Bugs i have noticed...
The screen seems to switch to like 8bit color for a few seconds at time. It is always the home screen and not the lock screen. It returns to normal within a couple seconds.
Are you sure this is not the Sunlight Readability turning on? If you are in bright light or direct sunlight and you have Sunlight Readability turned on is settings it will look like I think what you are describing. You can turn this off in Settings/Display
Received my Red 1520 last night.
lol no its not that. Its a maximum 8bit color that it changes to, more like 4bit if that exist. Everything changes to pixelated fluorescent type colors because of the low color profile.
Hi. I could be wrong but it seems 90% of the issues on here are state side AT&T, I just got my UK one and I have been working my way through issues listed and not found one.
This one also came with earphones/buds.
Ok so I want to clarify that I'm not the only person with a 1520 experiencing these issues..
3: The bottom control buttons don't seem to be lit well. Anyone else having this problem?
Wow all these issues are beginning to worry me about my new 1520. Sounds like Nokia has some serious qc problems.
Sent from my GT-I9100
What? Forty or so people have problems out of how many tens of (even hundreds of?) thousand devices shipped so far? That sounds like a not too bad average for month #1 of ANY complex consumer product.
I note one or two are the SAME problem with unlocked devices... Here in the USA, anything unlocked this early in the life of a device like this means it is probable a faulty unit, returned as such and resold on the black market or such - or so I am told by several people who worked for a couple of phone vendors. I don't know if this is true for other parts of the world or even true for the USA, just what I am told, so don't blame me if it's B.S.
I fully expect a few of these early models will have issues and THAT is why I got mine from a vendor that has a decent return policy... buyer beware if you don't.
Well lucky for the Swiss!