Latest Samsung Ativ S firmware updates

Ovo je strasno majke mi, mene je vise sramota da idem u samsung ahahaha
Inace, da dosta nas ima sa balkana ovde :)
Bogami, ne ima dosta, ajde da se prebroime a? Eve, imame makedonci, srbi, bar tolku primetiv dosega. Hrvati, bosanci, crnogorci, jel vas ima braco? :) Javite se :)
Pa koliko sam vidio ima vas iz Makedonije, Srbije i Rumunjske, a ja sam iz Hrvatske.
Pa koliko sam vidio ima vas iz Makedonije, Srbije i Rumunjske, a ja sam iz Hrvatske.
Odlicno, dosad imamo makedonce, srbe, hrvate, a i rumunce, hehe, jos nam fale bosanci i crnogorci (neznam dal da stavim slovence u balkance?) :)))
A čuj, ako ga i imate, sigurno je kao i naš - tako da ne propuštaš ništa.
Moj je Ativ S kupljen u hrvatskom webshopu, poslan iz Slovenije, a ima njemačku garanciju - pravi kozmopolit.

Slovence stavi u zapadne Balkance - čisto da se ne uvrijede.
A čuj, ako ga i imate, sigurno je kao i naš - tako da ne propuštaš ništa.
Moj je Ativ S kupljen u hrvatskom webshopu, poslan iz Slovenije, a ima njemačku garanciju - pravi kozmopolit.

Slovence stavi u zapadne Balkance - čisto da se ne uvrijede.
Hahaha moji je kupljen u T-Mobile MK, i8750 je a kao sto sam vidio je UK variant :) Zasad radi ko podmazhen na WP8 GDR3, ne instaliram beta programe. Ponekad zagreva iz nicega, ono na primjer nakon kraceg ili dugog phone call-a, kad nesto na brzinu vidim, itd itd, alo se to ne desava cesto, ponekad, mozda 3-4-5 puta mjesecno.
A za slovence? pa dobro, evo bice oni zapadni balkanci, hehe
Got this from support email: "I can not say as of yet when any updates will be released. This is something we are currently working on but can not confirm any dates."
Hahaha moji je kupljen u T-Mobile MK, i8750 je a kao sto sam vidio je UK variant :) Zasad radi ko podmazhen na WP8 GDR3, ne instaliram beta programe. Ponekad zagreva iz nicega, ono na primjer nakon kraceg ili dugog phone call-a, kad nesto na brzinu vidim, itd itd, alo se to ne desava cesto, ponekad, mozda 3-4-5 puta mjesecno.
A za slovence? pa dobro, evo bice oni zapadni balkanci, hehe

Ja sam morao updejtati na 8.1 jer mi je File Manager postao neophodan. :unhappy:

Got this from support email: "I can not say as of yet when any updates will be released. This is something we are currently working on but can not confirm any dates."

Finally, some good news. :smile:
Got this from support email: "I can not say as of yet when any updates will be released. This is something we are currently working on but can not confirm any dates."
Support email by who? Samsung? Which Samsung? International one or?
That's a good news tho :)
With Microsoft suing Samsung over past due royalties for their Android phones chances are well be stuck in the middle of this & see no updates. Though on a positive note they did release an updated printer app for all wp8/8.1 devices
Got this from support email: "I can not say as of yet when any updates will be released. This is something we are currently working on but can not confirm any dates."

Guys, if I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up... I work for a living for an US company in the support department. And we always use similar answers when we have clue when the new software will be out.
Anything that starts with : "I can not say" is bad news. I do hope I'm wrong, though...
With Microsoft suing Samsung over past due royalties for their Android phones chances are well be stuck in the middle of this & see no updates. Though on a positive note they did release an updated printer app for all wp8/8.1 devices

Big companies dont work like that. This update will have nothing to do with a small dispute they have with some unpaid intrest money.

To give perspective, Samsung is not using their own very good processors on their flagship devices (at least on vast majority of them). You know why? The processor department gets better money from selling them to someone else than selling them to the mobile division for the money they are prepard to pay.

The whole situation with Google might be little different, but I think thats a situation of its own. Only real competition in this world to Google is Microsoft. They might not see it a wise move to support MS ecosystem users so its easier to switch away from Google. These giants battle it out in every segment wich makes the situation little unique.
So, i visited samsung store today again, and i asked about windows phone 8.1 they still didn't know anything about ativ s and about update. Will they ever learn?
Well, they will once Windows Phone gains more momentum and market share.. I think Samsung employees will be trained on Android, but not WP and Tizen for example.
Sorry, should have been more specific. The email I got back was from:

Customer Service Representative
Samsung Electronics UK

In which case that ties in with what O2-UK have stated when it comes to their CV non-Nokia Windows Phones receiving the WP8.1 update and accompanying firmware.

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