Keyboard question...


New member
Feb 2, 2014
Is there any way to tab from the keyboard?? I don't see any TAB key😡. It would make it easier when filling in username and passwords since when in typing mode in landscape (which is easier for me) the text boxes are covered up and I find it annoying to flip it back into portrait mode to select the other text box turn reorient the screen to finish typing and then turn it once more to hit the submit button. Any ideas or tricks?
I was hoping to find an answer this morning. I will post this comment to bump the thread and hope someone has some news.

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That's frustrating not having one. It would make life so much easier. Hopefully its coming in the Blue update. Another question...the little emoticons that we use fie messaging how so we know if others will see them? My boyfriend says all he sees is a bunch of squares when I send the little image.

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Just tap anywhere in the page and the keyboard will hide, then you can tap the password field

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