Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Was your LTE signal level very low during that time? When LTE is enabled and you have no or very low LTE signal level, it drains your battery real fast. It's a night and day difference for me. When I'm outdoors where LTE is strong, I only use 15% over 8 hours. The same phone doing nothing sitting at my home where I get little or no LTE, it consumes 40-50% over 8 hours.

Apparently weak LTE signal is known to be battery killer on all phones.

Nah, my LTE is very strong in this part. Even a weak single killing a phone over 2-3 hours is an incredible feat
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

The battery gauge appears to be like a car gas gauge to me. Might go 200 miles on the first 1/4 tank, then 200 miles on the last 3/4 tank.
I went this morning like 4 - 5 hours before it left 100% battery, then dropped 5% in next hour. I think maybe their are calculations off on it.
I also noticed using the WP8 battery program, the only 1 day I had bad battery life, when i went to bed at 2 - 4% battery and woke up at 99%, it hadn't charged fully in 6 hours. I wonder if the gauge is off, when it shows 100% its not really full?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

The time remaining on the battery varies based on usage. It's always changing. If you go for hours without touching / using your phone and its actually in airplane mode, it will use up less juice. If you go from a day of not using your phone and then watch Super Troopers on your phone you'll be freaking out, man, when you see what % of your battery is remaining.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

FWIW, was on a long call while using gmaps pro to track my position. I had the phone in my car charger (cigarette lighter USB port), and the battery drained substantially. Looks like charging can't keep up in that case. The phone also got super hot, and this is while it's cold out. I'm pretty sure it will overheat if I try this in the summer.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

The battery gauge appears to be like a car gas gauge to me. Might go 200 miles on the first 1/4 tank, then 200 miles on the last 3/4 tank.
I went this morning like 4 - 5 hours before it left 100% battery, then dropped 5% in next hour. I think maybe their are calculations off on it.
I also noticed using the WP8 battery program, the only 1 day I had bad battery life, when i went to bed at 2 - 4% battery and woke up at 99%, it hadn't charged fully in 6 hours. I wonder if the gauge is off, when it shows 100% its not really full?

I was not talking at all about % or time remaining. The only number i'm looking at is the %full the battery is. 99% battery, 97% battery, 42% battery, etc.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

FWIW, was on a long call while using gmaps pro to track my position. I had the phone in my car charger (cigarette lighter USB port), and the battery drained substantially. Looks like charging can't keep up in that case. The phone also got super hot, and this is while it's cold out. I'm pretty sure it will overheat if I try this in the summer.

It depends on rating of the charger - this happened before with my HTC One X, Nexus S 4G and other devices. If the charger cannot supply a strong enough of a charge while the phone is in use your battery will go down. (Rapidly even)
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

if you disable cellular data will you still receive texts?

this is really pathetic that on a 2 week old flagship phone we have to disable every key feature "even if we r not using them" because of either poorly written os code or faulty hardware. such a disappointment. I know all devices go through this but it really sucks. my wife is on her 3rd iphone due to a bad battery and i had 2 at the time.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

if you disable cellular data will you still receive texts?

this is really pathetic that on a 2 week old flagship phone we have to disable every key feature "even if we r not using them" because of either poorly written os code or faulty hardware. such a disappointment. I know all devices go through this but it really sucks. my wife is on her 3rd iphone due to a bad battery and i had 2 at the time.

What are you people doing on your phones that you get such horrid battery life?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I uninstalled Skype and have been getting phenomenal battery life so far.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

What are you people doing on your phones that you get such horrid battery life?

I guess having LTE on and that is it means having terrible battery life, or Nokia rushed these phones out without proper testing because they were already behind. they talk this phone up for months and this many people have problems?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I guess having LTE on and that is it means having terrible battery life, or Nokia rushed these phones out without proper testing because they were already behind. they talk this phone up for months and this many people have problems?

for our lumia 920's to operate properly we have to disable nfc,lte,bluetooth, all background tiles, then we must uninstall skype,nokia drive, battery thingy , plus deal with a lack of detail in the camera . So now im stuck with a sidekick ;)

i just turned my phone off and it was at 60% i turned it back on and its at 56% ?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

for our lumia 920's to operate properly we have to disable nfc,lte,bluetooth, all background tiles, then we must uninstall skype,nokia drive, battery thingy , plus deal with a lack of detail in the camera . So now im stuck with a sidekick ;)

i just turned my phone off and it was at 60% i turned it back on and its at 56% ?

I think that is a gross exaggeration of a problem linked to a small segment of Lumia 920 owners. Hey, I don't use NFC so its disabled. WiFi is on almost all the time as is Bluetooth for me because I've got an awesome headset. I don't sync with the cloud on Xbox Music and at most I'll play a game for eight minutes on my lunch break. Has my phone gotten warm? Yes. Hand warmer hot? Yes. I had Android phones that would do that. Have I since drastic drops in battery life? Well, yes. But, I was seriously using the phone. I'm not quite understanding the venom behind the comments regarding the performance of this device.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I think that is a gross exaggeration of a problem linked to a small segment of Lumia 920 owners. Hey, I don't use NFC so its disabled. WiFi is on almost all the time as is Bluetooth for me because I've got an awesome headset. I don't sync with the cloud on Xbox Music and at most I'll play a game for eight minutes on my lunch break. Has my phone gotten warm? Yes. Hand warmer hot? Yes. I had Android phones that would do that. Have I since drastic drops in battery life? Well, yes. But, I was seriously using the phone. I'm not quite understanding the venom behind the comments regarding the performance of this device.

you dont understand the venom? Nokia talked this phone up for months on end, never giving us any hard information on release and out of the blue they release this phone. Now people are having serious issues with this flagship phone, it seriously appears they rushed something with the release of this phone. Having batteries getting hot, draining in 3 hours, dust under the camera possibly because of poor build quality near the top of the phone. my charging cable is loose when plugged in, I should not be able to rock it back and forth while its plugged in. this stuff is inexcusable. We saw what happened when Apple rushed out their iphone 5, tons of problems. We should not be having issues like this as consistently as we are. Where is Nokia in regards to any of this? They messed up their promotion with the phone as well.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

The only things I have turned off on my phone are NFC and Bluetooth, I dont use either. Live tiles on desktop don't seem to affect battery life for me?
I have people, weather, facebook, twitter, espn, iHeart radio, ESPN FFL live tiles i'm using.
Work Exchange syncs in real time and my Google syncs every hour.
I dont leave applications running in the background though. If i'm done using it, i use the <- arrow to close it out instead of the windows button. Apps seem take the same amount of time on my phone to launch whether they are already running in background or not.
I'm not going to read 27 pages but i'm assuming people have already tried that?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I dont mind having to turn off some apps like nokia drive from running on background or any battery intensive apps. I dont mind turning off NFC or BLuetooth since i dont use it at all, but if i did, i would just turn it on.

What i will not do is leave battery saver on the whole time, turn off data on wifi, or do a general turn off for location services. I should not have to do turn these key settings off as they are essential to the phone. I do not have every app that has location in it turned on, i most off except for weather and search, but not turning it all off and resort to toggling it on when i need it.

My settings typically are very limited on all my phones i've had, with my settings, i should easily get through the day, but sometimes i find myself limiting my usage on my phone to keep the battery up. I shouldn't have to do that.

I am on my 2nd 920 and i can say i have been very happy with the performance, lasting throughout easily from 730 am to bed time at midnight except for one day where i took 100 pictures and like 10 videos on my weekend trip, the battery drained that day and i had to recharge by 6pm, but i was using my phone heavily. My first phone no matter what setting would be at 20-30% by 3 pm.
Just when I thought I got this thing licked, my battery went from ten percent to shutting down seconds after I put it in the charger. I'm definitely going to look into exchanging it tomorrow as after two weeks the battery life hasn't substantially improved, and I've done the basic troubleshooting.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Well, as mentioned, I turned off all backgrounding and live tiles last night before bed and went to sleep with a full charge off the charger. Phone still read 100% when I woke up ~7 hours later, which was promising. I kept everything off for the day, and it seemed to drain decently slowly. I was still at 75% about 4.5 hours into my day. I took two phone calls totally about an hour, received and answered about 100 texts (liberal estimate there), and received about 50 emails. I am currently about 19 hours off the charger (remember I took it off last night) and my battery is at 37%. I feel for the amount I used the phone, and the fact there is literally nothing updating other than emails, that is far too low for what I consider light use. I am going to go ahead and restore the phone tonight and set it up as new.

While on the subject, I don't feel that skydrive backs up enough. It claims to backup your app data. Maybe that is something most apps just don't support yet, because when I restored this phone from backup (I swapped colors, for those who haven't followed) it didn't really do jack. It saved my tile colors as well as texts and such, but I still had to go back and remember what all I had installed. I also had to go back and remember how I had my homescreen set up. The latter bit was the most tedious of all. Pretty weak backup IMO.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Well, as mentioned, I turned off all backgrounding and live tiles last night before bed and went to sleep with a full charge off the charger. Phone still read 100% when I woke up ~7 hours later, which was promising. I kept everything off for the day, and it seemed to drain decently slowly. I was still at 75% about 4.5 hours into my day. I took two phone calls totally about an hour, received and answered about 100 texts (liberal estimate there), and received about 50 emails. I am currently about 19 hours off the charger (remember I took it off last night) and my battery is at 37%. I feel for the amount I used the phone, and the fact there is literally nothing updating other than emails, that is far too low for what I consider light use. I am going to go ahead and restore the phone tonight and set it up as new.

While on the subject, I don't feel that skydrive backs up enough. It claims to backup your app data. Maybe that is something most apps just don't support yet, because when I restored this phone from backup (I swapped colors, for those who haven't followed) it didn't really do jack. It saved my tile colors as well as texts and such, but I still had to go back and remember what all I had installed. I also had to go back and remember how I had my homescreen set up. The latter bit was the most tedious of all. Pretty weak backup IMO.

The restore is very minimal unfortunately, the apps and some settings will be restored and pictures will upload if you choose to upload. But i found a number of settings that didn't carry over and obviously the start screen is not saved, I wish it would save everything possible and restore as is, but at least it is a start. Hopefully they improve the backup option going forward.

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