Lumia 830 on T-Mobile

if you get the att version unlocked, you wont be able to get Qi wireless charging.
I'm trying to be positive, but it seems as TMO is not going to carry mid-high end WP. The 925 came out a little over a year ago. If they really wanted something, they could have received a 930 variant or even the 1520. Updates are slow. When you go into the local stores (at least in my area) they are trying to push the iPhone. Must be getting a commission. It is disappointing. Especially when they were really pushing the WP7 platform. I am holding out until the new year. If nothing comes available...back to ATT.
I can't leave TMOBILE because I need the free international data 2G roaming but I am very annoyed at the lack of decent windows phones. My 925 broke. Wanted to buy a 735, 830 or HTC M8. Literally ready to throw my money at TMOBILE for any of these phones. Using a super cute but low end Lumia 530 for two days now. It's a temporary solution until one of the phones i mentioned above comes to TMOBILE (hopefully). Seems like TMOBILE only wants low end windows phones. Frustrating!!!!
I can't leave TMOBILE because I need the free international data 2G roaming but I am very annoyed at the lack of decent windows phones. My 925 broke. Wanted to buy a 735, 830 or HTC M8. Literally ready to throw my money at TMOBILE for any of these phones. Using a super cute but low end Lumia 530 for two days now. It's a temporary solution until one of the phones i mentioned above comes to TMOBILE (hopefully). Seems like TMOBILE only wants low end windows phones. Frustrating!!!!

trade that 530 with 635. it's bigger screen, thinner and lighter. it almost feels like the 920.

I got their 635. something to hold on to while I wait for 830 to become available. I am optimistic that they'll get the phone.
I wouldn't blame T-Mobile. They told me Microsoft doesn't tell them anything. I was at a T-Mobile store asking about new phones the day before the 635 came out and they knew nothing about it.
I've got the RM-985 and it works like a champ on T-Mobile. My lady has it working on simple mobile as well. 380 was well worth it. It's definitely an upgrade from the 925.
Went into my local TMobile store today in midtown, and I spoke to a sales rep about the Lumia 830 and HTC M8 with Windows. He told me he had never heard of the Lumia, and... that there was no such thing as the M8 with Windows. I told him to walk 4 stores down to the Verizon store and check it out. He was super surprised.

I then called and spoke to customer service representative on the phone, and he knew of both devices, but hadn't heard a single thing about getting them. (Sigh).

I took out my spare 521 and started playing with it in depression.
I hope T mobile gets this phone soon. My 1520 screen has been going crazy for a month now. I need a replacement phone while I send my 1520 for repairs then sell it. I just don't want to buy a Nokia 5 or 6 series phones in the meantime. I looked at the 930 but I'm not sold on it. It seems to have lots of the same issues that the 1520 does. I also think all the screen issues might be related to the 1080 screen. I loved my 925 with the metal body should have just kept it for a backup
Here's what I noticed last night. I don't know how much I should read into it, but if there's anything real behind it, I certainly don't like it.
If you go to this: microsoft[dot]com/en/mobile/phone/lumia830/
You'll find the Lumia 830 with all the different colors, and nothing suspicious.
If you go to this one however (with the added us): microsoft[dot]com/en-us/mobile/phone/lumia830/
You'll only see green and black colors, and you will also see an AT&T logo. Does that mean it's only going to be available in those colors and through AT&T in the US? I don't really know, but I'm guessing my best bet at this point would be the M8. :(
Here's what I noticed last night. I don't know how much I should read into it, but if there's anything real behind it, I certainly don't like it.
If you go to this: microsoft[dot]com/en/mobile/phone/lumia830/
You'll find the Lumia 830 with all the different colors, and nothing suspicious.
If you go to this one however (with the added us): microsoft[dot]com/en-us/mobile/phone/lumia830/
You'll only see green and black colors, and you will also see an AT&T logo. Does that mean it's only going to be available in those colors and through AT&T in the US? I don't really know, but I'm guessing my best bet at this point would be the M8. :(

they tend to come in a different variant. possibly lumia 835 or 831, to bypass AT&T's exclusive bull****.
Here we are in mid November and the only 830 offering is from ATT. There is absolutely no sign that Tmobile is going to have this ready, if at all, for the holiday season. I have contacted Tmobile regarding this device with no success, no one knows anything. I really wanted to upgrade my 521. Don't get me wrong, I get it, it's not a popular device like the Iphone 6, but jeeez, offer something in the mid flagship lineup. Let us 521ers upgrade. However, they do offer the flagship HTC One M8 with windows which I don't want in that price range.
The RM-985 variant of the 830 works GREAT on T-Mobile. I can highly recommend, from personal experience, getting one of these unlocked online and bringing it to the T-Mobile network.
The RM-985 variant of the 830 works GREAT on T-Mobile. I can highly recommend, from personal experience, getting one of these unlocked online and bringing it to the T-Mobile network.
Did you buy a 'prototype' version sold on eBay in September and October ( I've read about issues with that one ) or an authorized version sold by B&H Photo ?
I bought an "authorized" version from Fido (a mobile carrier) in Canada. I would frankly not recommend doing this AT ALL again as I had to fight pretty much a war with Fido, including filling a complaint with the Canadian government and shaming Fido on their public Facebook page, to finally get them to come through with the unlock code a month later which they promised to get me right away. I would recommend people just buy the unlocked version from B&H. It's literally the exact same phone, just with a slightly different firmware.
I bought an "authorized" version from Fido (a mobile carrier) in Canada. I would frankly not recommend doing this AT ALL again as I had to fight pretty much a war with Fido, including filling a complaint with the Canadian government and shaming Fido on their public Facebook page, to finally get them to come through with the unlock code a month later which they promised to get me right away. I would recommend people just buy the unlocked version from B&H. It's literally the exact same phone, just with a slightly different firmware.

Different firmware ? B&H's has Denim what other firmware and what would that mean exactly -if you know that is. :smile: Thanks.
Ok, the word Firmware is being using slightly inconsistently in this case, including by me. What you are referring to by "Denim" is indeed "Firmware", and the Canadian RM-985 variants are running Denim. However Denim can refer to more than one build of Firmware, and any given Carrier can in fact customize (or have Nokia customize for them) a given "version" of Firmware, such as Denim. This is one reason why after Microsoft / Nokia release a given OS and FW build to carrier trials, it often takes a prolonged period of time before a given carrier will release one or both of those (OS and / or FW) through to the actual phone devices. Carriers can (and usually do) customize everything from adding a boot splash screen to setting a default search engine, browser home screen, color theme, adding their specific apps, etc. This is why if you search online and find a copy of Nokia Care Suite, and do a little digging, you'll find that there are actually many versions of Denim firmware for the RM-985, and in fact there is a second variant indicator for the RM-985, a "product code" which indicates the geography / market and carrier the phone was built for. The Rogers / Fido phone I bought is product code 059W5G2 (this is on the label under the cover, by the RM-985 model number). The actual current Denim firmware build for this product code is 02040.00005.14373.00001. The RM-985 was first launched in Latin America, and is physically the same phone (same bands, etc.) there as the one sold in Canada, so you'll see that several folks have posted in other threads that they have "de-badged" their phones (ie. removed all of the carrier customization) by using Nokia Care Suite to flash a different FW build on to their RM-985 phone. Specifically, one member has reported that product code 059W5M3 is a "clean" non-carrier specific Latin American variant of the RM-985 with no carrier customization and the same Denim firmware (build 02040.00005.14373.00001). I would expect that this is what B&H are selling.
Yeah, I hear you, but its basically the same as you would get with any carrier. Full price the phone is the same on AT&T or any of the Canadian carriers. AT&T sort of makes you think its lets if you go with one of the plans where you pay for the phone over time, but the math doesn't really work out; it just ends up costing you more. If you want a really good phone now, this is a pretty good price for one.
I disagree that the Lumina 830 is a good price. Considering I can buy a Lumina 930 on Amazon for $455. I was surprised when I saw the ATT pricing at $450 plus a free fitbit which I do not want. I am hoping that if Tmobile launches the 830, it will be priced lower. I think $320 to $360 (max) would be a fantastic and fair price for this device and would definitely sell.
From what I hear, the 830 is not coming to T-Mo any time soon... in fact what I heard is no new Windows Phones (after the just launched HTC M8) on T-Mo until sometime in 2015... this is from someone at T-Mo who should know (someone who works very closely with Microsoft).

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