As far back as I can remember, Win 3.1, 3.11, there has been a furor over a new MS Windows realease, if its not that its not as good a previous versions there is something nefarious within the code. As far as I am aware most OS collect data, I don't need to go on about the rumpus Google has caused, and still causing through its data collecting antics, Amazon has also had issues. Apple also collects but having not owned any Apple products I don't know to what extent. I am negligent, I do not read the softward licences as its simple, if you don't agree to the terms and conditions you don't get to use the software and despite everything I like MS software. I don't know what use is made of the fact that I like music, football (soccer), travel, and other stuff and the fact that somewhere there maybe a profile describing me better than I know myself is not always accurate as like most people I change my mind. As for Win 10, the problem I had was the amount of my broadband allowance I used up updating 3 devices, I went well over so had to pay extra, I don't have unlimited broadband.