Lets get the Snapchat situation trending

I tried getting people moving in that direction. I was dissuaded by the argument it is like asking a crack addict to give up crack since the dealer doesn't live in his neighborhood. He'd rather move than go through withdrawal.

Microsoft itself does have a replacement service https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/windup/b436b584-514d-4a56-ad7c-1e81b8b01789 but I don't see the outraged rushing to join that.

That analogy, while workable, doesn't really fit since anyone can use crack by themselves.
Snapchat is a network, it needs users, people you know - and these people probably aren't going to "move" or switch to some other service just for one or two friends. They'd probably sooner suggest one get a new phone.

I'd try pulling another social network analogy, but I feel it'd be lost on you, being averse to them as a whole IIRC.

What's easier? or more accurately, whats going to happen?
Convincing people to switch from the incumbent service almost everyone uses?
or you, just one or two people, yielding?

sure! lets switch to WindUp and send pictures to ourselves! It'll be great!
Put that on other platforms, and then maybe something will happen.
Even if that happens, it wont work for many. It'll work OK for me, but it wont cut it for more social people.
It cost close to 100 grand to create a mobile app...

Is there some link to verify that figure?

I find it hard to believe that all these indie types are spending even 1/10th of that ($10,000) to get an App made and published, including valuing their time at $25 an hour.

Reprinted from another thread...

Their lack of support for anything other than iOS or Android is a statement...

My bank has a wonderful and fully functional Windows Phone App. It is a real, nuts and bolts, from the ground up Windows Phone App and not just a web wrapper. How much money do you think my bank makes off this App? ZERO. Not off the App directly. They make money from me using their service.

How much money does SnapperChop make off their App? I bet it is ZERO. They make money somehow and it is most likely advertising seen while using their service. These social media outfits, when they approach the size SnappitupChuck has reached quite possibly make more money each quarter than my bank does. And it's a large national bank.

It's not about cost - vs - return... It is a statement.

How valued as a user of my bank's services do I feel knowing they have a WP App? Hugely valued.

​How valued do you feel as a user of SnapChat right about now? I'm going to guess, not valued at all.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

^13 to 17 year olds constitute snapchat's largest demographic. It's a minority that uses the service for graphical sexting purposes, but a minority of 100 million people is still a lot of people. Some of them unknowingly become naive and underage producers of child porn. Worse, there are a million ways to get around the time limits, even without a camera.
Snapchat is a network, it needs users, people you know - and these people probably aren't going to "move" or switch to some other service just for one or two friends. They'd probably sooner suggest one get a new phone.

This is my opinion as well. Out of a group of 30 friends, one of them on average will have a Windows Phone. If I would ask my group of 29 friends to change to a different service because I can't use Snapchat, they'd probably laugh at me and tell me to get a new phone. That's what I would do if I was one of the 29.

Them asking me to change platforms is no more ridiculous than me asking them to change to a Snapchat alternative. Besides Snapchat, there are probably other apps that I would have complained about missing.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

By the way, don't badger Windows Central about this. They aren't going to publish anything about it:
Petitions do not work.

Snapchat knows about the tiny Windows Phone market share, which is why they are not making an app. Now, you want to have a petition of that tiny market share make their voices heard. It does not add up.

A percentage of a tiny percentage is even a smaller percentage. Snapchat knows Windows Phone users want an app. They know about 6snap and other third-party clients. Currently, they do not care, plain and simple, and no petition is going to change that.

What will change that? When more people buy Windows Phones.

Daniel Rubino
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...Them asking me to change platforms is no more ridiculous than me asking them to change to a Snapchat alternative. Besides Snapchat, there are probably other apps that I would have complained about missing.

You would not necessarily have to get a new phone to switch to an Alternate Service.

​You almost certainly would to get a new OS.
Is there some link to verify that figure?

I find it hard to believe that all these indie types are spending even 1/10th of that ($10,000) to get an App made and published, including valuing their time at $25 an hour.

Reprinted from another thread...

That's a fair question. But the articles are out there. I would paste a link but I don't have enough post so this forum won't let me. Suffice it to say, the major apps from the pros are in the range of 100 to 150 grand. Obviously the small apps don't have that cost.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

Out of the user base that snapchat already has, that Thunderclap has a goal of 500 supporters, and so far only 180 supporters. Exactly how much would they care about 500 people with over 26 million users already? As a business, I would concentrate on the larger market share.

As a retired computer programmer, if I decide to start developing apps for mobile devices, it will be for the Windows platform, simply because it's what I like and I'm not worried about big profit, since I've already retired and am comfortable. If I needed to earn my living from it, I would target Android/iOS, then port to Windows afterward. If I were making a comfortable living from the Android/iOS markets I would really have to consider if the amount of profit compared to the amount of work involved in the port would be worth the extra effort and be a quality payback for my expenditures and time in making the port.

I understand where they are coming from on "no WP support" at this time. That doesn't mean I agree with it, but it makes me feel better about letting my children one day use WP if WP never gets it.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

It's not limited to 500 people :P and there are still 8 out of 10 days left.
Also, the point of that, is that 54 030 (for the moment) will see that message (including this website: Snapchat On Windows Phone ) in their twitter/facebook feed. Anyway, nothing to loose.
That's a fair question. But the articles are out there. I would paste a link but I don't have enough post so this forum won't let me. Suffice it to say, the major apps from the pros are in the range of 100 to 150 grand. Obviously the small apps don't have that cost.

Interesting... I did just go through this calculator (How Much to Make an App) and picked the most expensive options... $90,900.
How Much to Make an App

However, when I chose: 1 paltform, no social media log-in linking, personal profiles, free app, post reviews, connect to website, stock appearance, don't need a designed icon... $27,600.
How Much to Make an App

I assume SnapChat has an icon, only needs to develop for WP, won't link other social media accounts, is free to install and use and has no design frills in the UI... That makes the cost more reasonable. People can run the configurations for themselves. Most of the groundwork already being done on iOS and Android Apps certainly pares the cost down.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

I understand where they are coming from on "no WP support" at this time. That doesn't mean I agree with it, but it makes me feel better about letting my children one day use WP if WP never gets it.
Agreed.. This is not an app we should be petitioning for.. We lack many more useful apps. But this is a popular app n I'm scared that my beloved platform loses potential adopters due to this stupid app :( ...
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

can we please make a similar thing for Instagram.
the way they ignore us it's unacceptable.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

I just signed but have no plan to use the app. I would install it just because though.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

Actually, I wouldn't worry about the beloved platform losing potential adopters due to this stupid app, as you put it. Since most snapchat users are teenagers, and since it's mostly parents that buy the phones for those teenagers, we just need to educate the parents on the dangers of snapchat, and let them know they can't use it on Windows Phone, and parents will be lining up to purchase Windows Phones for their teens and just not give the poor kids a choice. Then teach the parents about other features where the kids can't use the phone to buy apps without the parents password, etc.

Parents would love that. Probably enough to switch the whole family once the exposure starts hitting.
You would not necessarily have to get a new phone to switch to an Alternate Service.

​You almost certainly would to get a new OS.

Yes that's true. But still, it's only 1 person that is inconvenienced vs. 29. And besides, each of my 29 friends has a lot of other friends. For them to change would cause a cascading effect. It's just not practical.

I make the choice to use a poorly supported platform, or unsupported in this case. I must live with the consequences. I should not ask my friends to adapt. It makes more sense for me to adapt to them if I want to be included.

For me, this is a hypothetical situation. I use WP, but not as my primary device. I'm multi-platform. I'm just imagining a possible real-world scenario.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

Actually, I wouldn't worry about the beloved platform losing potential adopters due to this stupid app, as you put it. Since most snapchat users are teenagers, and since it's mostly parents that buy the phones for those teenagers, we just need to educate the parents on the dangers of snapchat, and let them know they can't use it on Windows Phone, and parents will be lining up to purchase Windows Phones for their teens and just not give the poor kids a choice. Then teach the parents about other features where the kids can't use the phone to buy apps without the parents password, etc.

Parents would love that. Probably enough to switch the whole family once the exposure starts hitting.

Yeah, but kids would hate that. I'm 15, so I still consider I am, and needing a password to download apps would make me go insane. I would hate Windows Phone (and then would never approach the Platform when I could actually get a wp from my own will). Plus, everyone says that snapchat is really dangerous, but when I could still have it (before 6snap was pulled), I used it for perfectely honest stuff, and I don't know anyone that used it for "unsafe" stuff. So sure, there will be mentally unstable child porn lovers that use it, but you find those kind of assholes everywhere. Instead of stopping people of using Snapchat, you'd be better of educating teens not to send nude pictures via snapchat.

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