Latest Samsung Ativ S firmware updates

I have an ATO to choose, but i'll remain in XEO since there is a chance i may get it sooner or later...
XEO is for Poland as i have found out, where i currently live in, but i have all of my settings set to US...
anyway, good news :)
I have turned the DP off thinking that i will get some updates, but no, nothing.
I have BTU CSC , I am wander if change it to ATO with 8.1 DP will be any difference.
Couldn't resist, decided to flash back to 8.0 GDR2 (did that once before, so I was certain that would work) and then updated to the official 8.1.1 via ATO. It took several hours, but 'it was worth the wait'. Now reinstalling all the apps....
I am far from sarcastic... You obviously make strong efforts to give us right informations about the official update all the time and i'm allways following your posts... Kind regards from serbia...
Well, than my apologizes if i misunderstand you, and thank you for following me :)
Kind regards from Macedonia :)
It would be nice however if someone could ask Belfiore (or any other valueable sources) to have some sort of confirmation about the release on DP of the firmware
------- HEY GUYS!! The following lines are of interest to guys from Brazil with ZTO specific CSC phones... so, if you dont understand portuguese, relax. ZTO only meets Brazil unbranded market.
Thank you.
Pessoal com a CSC ZTO Brasil desbloqueado .. d?em as caras!
Vamos trocar id?ias, pra que todos com o CSC ZTO obtenham esse ?ltimo update.
Eu resolvi fazer o downgrade, usei uma rom de GDR1 stock (a que veio de fabrica pra mim) de regi?o ALL3 (l? no diagnosis mostra no meu I8750ZTOALL3), arquivo com extens?o .wp8, mais o arquivo com extens?o .csc compat?vel com ZTO.
Instalou tudo bem, pelos procedimentos normais do downgrade que tem por a?, por?m depois de tudo pronto, s? veio at? agora pra mim UMA atualiza??o, e nem ? a GDR2. Agora ? aguardar pra ver o que acontece.
Se algu?m j? quiser partir direto pra GDR2 ou GDR3, comentem a?. A gente vai testando o que d? certo e o que n?o d?.
Ent?o, tbm s? tenho a csc ZTO na firmware brasileira, por?m atualmente uso a preview 8.1 update. A Samsung n?o liberava a gdr3 de forma alguma pra gente e nem sei se liberou ainda. H? muito tempo atr?s baixei uma GDR2 de um outro pais e instalei. Logo ap?s baixei a GDR3 via configura??es>atualiza??o do telefone e desde ent?o venho usando a preview. Estou tentado a fazer o downgrade pra ver se consigo o 8.1.1 oficial, porem perderei todos os meus apps e os progressos dos jogos 🎮, a? desanima legal...
------- HEY GUYS!! The following lines are of interest to guys from Brazil with ZTO specific CSC phones... so, if you dont understand portuguese, relax. ZTO only meets Brazil unbranded market.
Thank you.
Pessoal com a CSC ZTO Brasil desbloqueado .. d?em as caras!
Vamos trocar id?ias, pra que todos com o CSC ZTO obtenham esse ?ltimo update.
Eu resolvi fazer o downgrade, usei uma rom de GDR1 stock (a que veio de fabrica pra mim) de regi?o ALL3 (l? no diagnosis mostra no meu I8750ZTOALL3), arquivo com extens?o .wp8, mais o arquivo com extens?o .csc compat?vel com ZTO.
Instalou tudo bem, pelos procedimentos normais do downgrade que tem por a?, por?m depois de tudo pronto, s? veio at? agora pra mim UMA atualiza??o, e nem ? a GDR2. Agora ? aguardar pra ver o que acontece.
Se algu?m j? quiser partir direto pra GDR2 ou GDR3, comentem a?. A gente vai testando o que d? certo e o que n?o d?.
We have Bing Translate and Google Translate, so no worries. :)
Yet, even tho it concerns Brazilian people here, it would be nice to speak on english, cuz there are lots of people here on this thread who are coming from ex Yugoslavia country, like people from Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegero, Croatia and Bosnia, who can perfectly understand each other talking our native languages, but yet we talk on English when we address or answer to each other cuz of the sake of others on this thread. I have nothing against you posting in Portuguese, just saying how it's more convenient :)
Anyway, i did try to translate your text with Bing and Google, but both are giving me some weird translation, lol. So i am kinda lost now. Did you said you downgrade to GDR1 or upgrade to GDR2 and 3? :)
Cheers bro!
Ent?o, tbm s? tenho a csc ZTO na firmware brasileira, por?m atualmente uso a preview 8.1 update. A Samsung n?o liberava a gdr3 de forma alguma pra gente e nem sei se liberou ainda. H? muito tempo atr?s baixei uma GDR2 de um outro pais e instalei. Logo ap?s baixei a GDR3 via configura??es>atualiza??o do telefone e desde ent?o venho usando a preview. Estou tentado a fazer o downgrade pra ver se consigo o 8.1.1 oficial, porem perderei todos os meus apps e os progressos dos jogos , a? desanima legal...
Well, depends whats more important to you, apps, games (and its progress), or the newest WP8.1.1 firmware for your device, which i presume is ATIV S. However, apps can be reinstalled (it will be time consuming, but it's worthed), Only thing you might be sorrow is the progress of your games, but is that really such a big matter not to upgrade to latest OS? :)
Hope you'll make the right decision :)
Has anyone that updated officially to 8.1 via ATO csc got mms working? I'm wondering if I should flash 8.0 with gdr2 then change my csc to ATO then change my csc back to nzc. But little worried if this may screw up MMS

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