Is Windows 10 the most hated OS?

Bored of the thread already! I get bored of these "ALL OF WINDOWS IS GOING TO END" threads. Windows isn't ending.
Not even going to elaborate, as you already know my reasoning or you're on the other side of the argument and refuse to accept rationality.
Good day to all of you!
No organization in their right mind is going to install W10 any time soon anyway. Most agencies and corporations that I've seen are still on Win7/Win2008R2. It will take some time for people to study the OS and learn how to tweak it to their needs. For a start I would guess most will turn off Cortana, OneDrive and all the other cloud stuff. MS is usually pretty good about working with larger customers to make things work the way they want it to.
Shame the media had to jump all over the anti-piracy and user-data sharing bullsh!t then ended up to be exaggerated paranoia. And of course few news sources actually went back and said 'We were wrong, disregard' so the public still believes it all.
MS still hasn't launched the next wave of updates. It's fixing bugs and working on issues and then it will once again start the upgrade process for more people. So yah obviously it slowed down. The privacy concerns have been proven dubious and it's just paranoid people trying to bring it down. Have you seen android in the news lately? New apps that are gaining full root control of devices and bypassing all security among other issues.

Mobile 10 on the other hand is likely doomed if MS doesn't change things before the roll out. It's way too all over the place. The idea that they are testing different UI variations on people just sounds silly because some of the UI changes I have seen recently are so bad that no one in their right mind will like them. Here's something I wrote somewhere else:

Onedrive app is a great example of disaster. You have a bar at the bottom with some common functionality. Then you also have an ellipses that pops up some additional settings like create a folder and refresh... wait what? Why isn't this just right in the app bar? Ok, now it also has a hamburger menu. So you open it up and you look and you think, where the hell is the settings? Oh... way to the right side is a cog that is typically used for settings. Why isn't it just in the general area of the hamburger menu. There's also 2 lines in opposite direction that is where you can look at your transfers. Once again why isn't this just in the regular portion of the hamburger menu? It is all over the place. And people who use ios will not like it. Have you seen onedrive for IOS? It actually looks normal and easy to understand.

Photos app has a bar at the bottom. 2 options and an ellipses. The ellipses shows a cog with settings and your account. Why not just add this to the bar? It's completely empty. Why do you need to put it in a separate menu that opens up after hitting ellipses. It's just absolutely atrocious.

So this is what I am talking about. Everything is all over the place. And I get it that this is a preview and they may just be testing things out on us. But the above examples don't need to be tested. They are bad, Microsoft should know they are bad.
Well, to be honest, in Europe Win10 is getting to be a big disaster. In Germany, where I live, the reputation is already flat out destroyed due to the privacy concerns and unknown data being sent etc. It's even worse than Win8. Many people I know are instantly switching back to Win7 reverting the Win10 license. MS messed it up big this time... The future of Windows is very uncertain in Europe because trust to MS has really took a hit. Switzerland and Russia are even considering banning Windows 10 for governmental authorities.
Hard times for MS are incoming, that's for sure.
And due to this, in Germany Windows 10 Mobile will fail hard. Many are predicting this already.

It is simply sad to see that MS seems to continue making mistakes after another...

Again just misinformed and uneducated idiots spreading fud, People in Germany should be more worried about other things bein a problem their privacy.
Windows 10 the most hated? I'd say that honor still belongs to Vista.

If people are honestly this concerned about their privacy they should probably stop using any smartphone... or dumbphone for that matter. Use only cash, drive cars with no GPS, and probably wrap everything else up in aluminum foil. Windows 10 (and 8) seem no more privacy intruding than say... android, iOS, or your local POS in a store.

As for Russia banning usage of Windows 10... Guess that's all the reason they need to stick to XP?
In France, there have been a few articles about Privacy, but big tech sites explained why it was BS. Some ******* extreme-right political figure called Marine Le Pen sent a letter to the government asking them to ban Windows 10, because she had read the win10 insider EULA. That made a few waves, but less than 5% of France support her, the rest beleive the instant contrary of what she says. Anyway, all the big, mainstream, non-tech newspapers that everybody reads (Le Monde, Le Nouvel Obs, Le Figaro) have had articles like "Pourquoi Windows 10 est une ?tape charni?re pour Microsoft" ("Why Windows 10 is a major step for Microsoft"). Generally neutral, without doing positive or negative advertising for msft. Everybody I know will upgrade. So here, I'd say over 95% of users will upgrade.
In France, there have been a few articles about Privacy, but big tech sites explained why it was BS. Some ******* extreme-right political figure called Marine Le Pen sent a letter to the government asking them to ban Windows 10, because she had read the win10 insider EULA. That made a few waves, but less than 5% of France support her, the rest beleive the instant contrary of what she says. Anyway, all the big, mainstream, non-tech newspapers that everybody reads (Le Monde, Le Nouvel Obs, Le Figaro) have had articles like "Pourquoi Windows 10 est une ?tape charni?re pour Microsoft" ("Why Windows 10 is a major step for Microsoft"). Generally neutral, without doing positive or negative advertising for msft. Everybody I know will upgrade. So here, I'd say over 95% of users will upgrade.

Wait if you said she read the Windows 10 insider EULA, then she is a complete ****** seriously
Personally I haven't seen this negativity towards windows 10, but I have seen people thinking that they will hold off upgrading because they have a year to do that.

I think its more likely to be a slow news day...

That's why we say that the real number will be known by the end of the 1st Year
Wait if you said she read the Windows 10 insider EULA, then she is a complete ****** seriously

Well, many of the "Windows 10 invades your privacy!" clickbait articles were quoting the insider EULA, so she probably did too. She's definintely dumb enough.
Have to admit in some places I have just got used to going around in a circular route until I find the thing I am looking for, I love the overall design of the new app but consistency is a bit off at times.

But as far as the title of the thread goes, absolutely not, it's the best with the freshest ideas I have seen for a long time.
Well, to be honest, in Europe Win10 is getting to be a big disaster. In Germany, where I live, the reputation is already flat out destroyed due to the privacy concerns and unknown data being sent etc. It's even worse than Win8. Many people I know are instantly switching back to Win7 reverting the Win10 license. MS messed it up big this time... The future of Windows is very uncertain in Europe because trust to MS has really took a hit. Switzerland and Russia are even considering banning Windows 10 for governmental authorities.
Hard times for MS are incoming, that's for sure.
And due to this, in Germany Windows 10 Mobile will fail hard. Many are predicting this already.

It is simply sad to see that MS seems to continue making mistakes after another...
Well all of this is just out of ignorance, which sadly the media and uninformed people just echo and repeat. Your post is too part of this spreading of misinformation.

In fact, II've read news about many countries and organizations switching to 10 right away.
Also, the privacy concerns are of no concern when MS is doing nothing they and other OS's haven't done before. .

I'm not sure Google's products should participate in setting the standard for what is or is not tolerable in terms of privacy protections. That would commit us all to a race to the bottom, where any privacy protections at all represent a rare exception rather then the norm (we're pretty close to that already).

Corporations and government agencies also have very different standards from the average consumer. Android, or any other smartphone OS for that matter, simply doesn't play a vital/central role in corporate or government IT infrastructures. Windows does. I think it's fair that these OSes are judged by different standards.
and that's just derstandard....

As I suspected, those articles don't even attempt to explain what is actually going on. That's similar to some of the reports I've read in French, German or Swiss newspapers. It's understandable that non-technical publications omit practically all details (most of the consumer oriented tech press does too). Unfortunately, they screw up by omitting everything a reader would require to make up their own mind, yet insist the reader should be very very worried, when there isn't much reason to be. This is just the typical sensationalizing we should expect from most media. :-/

That is in stark contrast to the often far more professional sources they site, like this one:

Even when told not to, Windows 10 just can?t stop talking to Microsoft | Ars Technica UK

Reading that article, which does include technical information, it's difficult to feel W10 is violating your privacy in any major way. When compared to what one particular internet browser tracks during your surfing sessions, mentioning these "violations" seems almost comical. There are some valid concerns, but they aren't so much about privacy violations as they are about W10 failing to prohibit all data exchanges it (presumably) could/should when related features are deactivated.

It remains to be seen, but I won't be surprised if most of the exchanges mentioned are eventually suppressed. W10 can't remove all such exchanges however. For example, Windows requires that apps exchange their version numbers with the store to determine if they must be updated. Complaining about these types of exchanges, which is the only thing left to really fake outrage over, seems ridiculous to me.
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I'm not sure Google's products should participate in setting the standard for what is or is not tolerable in terms of privacy protections. That would commit us all to a race to the bottom, where any privacy protections at all represent a rare exception rather then the norm (we're pretty close to that already).
That's a very good point. Google is pretty terrible.
It is pretty easy to block all this traffic at the router level if you wish. Nothing gets through my network unless I decide it should. If your network does not operate similarly then security is hardly a major thing for you.

Yes, you could say MS should be less keen to broadcast. That would not solve the problem of many other programs sending info unbidden though. You still need a properly secure network, so this is an intellectual rather than a practical concern.

I am no W10 fan and I hold data that I do not own so I must be sure it is not accessed by or sent to third parties without my getting express permission from the information owners. It would be a criminal offence for me to allow such. I have many concerns about W10 but this is not one of them. Hopefully that will give you some confidence.

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