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- Dec 11, 2014
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OK guys, pretend that you love (or hate) all tech companies equally, and see if this makes sense:
All the tech companies have been collecting data. What happened here is that with Windows 10, Microsoft is more open about it. They were doing it before; it just wasn't as obvious. Google always was more open about it, which is why they got the bad press.
Now, Microsoft is basically announcing, "Alright folks, we're now openly telling you that we're doing what Google and Apple (and even we ourselves) have been doing since like forever."
However, we do not use what you say in email, chat, video calls or voice mail, or your documents, photos or other personal files to target ads to you.
Nope. Makes no sense. Like I said, the fact that data is collected is irrelevant. It's impossible to create any online service without collecting at least some of the user's data. Without that data, there is nothing worthwhile a service could do.
What matters is how that data is used, i.e. whom that data belongs to after it is collected and what rights to your data these companies claim for themselves in return for offering a free service.
Not at all. I call it "business as usual".
That's true and even impacts people who don't use smartphone location services or store apps.I had referenced this subject in my post, but removed it before I posted it.
I agree that the important thing is how the data is used. And I do not believe for one second that Microsoft did not use data for targeted advertising. Google is more in the limelight because they do most of it, but Microsoft has done it in the past and is now pursuing it more aggressively. Display Ad Targeting Solutions - Microsoft Advertising
One of the arguments used against Google on Microsoft fan forums is something like "If a product is free, YOU are the product!" Well, meet Windows 10! If you think that Microsoft is giving it away out of the goodness of their hearts, then I have no clue what to say to you!
Targeted advertising is not creepy; what's creepy is data collection without the victim being aware of it. In that respect, Microsoft was, until Windows 10, a much bigger offender. Google was always open about it, which is probably why they got the reputation. It's not that the others didn't do it; it's more that we didn't know they did it.
Microsoft and Google and whoever else does targeted advertising do not sell your data to advertisers. They direct ads to you because you fit a specific demographic. Selling your data would kill their business, as their customers would then have no need for them, since they would then have your information.
And either way, we all sell ourselves in some way. If you go to work and are paid by your employer, the company takes control of your time, and you are paid for your time. You are under obligation to do what they tell you to do.
We would all be flabbergasted if we had any clue what big retailers know about us. In some ways they put the big tech companies to shame in that respect. Target (a large US based department store similar to Walmart) for example knows what route you're likely to take through their store, and they position products accordingly. They also tailor the flyers mailed to your house to fit your interests! Creepy?
I find that kind of ironic, considering that Germany is a very strong market for Android. I'm not a conspirator against Google (I use Android myself), but Google has that same reputation.
Microsoft was found to be abusing its position by the US and the EU.
Google is under investigation, but has not been found guilty of anything so far.
1. Windows 10 is spyware.
2. Windows 7 works great. Why upgrade when its not broken?
3. Windows 10 forced automatic updates are a big no no. I should be able to update anytime i want at my convenience not at Microsoft's convenience.
4. Am happy with Windows 7.
5. Lots of people facing issues with the upgrade process. Not sure if its worth the hassle.
6. Still lots of bugs and issues. Needs more time to mature.
7. I still have one year to decide whether to upgrade to Windows 10 or not so what's the hurry in upgrading.
8. Am happy with Windows 7.
Google is under investigation, but has yet to be charged.
Hehe I started from MS-DOS to using Windows, and Windows Server. Even had Pocket PCs. Windows ME wasn't that bad for me.Obviously the original poster never used Window ME if they are asking this question. lol