Well written to lay out your thoughts QBrick. Though this is what makes me kind of sad. Everyone wants to leave the platform and look on in from the outside. And expect others to stay in and make it better for them - when they themselves arent willing to themself. When everyone is leaving the platform, thinking the same thing, in an already small userbase, who is going to be left to make the platform survive. Its not like we have Android or iOS numbers that a few million, or dozens of million, people jumping ship to come back and see later wont make a difference. This is exactly what happened to BB. With all those people saying hmm... its not up to par just yet. So we'll see how it goes for a couple of years. And then try it out again. Surprise! There isnt any more BB or their platform after a couple years. They're another Android OEM now. Because everyone jumped ship. And now everyone bemoans BB10's loss. And how there favorite platform is gone because BB didnt decide to keep supporting their favorite platform. And bailed on them for Android. Ironic. Right. This isnt anything on you ofcourse, just a general sentiment I get from everyone. And that ticks to my head every now and then.
And Rumored, this one is for you matey. So this is a good five or six or so years. Almost half a decade. Anyways. So I was in NY. After a good ten years or so. And the last time I'd been there was before 9/11. And the WTC was still there. So everything was all new and alien to me. And its my third or second day or so in the city. And I'm commuting over the Amtrak, all the way from far off in the woods of NJ to Manhattan. Sister was moving into her dorms and I'm helping her. Anyways, so we get to the LaGuardia's stop. And from then there to Penn Station eventually. Manhattan. And I'm getting on the subway, and there's this gaggle of girls, standing right infront of me. And I can see they're evidently lost. First time in the Big Apple and all. All foreign, the poor souls. And they keep talking to each other in German. Looking at the signage, pointing at the list of stops. And asking each other. And they have an indian friend with them, she's trying real hard to explain directions all the way to them. Now this is only my second day in the city again, after a whole decade. And I'm obviously not equipped to handle this. But I put on a brave face anyways. And I go up to them and I'm asking, if they're lost. And they all turn to me, looking evidently relieved. So turns out, there's a couple of dutch girls in there. A german. A Finn. And a French. And they tell me in their cute accented English, that they're trying to get from LaGuardia to the JFK. But now they're kind of lost. They dont have a hotel. And their flight back to the EU is in a good six and a half or so hours. And they dont know how to get to JFK straight. They dont want to pay for a hotel just to put their things down for an hour. And no rest. And they dont know the city either. So they cant even kill time, the three hours in between. And not get lost. Turns out they had all flown out to Mexico, somewhere, for social work for year odd. Europeans. I tell you. and were flying back through the US. Seeing bits and pieces of it. Just like that, for the kicks.
Anyways, so unthinking person that I am. I tell them my morning is free. And I'd be glad to tour them around the city for a while. And send them away, make sure they got to JFK on time. And all the frowns turn kind of uppity into smiles. In my head I'm like. Oh poop. Now what are you going to do. O_O But I keep the charm on, and the good face. And the Indian girl, generously endowed, I tell you. Looks relieved. And takes their leave from them because she has her grad classes or something. And moves in for a hug. I'm kind of confused here. Because usually Indians dont try and give me a hug. Most day of the week. But I oblige anyways. The hug is suspiciously long, and she mentions something about getting done with classes later. But I'm not in it for her phone number or any action, some such thing. So we end it at polite thank yous and good byes. I now kind of have slight, not so slight, regrets about not taking her up now. She was a little older than me too. And who doesnt fancy an older woman. O_O :3
Anyways... way to get side tracked. So I take the young ladies. I had a couple of friends in Finland, I'd been to Amsterdam and Rotterdam a few years ago, so we make half decent conversation about the places we've traveled. I know some of the cities they're from, I've been to others. They've been in others. And all that stuff. We get comfortable around each other, so they ask me what they can do in a couple of hours. I tell them that there isnt much except for food. Since museums, theaters, places all take time getting to and seeing around. Which we didnt have. And they say they dont want food. Since they're already stuffed from before. And agree to not being able to see museums and theaters. Because no time. And no money. I secretly breathe a sigh of relief. I had no idea where any of those things were except for a few museums. So I would have felt like a potato had they asked me to take them out anyplace like that.
So I talk to them in the few Finnish, Dutch/German, French words I know. We all find it funny, have a good laugh, and agree that we should just walk around and see things. Relief. So I take them to all the touristy places in Midtown. Show them Times Square, they take a few pictures. Get them to do touristy stuff, get the Finn girl something touristy too. She gets all shy about it. I'm enjoying this. I walk them around, show them the big Fashion Schools, a couple of museums. NYU. I take them to the Fashion Avenue. Wall Street. Show them the plaques, and the little stars. Trump's there too btw. Not that that mattered back then. And they seemed to enjoy themselves and all. I talk to them about architecture, point out the post war buildings, the pre war buildings. The landmarks. They have a fun time. Show them Madison Square. Bryant Park. A good time was had by all.
A couple of hours of sight seeing and playing tourist guide, its time to go head back. We talk about their work. How their experience has been so far. I get on the subway with them. I'm getting along swimmingly with that one Finn girl... But we decide to leave it at that too. Some things are better left like that. That odd encounter. One off. With a stranger. You'll never meet again. And maybe, just maybe. Half a decade or so later. You'll recount that story to someone. Tell them how you regret not making more out of it. But it was perfect just the way it was. Then.
I ride the subway with them for a little bit. Explain to them how the subway system works. Tell them how to get to the JFK. AirTrain and all. And they seem delighted to have had a tour of most of what makes NYC New York City. In just a little while. Have an experience to take with them, when they were really just playing transit. And have had a decent while of it. And getting to JFK on time. Without getting lost. They all thank me. I'm showered with hugs. Feels nice.

And we're all on our way.
I get to my sister, with her suitcase I was lugging around the whole of that while, three hours late. She's a little mad at me. Until I tell her I just showed these stunning girls around all of Manhattan - as much as you can in three hours anyways - on my second day in a city I havent been to in a decade. We all have a good laugh around. And the day goes on. ^_^
And here's your story as per request Rumored.

This was a good half a decade or so ago though. I was a little younger. A little less bearded. A freer spirit. And a lot less intimidating. Now people just see me. And clear space around me. So no such adventures for me anymore. And the world just keeps getting narrower and narrower. We're all just in it to only see whats exactly down our own noses. Never beyond. And never outside our own comfort zone. Or beyond what our perceived world views dictate. I cant remember the number of times Ive been sitting on the subway, and people have just refused to sit next. Because... And I've gotten up, to leave both places empty. Only to have them look at me embarrassed. And take the empty seats. Now that I'm not sitting there anymore. World just keeps getting worse and worse. And we're all making it it. :/
-- W