Is Windows 10 the most hated OS?

Privacy issues? I am pretty my government is spying on me .... and I doubt they will stop...
Russia News - Lawmaker requests Russian government to ban Windows 10 in state agencies
"Vice-Speaker of the State Duma, lower house of the Russian parliament, Nikolai Levichev has urged the Russian authorities to check the activities of Microsoft Corporation in Russia and prohibit the use of Windows 10 operating system in state agencies."

A big country wants to stop using a foreign OS for their government computers? Crazy!!! U.S. government has always been using Red Panda OS with no problems... /S

Come on, it is just logic that countries like Russia or China -that already banned W8 for official use some years ago-, that are competitors of USA, don't want to use an OS from USA. The only surprising thing is that they did not do this before.
A big country wants to stop using a foreign OS for their government computers? Crazy!!! U.S. government has always been using Red Panda OS with no problems... /S

Come on, it is just logic that countries like Russia or China -that already banned W8 for official use some years ago-, that are competitors of USA, don't want to use an OS from USA. The only surprising thing is that they did not do this before.

Every government and their respective agency that has issues with Windows 10 will just license Red Star OS from North Korea. That's the only way to go. And if it works for a paranoid regime, it must work for Switzerland as well /s
Imho the only real reason is that w8 & w10 are collecting too much private data from users,
They are capable like of everything, they have even included keylogger xD don't know if all of u know what i mean ;)
This has got to be the dumbest post I've read in a long time. Seriously!?!? Win10 is getting great reviews and has a fantastic adoption rate.
As far back as I can remember, Win 3.1, 3.11, there has been a furor over a new MS Windows realease, if its not that its not as good a previous versions there is something nefarious within the code. As far as I am aware most OS collect data, I don't need to go on about the rumpus Google has caused, and still causing through its data collecting antics, Amazon has also had issues. Apple also collects but having not owned any Apple products I don't know to what extent. I am negligent, I do not read the softward licences as its simple, if you don't agree to the terms and conditions you don't get to use the software and despite everything I like MS software. I don't know what use is made of the fact that I like music, football (soccer), travel, and other stuff and the fact that somewhere there maybe a profile describing me better than I know myself is not always accurate as like most people I change my mind. As for Win 10, the problem I had was the amount of my broadband allowance I used up updating 3 devices, I went well over so had to pay extra, I don't have unlimited broadband.
Windows 10 most hated?
I remember Windows 95 at launch - hefty hardware requirements at the time (memory and disk), finding drivers for hardware, dealing with apps that liked to replace core windows files or bypass the OS and talk to hardware directly or you find out they were exploiting an undocumented API so when you upgraded you were left with an app wouldn't work right, the UI change from Program Manager to the Start button, and then all the manual tweaking to just get it stable. It was a tougher time then by comparison to ME, XP, Vista, or Windows 8 Launch. Windows 10 has come a long way from those days. I don't see Windows 10 being anywhere near as painful, nor on anything close to the same magnitude as Windows 95 was.

Heck, even ME with it's own issues was still not as bad. Close, but not quite.
I thought Win95 was great, a vast improvement over 3.1 anyway. I had very few problems with it.
My Main problem about this OS is that it updated my video card which is a major problem for me #gaming

Can't wait for them to remove this force update so that i can restore my old version, or fix the major bug in my video card update!
My Main problem about this OS is that it updated my video card which is a major problem for me #gaming

Can't wait for them to remove this force update so that i can restore my old version, or fix the major bug in my video card update!
Your graphics card is Nvidia isn't it?

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