Lumia 650 Buggy & Laggy(About to sell) Need Help!

That probably is a lot. It might have been a one day thing. My battery has dropped by around 5% in 6 hours for the past two days. That I would say is normal.
Last night I tested my battery by keeping it unplugged. Wifi was on, with glance on it dropped from 35 to 22 in 8 hrs which is 1.6%/hr, is that good? Will check tonight with everything off.

Actually I think that's quite ok considering wifi was on.. will try tonight with the same setup as yours..
As a long time 920 user just returning to use a 650 ...right now a HTC 10 is my main phone.
The 650 feels way under powered with the three dots almost always showing up when doing anything.
Maybe I'll buy a 950xl to see if It's just the under powered phone or if it's still the software that's the problem.
Well, I checked last night by keeping Wifi and data off, and the drain was 4% in 8 hrs.

I had some technical difficulties resulting in hard reset.. so I'll post my findings bit later..
Those 0.5%/h were with or without glance?

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