Lumia 520, 720, 820, 920, 1020, 1320 (x20 series) Owners

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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

Did you say that my iPad 2 not running good on iOS 9 was the biggest lie on earth and then go on to agree that iOS 9 doesn't run good on the iPad 2? I am so confused lol.

I meant I was agreeing with you. He claimed ipad 2 ran smoothly and that's a big lie. And you also experienced issues. That or he likely never used it before ios 9.

groady-ho baluzy

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Feb 10, 2016
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I'm really puzzled by the hate being spewed here. I switched to windows from android about 4yrs. Ago, all the cheap windows phones I've had were always well supported and still work very well.
i think it was an old att 520?, it sucked on win10. If your being honest with yourself you'll find for all those cheapass phones you got a heck of a lot of use out of and then some as they're still in use today by lots of you out there.
That said, I could be wrong but if my memory serves me, I thought I read only 8.1 devices would be upgraded.
I'm sorry you are all so disappointed and angry but there's still some great cheap Lumias out there that will get the update and the 550 & 650 are pretty cheap with win10 installed.
just try to be honest with yourself and keep and open mind and you'll all see things more clearly and have much less stress and anger over such little things.
Btw, I dropped my nexus 6p the other day and had to send it to google for repair as it won't start up now, do you know how many times I've dropped my 735?, a bunch and it still runs like a champ. When the 6p comes back it's going on craigslist, apps or not its fragile and android isn't for me. So all of you leaving have fun in Droid land.

Milan Aleksic

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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

925 feel very sad, very good phone, amoled display, good camera CZ pureview, 16gb storage(good for me), super perfomance on 8.1, but no officiall update on wm 10, little software fix and windows mobile very to close 8.1, but M$ want to buy new phone, why, it's good phone, i dont want to buy another one windows phone.

Div D

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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

I'm mad because of utterly false argumentation. If performance issues are reason for such short list of supported devices, first phone which should not be on this list is Lumia 950! From day one it didn't work well running windows 10. I really doubt that MS got positive feedback from 950 users.

You are right, I hate 950

Div D

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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

Well, I guess the problem here is that even though W10M in its current state may not be the best experience on the x20 devices (I wasn't initially too excited on my 925, but it got better but not up to par with 8.1 in terms of speed...) I think (and maybe others as well) that Microsoft could have done better. Of course, for Microsoft, as for any other company in the world, it is always the question: "Is it worth it? What's in it for us?" and they decided: No, it's not worth the hassle, 50% of the user base is good enough!
Too bad though that they had promised before that all devices running WP8.1 (which my 925 happily does) would get the update - watch the video provided by Satish Singh, it's an official Microsoft event one year ago! Now also, many of us were "victims" of the WP7/WP8 debacle (my Lumia 800 - a great device - sits here in the drawer and collects dust). We now feel being betrayed twice in a row.

Working in sales, I have learned that credibility with the client is one of the most important things in order to sell. For me, Microsoft has lost pretty much all of their credibility as I ask myself: what official statement from Microsoft can I trust? What promise will they keep in the future? What other "surprises" do they come up with? I wouldn't be surprised if all x30 devices that were now able to update to W10M won't be getting the Redstone update, they'll be stuck with TH2 (well, at least they have W10M and UWP and all that fancy stuff).

I'm going to stick with my 925 for another couple of months (I just like the camera) and then will see how the smartphone market has developed. I just hope that now, as they realized they cannot/dont't want to provide W10M to all WP8 devices, they at least will roll out GDR2 to those devices. And I pray that they don't create another 7.8 like update with new colors and a new tile size... That was a joke and at that time felt just like another slap in my face.

I also have a S5 mini I use from time to time, which works great. Might as well switch to Android.

Keith White Jr

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Feb 21, 2014
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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

so there is no stable release for the L1320 even in the fast ring ?
so not only only my phone wont get w10 but also won't even be stable on preview release :'(

My 1320 runs great on the slow ring. A friend of mine is on the release ring and his camera has been giving him some problems since moving from the slow ring.

Keith White Jr

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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

See my post or the one from gwinegarden on this thread yesterday around 11:15/11:20am.

It feels a bit like the WP7 - WP8 debacle (I know it's different, this time only 50% affected and only older devices). But my main concern is the app fragmentation. As a developer, going for W10M will leave out 50% of the mobile market and also, why should I care to update my old WP8 apps...

Then why not just give your apps a more Windows 10 "look" but keep them compatible with 8.1 as well?

Keith White Jr

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Feb 21, 2014
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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

See my post or the one from gwinegarden on this thread yesterday around 11:15/11:20am.

It feels a bit like the WP7 - WP8 debacle (I know it's different, this time only 50% affected and only older devices). But my main concern is the app fragmentation. As a developer, going for W10M will leave out 50% of the mobile market and also, why should I care to update my old WP8 apps...

I'll take a look. Thank you :)

Keith White Jr

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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

Thank you! I appreciate that.

In light of that, I can see some people being upset.

But, on the other side of the coin there technically is an Windows 10 upgrade for all Lumia Windows 8 phones in the form of the release ring of the insiders preview which will put you on the same update as the OTA update. They made no promise of continued support after an initial upgrade to Windows 10 on every phone.

But I do now understand why some would be upset. I'm personally not upset because MS gave me W10 on my 1320, my 520 and my 630 and it runs well on all 3. They will eventually get left behind in comparison to my 640, but that is true of all cell phone, tablet and computer OS's. My Vista laptop was left behind, my old iPhone 3GS was eventually left behind and my Kodak Android Tablet was left behind the moment I took it out of the box because it never received one update. That's just the way technology works.


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Jan 31, 2014
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Re: Lumia 520, 720, 920, 1020, 1320 Owners

It's not about getting left behind. It's about keeping word. If they did not want to or could not, why it was hyped so much? They could have said it right from the start. But they wanted gunia pigs as a testing ground for W10. They used them to test bugs, improvise W10 for newer devices, never for old. If they had said it at the begining, no one would have involved for insider to use buggy OS. They would have to appoint paid staff to test it.
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