Issues with Windows 10 on Lumia 730

Its 10:30pm IST And the TP will be available in any minutes... Excited.. Are you too!!!
Can't download it.. Inder app shows server error.. And phone update shows.. My phone is upto date :'(
Btw if you 730 owners are on slow ring, you are not getting this update!! If you need the update, you will need to switch to fast ring
Btw if you 730 owners are on slow ring, you are not getting this update!! If you need the update, you will need to switch to fast ring

Trying to change into fast ring.. Insider app shows .. Server error.. !!
any 730 user updated to the latest build? If yes, can someone confirm if background images are now correctly shown on start screen? Also, how about hiding of Navigation bar? Does it work now?
I was on show ring and updated to fast.. Still shows that .. The phone is up to date..

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