Lumia 640 XL Bugs + Defects

i have a big problem with 640 xl dual. i cant access to the store at all. and when i want to download app form microsoft site.
the massage that appears in this situation is:
"we are having trouble connecting you to the store right now, please try again in a minute or two "
please help me
i have a big problem with 640 xl dual. i cant access to the store at all. and when i want to download app form microsoft site.
the massage that appears in this situation is:
"we are having trouble connecting you to the store right now, please try again in a minute or two "
please help me

just in case you haven't solved this yet. This could be caused by several things. do a soft reset, make sure you are logged into your ms account under settings/account, try to add an ms account, turn phone to airplane mode for a little bit, turn WiFi off and only try via data, try the other way around and turn data off and try via WiFi.
This is not a sequence to run through but different things to try.

if none of this works, you may have to do a hard reset.
I recently updated to the newest build and my WiFi stopped working. I did hard resets, soft resets, etc...and even rolled back to Windows 8.1. Now the WiFi still doesn't work (it connects but says no internet connection). Any reason why this might be happening? Any solutions? I haven't made any other changes recently.
Hey guys !! I'm having some issues with my device, where the tiles doesn't update properly, after doing soft, hard resets and also using the recovery tool, the problem is still there. Ive tried several SD cards. Class 4 and 10 and the problem is still there. In one occasion the entire device seem to work very slow where Loading screen appear even in the settings menu, and I'm not saying 1 sec. It could take more than 3 sec. to let me choose a setting.wp_ss_20160211_0002.png
I have been using Lumia 640 Xl for 5 mionths now.
Recently I am noticing an issue with my proximity sensor.
When I call someone and bring my phone near to my ear the screen doesnot turn off automatically .
Is this a software or a hardware issue??
Is anyone facing this issue ??
I'm facing brightness issue on my lumia 640xl . I'm not able to toggle brightness( It is too bright). Neither auto brightness , nor manual toggling is working ,
Know this sounds crazy but I had a similar problem with random restarts, as usual hard reset, soft reset, repair tool, recovery. Nothing helped until I read in one thread to remove SD Card, and SIM card then see if random restarts. Well when taking back cover off I noticed SD card slot slightly pressed in and SD card very loose yet actually stuck in the slot. So loose I wondered if becoming loose enough to cause a problem (reboot if connection broken). Well long story short I had to bend cover to remove then pressed down enough so SD card felt firm when inserted. I have not had a single restart since. I have also stopped using protective cover I purchased in case pressing down to firmly.
i m having big trouble with my lumia 640 xl ....its display automatically broken slowely slowely in 4 days even i didnt drop my phone ... now i cant see anything on my display but touch is completely working conditions .....and its still in warrenty period .... so its manufacturing defect ???? service center can fix it as in warrenty period or i ll have to pay for it ???
if still under warranty then they should replace or fix and you wouldn't have to pay other than shipping the dead one. You should certainly try a hard reset before you go that route.
Ok, people. I need help. I just downloaded the latest build of windows 10 for my lumia 640 XL. When I use the Microsoft display adapter to mirror my phone on a display the landscape view stopped working properly. When I hold my phone in the landscape position it shows it on the display but in the portrait view, if you know what I mean. I attached a picture to better explain. You can see that I am holding the phone with the camera app in landscape but the display shows it only in portrait. This is a disaster for me because I use this for work everyday. Any ideas? Thanks. WP_20160404_15_43_45_Pro.jpg
Hello Friends,

I have just bought a new 640 XL and i am seeing two issues in it.

First - The voice over rear speaker of the phone crackles a bit in speakerphone mode during a call with volume set to more than 7. Here is a thread that talks about speaker crackling issue but mine does it more while using speakerphone. Need to know if this is an issue with all the phones.

Second - Glance screen in peek mode is not working properly. Sometimes when i hover my hand over the light sensor, glance screen does not work. I have a high quality Nillkin tempered glass installed with precise cutout for the light sensor so, that shouldn't cause a any issue. Moreover, on my old lumia 920, i had a cheap screen guard installed over the light sensor but there was no problem whatsoever with glance screen in peek mode.
Im having problems with saving HDR/Advanced mode photos after using the edit function of Lumia Camera.

Its setup to save images to the SD card but it takes forever, never finish. Using a class10 Samsung with 80MB/s write speed but the scrolling buzy icon keeps looping.

Same here. Sometimes it works, but most the time it fails. I take the picture, then I see "add finishing touches" for about a minute. Then it saves an image with 1280x720 resolution. If touch "Choose the best lighting" on it, I get an error message "Something went wrong. Please try again"
Same happens when I save the photos to internal memory or SD Card.
Hi All.

So I'm running windows 10 and everything has been good for a few months now, but recently I have not been able to attach photos to Test message and emails. When ever I attach (either if i do the attachment from the text, or a try to create a text from the picture using the share function), it kicks me out to the main screen. I have not bee able to attach photos now for about 2 weeks.

Any Ideas? Thanks.
Hi All.

So I'm running windows 10 and everything has been good for a few months now, but recently I have not been able to attach photos to Test message and emails. When ever I attach (either if i do the attachment from the text, or a try to create a text from the picture using the share function), it kicks me out to the main screen. I have not bee able to attach photos now for about 2 weeks.

Any Ideas? Thanks.
sorry didn't see this sooner. did your problem get resolved with latest update (10586.242)?
My wife's 640xl had the same problem, however only when trying to attach a picture to the created text. It did work the other way. Only a hard reset worked to get this fixed. If you haven't updated to the latest threshold branch build then hopefully that will fix it.
hi, this is a strange one, my 640xl recieved txts are showing as private, even though they are in my contacts list, i have tried different suggestions from other sources,its weird because today my wife and son sent me messages and most come as private but a couple arrived as normal with name.
i have the win 10 update, and had to do a hard reset to restore contacts. have tried sincing and not sincing, have my id shown to contacts, have tried none and all, this started about a week ago suddenly. only thing i havnt done is another hard reset, didnt want to lose contacts again.
Mine after all the latest build updates still doesn't allow me to attach pictures to FB, Message, email, text. No matter what, it's still a big problem. Also, Outlook still does not allow me to connect my hotmail account which it think is hugely embarrassing considering it's a microsoft product.

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