Lumia 720 AMBER update INDIA release date 12-Aug-2013

The cheapest price of 920 as of today is 27k and of 720 is 16k. Difference is of 11k. Since the phone is 1 month old, I'd say between 7k-9k depending on the condition of phone.

Considering that both the phones are 1 month old each, i'd say the depreciation cancels out. 11-12000 is a decent price, along with the phone.
I need a advice from you all. I'm getting a Lumia 920 in exchange for my 720 and I'll pay the difference in cash. Is it worth it? My phone is one month old and the lumia 920 which I'm getting is one month old too and has bill too.

Dude since both the phones are one month old, i'd say 12k is a good price. Go ahead.
I know but Camera is a little better in 920, it has 4G and more future proof. I'm going for it, getting it tomorrow if get some time or day after tomorrow. Managed to get him down to 10.5K. So i guess its good deal now.
I know but Camera is a little better in 920, it has 4G and more future proof. I'm going for it, getting it tomorrow if get some time or day after tomorrow. Managed to get him down to 10.5K. So i guess its good deal now.

The deal is quite acceptable to me now. Have fun with Amber and especially Pro Cam. :D
The deal is quite acceptable to me now. Have fun with Amber and especially Pro Cam. :D

Yeah but somehow I have to hide the details of this deal from my GF, she scolded me when i told about this today. She was unable to understand why would i change my phone so soon ;)
How long should i wait for lumia 720 amber update?? The nokia care people always said the update for lumia 720 is available. but it is wrong.
Yeah but somehow I have to hide the details of this deal from my GF, she scolded me when i told about this today. She was unable to understand why would i change my phone so soon ;)

Dude you have a GF and from tomorrow on you're going to get your hands on Amber. I so envy you. :-D
Dude you have a GF and from tomorrow on you're going to get your hands on Amber. I so envy you. :-D

Hehehe, Ya. Icing on the cake is that the guy who is trading has no clue about amber. I told him to update it to amber so that i wont have to waste any time. I'll get my hands straight to amber ;)
820 was in the coming soon state for while and came out today. 720 is still in the approval pending state. Will take till next weekend at least. Meaning 30th August.

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