device for me? HP elite x3 vs BB Dtek60

With Push though you get emails as they arrive, which can be helpful for time-sensitive manners.

I think push's power usage depends on the volume of email received but yea it tends to use more power, but the lack of latency may be worth it for some.
I think the screen comes on every push notification which adds to the drain, sorry to derail the Thread.
Viktor, yes, I am having and using the X3. Came from N95, 8GB, N97, E7, E6, Lumia 800, 920, 1520, 950XL, HP Elite X3. Know ipads and iphones pretty well due to professional responsibilities, had iphones, have ipads. Not as good as a support agent, but I know it. I am a Security Manager, doing processes and audits, also a network, firewall and MDM guy, getting his hands bloody in medium environments.

Windows 10 mobile: Yes, there is a filesystem and you could swap files using a cable and USB Stick, e.g. just connect it and copy stuff from and to. But really, the guys here are all giving great advise. Ask specific questions and we will give our best to help you optimise it.

Like I said, personally I would rather optimise my usage of the 7+. Or just try, if money is of no concern. Get one in parallel and see, how it works. Stay away from insider builds, dont ask, if you dont know ☺

I would not touch a pixel. Personal and professional opinion.

Best regards,
If you want something for the future that most likely will not show it's full potential till late 2017, hp is the way to go. If you want something for right now that you can be guaranteed everything you need is available, android is the way to go.

There's a sale now that has lap dock/dock, phone for 999. You can often get features much earlier by joining the insider program. This is at the expense of bugs. However, if you join at the right time then it's usually not so bad. The worst is the beginning of a new branch. I'm still waiting to join with the current one. One of the issues with continuum is 1 full screen window. Well, with the new update that will be coming out it will have multi window and look more like desktop. You can get office through the online version using Edge or the one on the phone.
If you want something for the future that most likely will not show it's full potential till late 2017, hp is the way to go. If you want something for right now that you can be guaranteed everything you need is available, android is the way to go.

There's a sale now that has lap dock/dock, phone for 999. You can often get features much earlier by joining the insider program. This is at the expense of bugs. However, if you join at the right time then it's usually not so bad. The worst is the beginning of a new branch. I'm still waiting to join with the current one. One of the issues with continuum is 1 full screen window. Well, with the new update that will be coming out it will have multi window and look more like desktop. You can get office through the online version using Edge or the one on the phone.

That sounds great. When will be the next updates?
Viktor, it seems you're not using your iPhone to its full potential. Yes, it's true that iOS does not have a file manager and that's its biggest failing for business users like yourself. A simple solution for your email needs is to download Outlook from the App Store and that will solve 2 of your issues. First, Outlook will allow attachments other than photos and you can attach multiple files of varying types (photos, PDFs, Word docs, etc.). Second, you need to set your email to push rather than scheduled. Not only will you get your emails quicker but it will improve your battery life by not having your email client polling the server every 15 minutes. Another tip is to use CamScanner to send your docs as a PDF rather than a photo. You can send the doc straight from the app and save a few steps. As a loyal Windows fan I'd rather you enjoy your iPhone than to get the HP and have the same issues you're having now and then bad-mouth the platform. Give it a whirl and then decide if switching platforms will fit your needs better.

Thank You!
So You think I have to optimise my iPhone and will solve all my problems.
What else can You offer me? What Apps?
That sounds great. When will be the next updates?
Redstone 2 will be in early 2017 or thereabouts, RS3 will be late 2017.
also -- Regarding your hundreds of emails a day and responding to them, have you tried using voice recognition instead of typing, I must admit on this platform it works very well. I use it for SMS and Email.
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That sounds great. When will be the next updates?

For insiders, not sure, there's going to likely be a new one this week but if it will include those features is anyone's guess. I believe the creators update is going to be for february 2017. Though insider program is where you can join to be a part of a testing group that lets you use bleeding edge versions of windows before they make it to the public. There's a lot of feedback involved as well as your phone collects telemetry at a higher level for them to be able to improve upon the software.
Thank You!
I have downloaded Outlook on my iPhone. Mails really come very quickly. But the problem is, that I don't know how to download files.
Of course. They can be rooted and have an unlocked / unlockable bootloader. They are a mess, when rooted, like a jailbroken iphone, which is also untouchable.

So, no game for me.
Of course. They can be rooted and have an unlocked / unlockable bootloader. They are a mess, when rooted, like a jailbroken iphone, which is also untouchable.

So, no game for me.

Or, I see. And what about Dtek60?
And why many businessmen use the Android devices - Dtek, Samsung, Vertu?
And even Pixel??

The Pixel is not. As for Outlook, you should be able to tap the 3rd tab at the bottom to see all of your attachments. I know you have mail, calendar, and I forgot what the third tab is. My iPhone isn't in front of me right now.
The Pixel is not. As for Outlook, you should be able to tap the 3rd tab at the bottom to see all of your attachments. I know you have mail, calendar, and I forgot what the third tab is. My iPhone isn't in front of me right now.
As the Pixel is rootable and has an unlockable bootloader plus is running Android - sorry, it can not be secure by definition. It is not a trusted platform and can run anything. And on top of that come the usual Android bugs (which iOS or Windows are having as well, but are not as targeted).

An iOS or Windows 10 Mobile device is neither easily rootable (jailbreak / interop unlock) nor does it have an open bootloader. Here, only the bugs come into play ;) The DTEKs are embedding unique crypto keys in every device in a certain way, which is said to be secure. This article from Blackberry contains more information on how it is secure despite (yes, despite) using Android: BlackBerry?s New DTEK50 and PRIV Are the Most Secure Android Devices on the Market: Here?s Why [VIDEO, PICS] | Inside BlackBerry

To come back to your question, Viktor, it is beyond me, how 85% of the market can be Android, and it is even worse, as the absolute majority of those again are cheapdroids, which never ever saw an update and are indeed running known, insecure and open to grab for anybody Android versions. These devices are containing the whole digital identity plus are always with us (with their GPS, cameras, microphones) and are known insecure.

People just do not care. I do and you asked ;)
I agree. Even the fact that companies deploy MDM for android devices makes no sense. Because as even the latest MDM service can be bypassed/spoofed by the rooted android device if they really want to or an individual is clever enough. My company strictly only supports Windows Mobile and iOS and has not even considered opening byod to Android.
An iOS or Windows 10 Mobile device is neither easily rootable (jailbreak / interop unlock) nor does it have an open bootloader.
With WM there is no need to interop unlock anymore. Developer mode is baked in and deploying a registry editor is all you really need to effect usable changes. There are no custom ROMs available and even if there were, they'd be pretty useless since the UI is locked down tighter than Ft. Leavenworth.
I won't touch the rootable-ness right now but having an unlockable bootloader is not a liability. Unlocking the bootloader wipes the phones data and it simply allows more freedom for the user to use their phone. (unlike any other phone which is pretty much stuck when their respective company says so)

Android gets a lot of flak but a Pixel/Nexus or Blackberry is your best bet if you want a different balance of security and utility. It is secure, it may not be as secure but it is not insecure.

The Android ecosystem is a security trainwreck when you look at the numerous cheap devices without updates or even patches. However security patches are released monthly and Samsung, Blackberry and Google do well with them.
But avoid carrier-branded models, they can and do interfere with updates like how AT&T delayed the WP8.0 GDR2/Lumia Amber update for several months.

Look to see if Android does something the others don't do and then go from there. As always, common sense is the best defense and simple steps can keep you reasonably safe.

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