Latest Samsung Ativ S firmware updates


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Changing the CSC results in phone reset and the loss of all settings and data.

You will get a question prompt if you wanna reset or not. You can choose NO. And your csc will be changed anyway and you can get the update. But I am not sure if it is good not to reset. Cause some users don't get the firmware update or are still facing some bugs (camera or so). I think it is due not resetting the phone.

Yeah, with the back-up you can get stuff back. Step 3 is good to go.
You will be asked a question "do you want to restore from your mail account" (eg. cloud backup) or do you want to fresh install.
Last edited:


New member
Mar 25, 2015
nauman73, I am in the same position you were in. My Samsung Ativ S has CSC version = I8750OXAALL3 and CSC = XEF (i.e. France), and as of today I have not yet received Windows Phone 8.1. It is still on OS version 8.0.10517.150 and Firmware revision number 2424.13.10.1.

Having read through some of the posts in this long thread, it seems that CSC = BTU (United Kingdom, where I live), has been receiving Samsung firmware and Windows Phone 8.1 updates. I'm concerned about the fact that changing CSC entails a phone reset and the loss of all settings and data. So I'd appreciate if you and other folk on this thread could comment on the following proposed steps:

1. Backup my Samsung Ativ S with CSC = XEF running Windows Phone 8.0 to the cloud
2. Use the Samsung Diagnostic tool to change my CSC from XEF (France), for which Windows Phone 8.1 rollout does not seem to have started, to BTU (United Kingdom) where it has started. Dial ##634# from the phone pad - a new black window will open with a numpad - enter *#321647335 and select BTU. Changing the CSC results in phone reset and the loss of all settings and data.
3. When phone comes up on Windows Phone 8.0 with CSC = BTU, and BEFORE doing any updates, restore all settings and data from the cloud
4. Wait for automatic update to occur and/or perform manual check for updates, in the hope that Samsung firmware update and Windows Phone 8.1.1 update then occurs. Hopefully, all settings and data will be preserved

Does this approach make sense?

As far as I remember (not 100% sure), you can only restore Windows Phone 8.0 backup immediately after the reset. After reset, there is a series of steps including the step where you can restore your saved backup. If you choose not to restore at that point, you cannot restore it later from phone settings. Of course you can reset the phone again to restore the saved backup :wink:.


New member
Jul 19, 2013
Today I received an update, see below. The Preview program and I hope WP10 comes soon.


Matei Iliuta

New member
Apr 2, 2015
Has anyone still got the camera not working after all updates!!!i like this phone but i'm getting mad with this problem...


Aug 7, 2013
I am sure that you haven't the latest firmware (14.9.3, 14.9.4 or 15.3.2). This is bug already fixed near half year ago.


New member
Oct 19, 2014
Rollout for DBT started on Thursday evening, updated my device this afternoon:






No PfD.


Aug 7, 2013
May be Microsoft started worldwide roll out. (Yes, Microsoft. Samsung only gives him update files and says to start).

Boris NevermorE

New member
Apr 26, 2014
Damn, guess NEE is getting it last :) Maybe I'll try switching to Swedish language since NEE is nordic and see what happens. :)

Geo L

New member
Feb 21, 2014
I do not know whats wrong or happened, since last Samsung update, 2424.15.3.2, the battery drain is faster.
Anyone has the same issue? I have two batteries, original one and MPJ 2800mAh. With MPJ i can go for two days, just calls and internet, now i put the original one it shows 17 hours since last charge and 37% left, but i have not used the phone much, just a few calls and a bit of internet, just reading news.

.....I bought other phone, Ascend G7 (I had 20% off initial price) thinking to replace the Ativ S, but i still keep Ativ S as main phone. I do not know why but I started to like more Windows phone.
G7 has far better battery life, is very good phone, but the screen has a plastic feel while touching it, I am afraid that at first impact the glass will break.........

Back to the main issue, battery draining Ativ S, prior the update i had better battery life with both batteries.

Dusan Randj

Jul 10, 2014
I do not know whats wrong or happened, since last Samsung update, 2424.15.3.2, the battery drain is faster.
Anyone has the same issue? I have two batteries, original one and MPJ 2800mAh. With MPJ i can go for two days, just calls and internet, now i put the original one it shows 17 hours since last charge and 37% left, but i have not used the phone much, just a few calls and a bit of internet, just reading news.

.....I bought other phone, Ascend G7 (I had 20% off initial price) thinking to replace the Ativ S, but i still keep Ativ S as main phone. I do not know why but I started to like more Windows phone.
G7 has far better battery life, is very good phone, but the screen has a plastic feel while touching it, I am afraid that at first impact the glass will break.........

Back to the main issue, battery draining Ativ S, prior the update i had better battery life with both batteries.

I'm right oposite, after latest FW bump, I get more from battery.

Dusan Randj

Jul 10, 2014
I have OS version 8.10.14157.200 and firmware: 2424.15.3.2

You can always try hard reset, soft reset, but as much as we know here, with previous FW 2424.14.9.3 there are no known or at least reported camera problems here, instead, previous ones were fixed. If reset and eventualy reflashing phone doesn't help, most likely you have hardware problem then.

Matei Iliuta

New member
Apr 2, 2015
I've flashed it 2 times and still no working,i've downloaded an app special for front cam and for ativ s to get it working and it worked,but no luck with main camera.Anyway thanks for reply.

Dusan Randj

Jul 10, 2014
I'm affraid then that you camera module may be faulty. Maybe I'm wrong but points to that. You'll be better visiting some service station but maybe Boris or someone else have suggestion.

Boris NevermorE

New member
Apr 26, 2014
I've flashed it 2 times and still no working,i've downloaded an app special for front cam and for ativ s to get it working and it worked,but no luck with main camera.Anyway thanks for reply.

You flash it 2 times? wait wait wait... explain it better. How do you mean you flash it 2 times? What did you flash, When do you flash?
Don't rush, explain the whole process (not tha flashing process, we all know that), but what exactly did you do firstly when you go from WP8 to WP8.1.1 and what did you do next? Maybe you did something wrong in that process. I need to know all so i can see how to help you. About the camera, well that can be many reasons, so that's why i need to know all what i asked you above.

Boris NevermorE

New member
Apr 26, 2014
I do not know whats wrong or happened, since last Samsung update, 2424.15.3.2, the battery drain is faster.
Anyone has the same issue? I have two batteries, original one and MPJ 2800mAh. With MPJ i can go for two days, just calls and internet, now i put the original one it shows 17 hours since last charge and 37% left, but i have not used the phone much, just a few calls and a bit of internet, just reading news.

.....I bought other phone, Ascend G7 (I had 20% off initial price) thinking to replace the Ativ S, but i still keep Ativ S as main phone. I do not know why but I started to like more Windows phone.
G7 has far better battery life, is very good phone, but the screen has a plastic feel while touching it, I am afraid that at first impact the glass will break.........

Back to the main issue, battery draining Ativ S, prior the update i had better battery life with both batteries.

That is why you never buy 3rd party batteries, sooner or later this is what happens. My suggestion will be painful now, but i think it will help you. But let me explain you a little bit about the batteries. The original OEM batteries (the one that comes with the phone in the package) are made for that phone. In ATIV S Samsung batteries are made for ATIV S exclusively, that's why you can't use any other battery on any phone. Also the ATIV S battery have the NFC built in the battery (yes, it is in the battery, not on the phone). What you use as a second battery which is not original Samsung battery is good, but your NFC won't working, and with that few more things might not work. Since todays smartphones use smart batteries, that means that those batteries have some kind of chip built in who is telling the phone the condition of the battery. What I think happen in your case is that switching original battery with non-original made some software faulty in your phone and dus camera (or who knows what else) stop working properly.
So here is the solution... HARD RESET the phone with the original battery from Samsung and then trow away the non-original one. Buy online a new original Samsung spare battery and you got covered in that department for further.
I am not guaranteeing 100% that this will fix your issue, but i am pretty sure at 90% that will fix your issue.


New member
Jul 13, 2013
Problem with the camera is partially solved, if you put the Serbian region, the camera does not work if you put the USA region, the camera works.
I have not received last 2424.15.3.2 yet.

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