Lumia 810 Unlock

@metalchick719: What route did you go through to get unlock codes from T-Mobile? I've been having a difficult time figuring out who to contact to get codes for my devices.

There are these things called search engines. Look for a result that leads you to an official TM unlock page. Everything is explained.
I had mine unlocked but T-Mobile after 2 months of service with no problem. On a side note, has anyone tried an AT&T SIM or an MVNO of theirs and get 4G? I know it's missing the 900 band but I was told the one that mattered most was the 1900 band.
Looking over your posts, you actually didn't.

I'm chilling, it's sundown on the bayou. Cold drink in hand. Phones unlocked.

Originally Posted by Yakko Warner @metalchick719: What route did you go through to get unlock codes from T-Mobile? I've been having a difficult time figuring out who to contact to get codes for my devices.
I started a live chat with a rep on T-Mobile's website. It only took a few minutes and a few days later, I got my codes. Completely pain-free.

Err, yeah, see, I did. He clearly asked me what route I went to unlocking my phones and I clearly answered his question. Enjoy.
I recently--OK, yesterday--switched my Nokia Lumia 810 running Windows Phone 8.0 from T-Mobile to Cricket Wireless. After getting and entering the SIM Unlock code from T-Mobile, I ordered a BYOD Micro SIM from Cricket.

I activated the Cricket SIM and placed it into my phone: after a couple of minutes, everything mostly worked.

I was unable to send or receive MMS texts, however. I chatted with support at Cricket but didn't get anywhere. A brief search, though, turned up the Access Point app from Microsoft Mobile. After downloading the app, I found that AT&T--the network that Cricket uses--was active. I changed that to AIO Wireless, stopped and restarted the phone, and everything now seems to work. An added benefit seems to be that Internet Sharing is now enabled (something that you had to pay extra for with T-Mobile).

The phone indicates that it connects to the 4G network and I'm getting 4 Mbps/1 Mbps down/up speeds which is nothing to write home about, but that's about as good as I ever got from T-Mobile.
Does internet sharing actually work? It didn't on my 925 on the T-Mobile firmware with Cricket as the provider
My nephew gave me a old model 810 he used at one time. It is locked to T mobile. I am an ATT customer so I want to get it unlocked. Will T mobile unlock this phone for me in the store.

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