New member
- Dec 12, 2013
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If you have/had a Lumia 640 last year (from April to December 2015), I'll like to know the following:
-When did you buy your first one?
-Are you still using it? If so, are you on 8.1 or Windows 10 Mobile? If not, why not?
-Has your usage changed from last year to now? (Any answer is fine for this question)
Last May I dropped my Lumia 520 one too many times and completely shattered the screen. This unfortunate event (or blessing in disguise) forced me to reconsider the 640. Previously I had kept an eye on it for months and months waiting for a decent price drop but sadly Aussie retailers weren't all that generous. In the end I finally purchased one (in glossy white) on clearance for AUD$199.00, down from $299.00. It wasn't going any lower so I grabbed it while I still could before the 640 was pulled. After a few hours breaking it in I noticed the display had a fault. A week later I exchanged it for another one and since then it's been smooth sailing.
I use mine every day as my daily driver and I absolutely love it. I'm still running WP8.1 Denim. I like it. Everything works well. I'm in no hurry. Eventually I will upgrade, probably when it gets to the point where it hits critical mass for reduced app support. That said, I've upgraded our spare 635 to W10M so it's not like I'm deliberately missing out on anything. Prior to exchanging the 640 with the defective screen, I upgraded it to W10M and was mildly impressed with the general speed and performance improvements here and there, but I wasn't keen to upgrade permanently.
As for usage it's increased over my usage with the 520, but that's down to hardware and RAM limitations of the latter.
I can't see myself upgrading to a newer Lumia (650 or 950) or even the rumoured Surface Phone anytime soon. Most likely in the next couple of years I will. Hopefully it won't take an unfortunate slip from my grasp like the last one. lol