Latest Samsung Ativ S firmware updates

Can you describe your problem more detailed?
I also have final 8.1 and there is time delay (1-2 sec) when switching between video/photo mode, but it's not like in PfD (restart is not needed).
I can't call it a "bug", but just relatively slow switching...

No, it isn't lagg between switching... If if opet video recorder, next time I'll must to reboot cellphone like on 8.1 with PfD.... I don't Know why I have still this problem, I got 8.10.14157.200 with firware 2424.13.11.2... I taked this update without PfD program...
I flashed my phone back to GDR2 (CSC ATO)

after 2h. I have the official WP 8.1.1
but Iam not satisfied :(

- animations are a bit slow, Developer preview was faster
- the whole system is like 5% slower then before
- I have a RADIO icon but its not working... so the i8750 has a radio chip on the motherboard its just deactivated (SHAME, LTE too?)
- IE is full with little bugs, sometimes gestures dont work or the application crashes and exits
- WiFi is always ON, you can turn it off manually but it wont shut down automaticaly when the phone is in stand by
- HereDrive+ and Cortana Works only if the phone is set to UK/US region
No, it isn't lagg between switching... If if opet video recorder, next time I'll must to reboot cellphone like on 8.1 with PfD.... I don't Know why I have still this problem, I got 8.10.14157.200 with firware 2424.13.11.2... I taked this update without PfD program...

thats not the newest firmware my friend
new FW is 2424.14.9.3 - for me

swith to CSC ETL or just wait for the update
When I change some of photo or video settings, i cannot press on save or reset it, but it saves the changes.
Camera flash it seems to be fixed.
I played with WiFi and bluetooth, the phone stopped working and rebooted, only once.
I do not have any Radio icon.
I have the Devellopers previeuw installed on my Ativ S , i dont find a update have binn looking all day now..
I hope that i wil not have to flash back to GDR2 , can someone confirm that the phones who have the develloper previeuw installed wil not get the original windows 8.1 update ??

I have the Devellopers previeuw installed on my Ativ S , i dont find a update have binn looking all day now..
I hope that i wil not have to flash back to GDR2 , can someone confirm that the phones who have the develloper previeuw installed wil not get the original windows 8.1 update ??


you need only the new Firmware, nothing else
Will they release it to the DP? I dont know.. they should but you never know
How I can switch without flashing ROM?

you need to acces the diag. menu
just call this number - ##634#
wait a lil bit for the new menu
in the new menu tap this = *#321647335

and then you can see the CSC regions.
you need ATO

- if you have it just tap on it and confirm it, the phone will restart
- If you cant see the ATO than you need to Flash your phone to GDR2 with csc ATO
you need to acces the diag. menu
just call this number - ##634#
wait a lil bit for the new menu
in the new menu tap this = *#321647335

and then you can see the CSC regions.
you need ATO

- if you have it just tap on it and confirm it, the phone will restart
- If you cant see the ATO than you need to Flash your phone to GDR2 with csc ATO

I alredy on ATO... What now?
I alredy on ATO... What now?

search for a new update
if you dont find anything.. check your phone info - Fimware version, OS version etc.
still the same? Well... then switch to CSC - ETL and search for an update, you should get the new FW
if not.. pfff.. just wait
search for new update
if you dont find anything.. check your phone info - Fimware version, OS version etc.

searched - nothing...
firmware and OS version - same, like I said before

@EDIT: I bought my Ativ S i8750 in Links isn't mobile operator, it's hardware store... Here is my phone info - - Picture was shooted 2 days ago but it's same like I said(maybe is firmware and OS versions different)
I flashed my phone back to GDR2 (CSC ATO)

after 2h. I have the official WP 8.1.1
but Iam not satisfied :(

- animations are a bit slow, Developer preview was faster
- the whole system is like 5% slower then before
- I have a RADIO icon but its not working... so the i8750 has a radio chip on the motherboard its just deactivated (SHAME, LTE too?)
- IE is full with little bugs, sometimes gestures dont work or the application crashes and exits
- WiFi is always ON, you can turn it off manually but it wont shut down automaticaly when the phone is in stand by
- HereDrive+ and Cortana Works only if the phone is set to UK/US region

Which is correct, Cortana is only available in China, US and UK at the moment.
Just out of interest have any of you experiencing problems tried a factory reset to see if that fixes the issues?
I've installed the official 8.1 now. So far no problems, no camera bugs here for now.
Anyone reporting how goes Bluetooth with 8.1? With gdr3 my device acts worse than gdr2 (sometimes resets in between a call via bt). All official upgrades. Hope new fw solves those pesky situations..
searched - nothing...
firmware and OS version - same, like I said before

@EDIT: I bought my Ativ S i8750 in Links isn't mobile operator, it's hardware store... Here is my phone info - - Picture was shooted 2 days ago but it's same like I said(maybe is firmware and OS versions different)

oh boy... you dont have new FW and no new bootloader

You have developer preview so you need to wait for Samsung to release the new FW for DP users
you can only FLASH your phone back to GDR2 and then update everything

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