I bought two 640's for myself (AT&T Go Phones unlocked via AT&T site) for use with pay as you go T-mobile and I am still using the first one. I paid $29.99 for the phone and pay $3 a month for service. I did not update it to Windows 10 and have no plans to since Windows 8.1 works great - very fast and smooth with zero issues - no muss no fuss.
I'm not a heavy smartphone user but I've grown to really like this phone. The call quality is excellent, the email operation is silky smooth, the word flow keyboard makes everything easy, the people contact and other synching is great, the camera takes pictures that everyone always seem to really like (and after a pic compliment I just can't help but say that the phone cost $29), battery lasts long, easy to transfer things to it, never a problem etc. I still think the interface is bland but I've even grown to appreciate it. It's simple and gets things done.
I also bought two for a friend (again, kept on Win 8.1) who has serious cognitive/memory issues since they are cheap and if he lost it then its no big deal and at first I thought it might be confusing for him but he took to it right away and he uses the phone everyday very heavily with FB and Whatsapp and all kinds of messaging and he loves it. He uses it like a pro. Great phone.
I'm not a heavy smartphone user but I've grown to really like this phone. The call quality is excellent, the email operation is silky smooth, the word flow keyboard makes everything easy, the people contact and other synching is great, the camera takes pictures that everyone always seem to really like (and after a pic compliment I just can't help but say that the phone cost $29), battery lasts long, easy to transfer things to it, never a problem etc. I still think the interface is bland but I've even grown to appreciate it. It's simple and gets things done.
I also bought two for a friend (again, kept on Win 8.1) who has serious cognitive/memory issues since they are cheap and if he lost it then its no big deal and at first I thought it might be confusing for him but he took to it right away and he uses the phone everyday very heavily with FB and Whatsapp and all kinds of messaging and he loves it. He uses it like a pro. Great phone.
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