Is your surface in process or has it shipped

oh they definitely do! I am just eager to get a tracking code so I can watch my baby on her journey! :')
You know they probably have a deal going with UPS where it's guaranteed to get to you by the 26. So if you're 3 miles away or 3600 miles away, you'll get it the same time.

I hope you are right sir. I REALLY hope you are right.
Well, if that is the case, then UPS ground from PA to PA is.....
I'm never going to see that email, am I? :D
I live 10 minutes outside Harrisburg!! OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG I should just walk down to the post office and camp o.o
Mine is still in process. However, the temporary authorization charge I have on my credit card is now gone. I hope that's not a bad sign
I live 10 minutes outside Harrisburg!! OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG I should just walk down to the post office and camp o.o
On a similar note, Windows 8 Pro also has an ETA of 26 Oct from Amazon, while the Windows 8 DVD for new builds has an ETA of 30 Oct.
FWIW, if mine doesn't pop up as having shipped by tomorrow morning, I will probably cancel and run by the Scottsdale store on Friday. Contrary to some comments here, everything is still labeled as standard shipping which means UPS Ground. Unless a distribution hub is in AZ, or San Diego, or El Paso, ground will not reach Phoenix by Thursday night for Friday delivery if is not already out of the depot and on the hauler. Been there and one that and have dealt with that in the past - it just will not happen. For that matter, if it misses shipper cutoffs in the evening, it would not arrive here by Second Day Air either and I seriously doubt they are eating Second Day or Next Day costs.
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I have a theory and could be very wrong here, but maybe the main warehouse they are holding these in are in PA, but maybe they shipped a ton in bulk to a warehouse on the west coast (or different locations) and will ship from there tomorrow.

I am really hoping that's the case!
I have a theory and could be very wrong here, but maybe the main warehouse they are holding these in are in PA, but maybe they shipped a ton in bulk to a warehouse on the west coast (or different locations) and will ship from there tomorrow.

I am really hoping that's the case!

Some reported theirs shipping from California. So I would imagine so.
I live in Seattle and mine is shipping from Harrisburg as well. No Cyan touch cover though...interesting...

UPDATE - Just got shipping notice for the Cyan Touch Cover!!! Yeah!!!
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So, anyone here live in the middle of the pacific ocean? Because I do. Ordered it on the 16th with black touch cover. Still in process. Hoping its already at the UPS office and they are just holding inventory for microsoft.
SF Bay Area, mine is still in process. If I don't get anything by Noon tomorrow. I will open up a support chat and ask on the status.

I ordered mine Friday morning at 7 am, and the site stills said Deliver by the 26th till like 11am. I was charged almost immediately, and cleared. My Receipt says Delivered by the 26th too. So I really hope it gets here on Friday. There is a Microsoft Store 5 mins away that I could have gone to instead.

I sent it to my work, so I should be able to get it sometime on Friday by the mail guys. I doubt I will get anything on Thursday though, was hoping for a 1 day early surprise.
Mine is shipping from PA. 3-day select. It will get here. It looks like they're willing to vary the delivery speed options like I said. It will more likely than not get to you on release day.

No promises though that it'll arrive in one piece :lol:
Mine is shipping from PA. 3-day select. It will get here. It looks like they're willing to vary the delivery speed options like I said. It will more likely than not get to you on release day.

No promises though that it'll arrive in one piece :lol:

Just as a point of clarification, any 3 Day Select package that did not meet the regional cutoff time for pickup is really not guaranteed for Friday delivery. I have been there in the past with Dell, HP, and Nikon packages. I am not saying something will not arrive, just that contrary to their shipping PR, UPS shifts the guaranteed date to the following Monday if it was not literally shipped out today.

I actually would cancel at this point and pick up at the store but just realized they use digital river as the intermediary and I have had nothing but grief trying to get orders cancelled or modified with them in the past. In the Spring I ended up with two Nikon D7000 cameras, both billed to my credit card, when I tried to cancel an order. I also had to pay the return shipping on the duplicate order. In this case, it is totally my fault. I didn't pay attention to the fact that they were in the Surface process. If I had, I would never ordered online in the first place.
So, anyone here live in the middle of the pacific ocean? Because I do. Ordered it on the 16th with black touch cover. Still in process. Hoping its already at the UPS office and they are just holding inventory for microsoft.
In Alaska, everything I ordered except the 2 surface tabs is in process?
My order still says 'in process' (UK here).

My concern is that whilst I ordered in time to have a '26th October' delivery (confirmed on my original email receipt) - I then received that 'erroneous' shipping update saying it had slipped to 2nd November.

Now, I know that Microsoft then said this was not correct and orders would arrive by the original delivery day, but when I login to the Microsoft store and check the order history, it still shows 2nd November.

Does anyone else who got that 'incorrect' shipping update still see this?

Germany here again, still in progress. Because of the size of germany I think I will get my tracking code tomorrow. Normally we get our shippings within the next day.

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