Is Windows 10 the most hated OS?

it's just click hate. W10 is really great. a fool and his data are soon parted, regardless of OS.
it's just click hate. W10 is really great. a fool and his data are soon parted, regardless of OS.

Windows 10 is well ropey in many areas, but your network security should not be and so this should not be a concern. Never rely on the promises of others to ensure the security of the data you are responsible for protecting.
I think the reason people bash Windows 10 is that most people are novices .... As I am too..... I down loaded Windows 10 ...... as my pop up kept asking me to schedule my down load...... after a week of fantast speed and features I found my first problem..... When I slide showed my 28 pictures from my nephews ... It only showed 5 over and over..... next when I restarted my computer the screen when blank...... Oh and have I mentioned I am a novice.... ahahahah... It cost me ?45 to reload Windows 7 ... was I ripped off?.... Does Microsoft owe me ?45? ... I can only surmise that you are all technical experts .... and only surmise that most computer problems can be fixed by yourselves.... We novices have the rough end of computer updates.... Thank you for reading this...... I do feel helpless and rather miffed at my computer still telling me to schedule Window 10... ahahahah
I think the reason people bash Windows 10 is that most people are novices .... As I am too..... I down loaded Windows 10 ...... as my pop up kept asking me to schedule my down load...... after a week of fantast speed and features I found my first problem..... When I slide showed my 28 pictures from my nephews ... It only showed 5 over and over..... next when I restarted my computer the screen when blank...... Oh and have I mentioned I am a novice.... ahahahah... It cost me ?45 to reload Windows 7 ... was I ripped off?.... Does Microsoft owe me ?45? ... I can only surmise that you are all technical experts .... and only surmise that most computer problems can be fixed by yourselves.... We novices have the rough end of computer updates.... Thank you for reading this...... I do feel helpless and rather miffed at my computer still telling me to schedule Window 10... ahahahah

In a fair world MS would reimburse your 45 quid, but it won't happen. People like yourself are in a tough spot, not particularly technical and so not in a position to deal with something like this. You got forced into something that isn't really ready to eat yet. At least you seem reasonably good humored about it despite the dyspepsia. Try the upgrade again in about 6-8 months.
It is pretty easy to block all this traffic at the router level if you wish. Nothing gets through my network unless I decide it should. If your network does not operate similarly then security is hardly a major thing for you.

Yes, you could say MS should be less keen to broadcast. That would not solve the problem of many other programs sending info unbidden though. You still need a properly secure network, so this is an intellectual rather than a practical concern.

I am no W10 fan and I hold data that I do not own so I must be sure it is not accessed by or sent to third parties without my getting express permission from the information owners. It would be a criminal offence for me to allow such. I have many concerns about W10 but this is not one of them. Hopefully that will give you some confidence.
Teach us your ways of blocking data at the router level. I wanna learn too
Every now and then, someone goes nuts over privacy. It's a curious reaction, given all the things that we use that connect us and which also share innumerable details about us. All of that info you'll see when you do a self search came from somewhere. I'm not against prudent caution, nor am I against pushing back against corporate intrusions, but acting like this is an outrage and getting all indignant is just silly. The fool system is free. What exactly are we owed when making use of something free? There are some things, but there are some expectations that are probably a bit of a reach.

If you don't like it, vote with your feet... er operating system. Use something else. Me, I'm quite happy with W10.
Teach us your ways of blocking data at the router level. I wanna learn too

It's not easy at all, maybe not even possible. You would have to block boatloads of IP addresses, and they don't stay the same. Like a lot of companies, MS farms out a lot of services to other providers like Akamai and MarkMonitor. It would be a full time job trying to keep up with them all.
If you didn't already know, The Register is one of the most anti-Microsoft website out there.

If you are worried about privacy, you better not be using iOS or Android.

Well, to be honest, in Europe Win10 is getting to be a big disaster. In Germany, where I live, the reputation is already flat out destroyed due to the privacy concerns and unknown data being sent etc. It's even worse than Win8. Many people I know are instantly switching back to Win7 reverting the Win10 license. MS messed it up big this time... The future of Windows is very uncertain in Europe because trust to MS has really took a hit. Switzerland and Russia are even considering banning Windows 10 for governmental authorities.
Hard times for MS are incoming, that's for sure.
And due to this, in Germany Windows 10 Mobile will fail hard. Many are predicting this already.

It is simply sad to see that MS seems to continue making mistakes after another...

The FUD is strong with this one.

I hope that they don't use Android or iOS.

...and Russia? Only Tzar Putin can see your data!
Personally I haven't seen this negativity towards windows 10, but I have seen people thinking that they will hold off upgrading because they have a year to do that.

I think its more likely to be a slow news day...

In my office, the engineers were not so keen on Windows 8.1 and vowed it would never be introduced in our enterprise. Flash forward to the release of Windows 10. Several of them dropped them on their work laptops and then on a workstation they use. Since they are in ear shot, almost everyday I hear one of them make a discovery about Windows 10 and they pass the info on to other engineers who like the discovery. One of the engineers that has an Iphone 6+, acquired a Lumia 930 which was a shocker to me and has TP installed to boot. Since then, my colleague is talking about getting a Windows phone. He currently runs android. My company is replacing ipads with the Surface tablets. This what what I'm personally witnessing. Hate forums are all about hate stories and most of them are lying.
Teach us your ways of blocking data at the router level. I wanna learn too

To do this completely you need a dedicated Linux box to act as router and the will to go pretty white list with your system. A pain, but not very difficult. Personally, I don't see the need to go that far, but a Linux box for a router is certainly worth doing as it gives you proper control and you'll wonder how you ever made do before. Those little boxes that come from your ISP are really Linux devices, but converting an old PC to do the job opens up a whole other world of router capability.
But it's okay if Apple gets your user data, regardless of settings, right?

For serious, Vista killed a very beast hard drive on an old desktop that was incredibly healthy for years. It never had the problems it did before my folks installed Vista. It conked two years later. :/
Its why I hate these HATE posts. They all have the same DNA. They begin with a simply question or comment about some unknown source with some tale of woe. Then, they feed on themselves and people who respect the platform is expected to defend every imbecilic and moronic post made from around the net as what we are seeing already.
I say if you are convinced this isn't the OS for you, please don't install it. Frightened people should get off the grid. No smart phones, credit cards, wifi, operating systems, nothing. You infect everyone you come into contact with with that bright yellow stripe.

3 pages already it will be 10 by Thursday.
I haven't heard of anyone who actually uses it hating Windows 10. Only the usual articles from mac or Linux users who just want to bash, Facebook or Google users who complain about perceived security issues (lol) or those stuck in 1999 afraid of the w2k bug, -it's ok nothing happened, it's safe to upgrade and join us now.
There is the privacy issue things I heard that some people (outside my country) is really hate, I personally think it's just dumb to call Windows 10 is really doing that.

First, collecting data is necessary for Cortana (and Edge) for more assist you personally.
Second about email and private data that stored in server, yeah, I think every email & cloud service provider do this too, where do you think your email stored? Where do you think your synced password stored? Why they hate this if MS did this and you just trust another cloud sync service or password manager service? Is it because MS is too honest in their Privacy Policy? You think other provider can't be worst than this?
And about peer-to-peer software update, I think it can be a good thing and bad too. Good if you have more than one computers in network so you don't waste to much bandwidth for downloading update each computer, and if it set to peer-to-peer over internet the download speed will be higher. And the bad side is if it set to peer-to-peer over internet it could eat your bandwidth.

That's three topic that has been heard in here. The only thing we really hate is we can't even turn off automatic update in Home edition, internet is still an expensive thing in here. And people in here seems not really care with privacy issue things. Even if they really spying us, what for? What am I afraid to? I didn't do bad things with my computer.
I haven't heard of anyone who actually uses it hating Windows 10. Only the usual articles from mac or Linux users who just want to bash, Facebook or Google users who complain about perceived security issues (lol) or those stuck in 1999 afraid of the w2k bug, -it's ok nothing happened, it's safe to upgrade and join us now.

Actually, many who use it have expressed a love/hate relationship with W10 in these very forums. I think it is great, behind the scenes. The problems come when one tries to use a touch device, for example (there are other areas if course). Things are often not as black and white as you are considering them. Security, however, I do not see as being a problem due to W10 specifically (though I do think everyone should be fully aware and in control of all data going in and out of their systems).

I love Windows 10. I also hate it equally. I am far from alone in this.
The only real issue with W8 was the lack of a simplified start menu for legacy pre-touch devices, which could be easily worked around with third party menus. W10 has far deeper problems that cannot yet (possibly ever) be worked around. That being the case, I fail to understand your 'reasoning' iamakii.
Well maybe Germans should educate themselves better beffore making decission based on a half-assed concerns and deformed articles in the mainstream press. Also probably it's a goog idea to be more open-minded. The so called "ooohh Microsoft is stealing our info" is a total horsecrap statement. One - most of the "settings" that suddenly everybody is so afaird have being already around (some of them as far as Win Phone 7) Windows 8.1 Desktop and Phone 8.1. And number two - all those so fearing of MS's privacy policy rules and EULAs probably should consider reading what Facebook API , Twitter API , Google services, etc are doing... for like years now. So based on that - if you have a "social" account basically now anywhere, you did basically already "gave your privacy" away. At least Microsoft throw a brand new OS in the deal :)
So .. privacy ..Regular Joe with a personal digital footprint in the net (or regular Hans in your case i guess) is already causa perduta. I'm runing a Surface 3 Pro, a 4th in a row Windows Phone, a desktop machine and a employer bought Lenovo thinkpad all on Win 10, and i'm more then fine.

As somebody else mentioned before me - if you're so concerned for your privacy and digital life, you should probably steer clear from Android i GS forever :)
Oh and .. getting your bearings and trusting the tabloid in the IT industry "The Register" is like enjoying and trusting completely FOX News (or your local equivalent, i'm sure you have such in DE)
The sooner people realize NOTHING you do on an internet connected device is private, the better. Come on...

I personally think 10 is beautiful. I haven't used it much at all, though.

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