Which hopefully will be soon. Not being able to downgrade back to 8 (without voiding warranty) and not being able to use my hands free car kit and bluetooth headset in the meantime sucks.There are issues with 8.1 on the Ativ S and thus everyones clamouring for a firmware update in this thread. You are better off staying on 8.0 until Samsung officially supports 8.1 on the Ativ S.
I really enjoy 8.1, but let's be honest here, one of the biggest features are features that should have been available for the OS for a while now. God knows the competition had it already. For ages. And yes, we make up all kind of excuses, Microsoft had to make another kernel for 8 and it's all technically very difficult and such, but that's really not of any real relevance to the end user is it?
Also, i think i know what Thomas Ozawa is referring to. The features in 8.1 were really needed and something the community was BEGGING for. (and still is, if u check the community suggestions website) Something that Microsoft actually DELIVERED after long times of begging from the users. However, in the 8.1 current state (call it beta/preview or whatever) for us Ativ users, it's YET another waiting game, this time for firmware by Samsung.. The "Just wait - it's going to get better soon"-game gets pretty old pretty fast.Oh god, next year, if anything have changed, I'll move to nexus... I tried to support Wp 8.1 for a long time, but its very, very disappointing... I have been optimist for 2 years, its time to say the truth guys, we all know that windows phone will fail... WP 8.1 is there last chance.