Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

No such option for "Mobile network" on my Lumia 920 (AT&T). There's a "Network+" option in Settings, but it doesn't have a Maximum speed option.

Where is this Maximum Speed setting?

Sorry, only international one ... not my fault :)

By the way, some people here compare 3G phone to 4G phone - well, 4G gives you speed, but power consumption is usually clearly higher too ...
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I saw slight improvements from 6 hour battery life to about 14 hour life. (Both were unacceptable for my usage).

I finally caved and took mine into ATT. They exchanged for a new one even though I had gone over the 14-day exchange period. Apparently, it's a common issue and everyone reports better battery life on an exchanged model from their 2nd and 3rd shipments according to my ATT salesman. (Bakersfield, CA).

I'm on day 2, using the same apps, same background tasks, and yesterday I made 19 hours with 30% remaining whereas my original black Lumia 920 was dead by 8 hours on average.

I was not going to accept that the battery and/or software was faulty...but it looks like this exchange did the trick.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I will just post my experience with battery life on my 920:

I bought a Lumia 920 in black next day after it was released in the US (Nov 10th). I had the phone for almost 2 weeks. I charged it every night on a wireless charger until next morning, I remove it from its charging bed at about 8:00am, go to work, and when I get back home at about 6:30pm I'm already in battery saving mode with about 10% left. A single call later, the phone just run out of juice every day; so no more than 9-10hrs max being very aware of the usage trying to save battery.

On Nov 23rd I decided to exchange it to avoid the risk of having a defective device, and because I had the build quality issues discussed on other threads (squeak and clicking on top of the casing). While at the AT&T store I noticed they finally had the Red 920 in stock, so I decided to exchange it for the red one. On Saturday 24th (first day after purchasing it) it lasted similar to the first black 920. Now Sunday and yesterday it lasted 17hrs, and it still had about 17% left before going to bed at around 1am and leaving it on its charging bed (the JBL PowerUp with wireless charger) with same usage I gave to the black, same apps installed and running in background.

I just love the Red 920, battery life is now just absolutely SOLID, and I have not experienced any issues so far.
turn phone off. connect it to charger (phone turns on) and let it charge overnight. Wake up to 100% and I almost always see 17 hours left. Take it off charger, check email quickly, place phone on counter. come back in an hour and see that the time remaining shows 1 or 2 or sometimes 3 days remaining...

That's weird! This has not yet happened to me -- never more than 17 hours.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

The battery life is an enigma to me. If I'm using a native function like the people hub, message hub, email, even Internet Explorer, battery life is terrific. I can get 36 hours out of it. Once I use a third party app, whether I'm streaming audio, or just using the Facebook app, etc., battery life is horrid. It just drains like mad.

Battery life is both the best and the worst I've ever seen. So strange.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I think a good tip is to clear background tasks by hitting the back button when you are ready to put your phone down. Takes a few seconds. Especially if you take it off the charger at night. I did the same with my iPhone, kill all background apps.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I was getting 12 hours at most for the first week I had the phone. My daily use: 1 hour Bluetooth, wifi always on, accuweather only background app, texting all day and about an hour of web browsing. I'm connected LTE all day at work, but use wifi, message status set to offline. I let the phone shut itself off last night, plugged it in, fully charged this morning. I am now 9 hours since last charge and 1 day estimated time remaining @ 87%. Looks like the cycling others have stated did the trick.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

There's definitely a calibration issue from factory. Got mine yesterday with 44% juice in it, I ran it down until it shut off (took like 4 hours of decently active use installing apps and such). When it shut down I waited 5 minutes and turned it on again, it manages to go for 1.5 hours more of extremely active use (playing games, taking photos and such, basically on for 1.5 hours straight), battery level was at 0% that entire time. Now I charged it for 7 hours over night and will see how I do today, my new carrier have not activated my SIM yet so im still on my old carriers HSDPA+ plan (apparently the 920 is unlocked in Sweden) but after 30 min of playing with it today i'm still at 100%.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had a battery drain issue on day one, but for two weeks all went great. Yesterday I installed Gmaps and Battery Meter and I had a megadrain again. I think I had Gmaps installed on day one, but I am not sure. I have it blocked in the backgrounding tasks and I have Latitude disabled, but still I saw my percentage go down and down and down. I have uninstalled Gmaps now and I will see if it goes better.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

i guess reason for draining in your case is battery meter, it constantly drains your battery by measuring it. kinda vicious circle

I had a battery drain issue on day one, but for two weeks all went great. Yesterday I installed Gmaps and Battery Meter and I had a megadrain again. I think I had Gmaps installed on day one, but I am not sure. I have it blocked in the backgrounding tasks and I have Latitude disabled, but still I saw my percentage go down and down and down. I have uninstalled Gmaps now and I will see if it goes better.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

So my battery life issues are COMPLETELY gone now. There's three main things I did.

1) Hit BACK to get out of your apps, not the home Windows button. I make sure I have NOTHING running in the background when I put down my phone, just keep hitting the back arrow until I'm back at the main screen.

2) Turn off Location services unless I absolutely need them.

3) Turn off Wi Fi and Bluetooth when not in use.

That's it. That's all I did - I have 7 apps that are able to run in the background, so that's not the issue. I think, unlike WP7, WP8 has a problem with apps not going into "tombstone" mode correctly.

EDIT : Just wanted to add - before I did these steps, I took my phone off the charger at 100% at 10pm and woke up the next morning at 5 am with 45% battery life left. AFTER I took these steps, I repeated the process, and it went from 100% at 10pm to 99% at 5am.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Been on the phone to Phones4U 3 days in a row, and they have now told me never to expect a day of battery out of my phone as "he uses an android phone and doesn't expect it, so you shouldn't expect it".
I would have embarrassed that guy so much that he would wish he didn't go to work that day. Salespeople are such dopes.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have my Red Lumia 920 since the 15th and was getting around 16-20 hrs of charge from regular usage which was ok but no great shakes. My 2+ yr Samsung Galaxy easily lasts over a day with the same usage patterns. A couple of days ago, I checked the battery before I went to bed and it was at 75%. I woke up next day to find the phone had turned off as the battery had reduced to critical levels. This was a little puzzling and decided to do a little house cleaning. I uninstalled a couple of rarely used apps like allrecipes, some elmo interactive book (I have a 2 yr old :smile:) and also uninstalled skype which I have since day one. Last night the battery level was 71% and when I woke up in the morning it was at a healthy 69%.Too early to celebrate but looks like Skype Preview may really be the culprit and hopefully Microsoft will release a proper release shortly. Those with battery issues you can try uninstalling Skype and give it a go.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

my first cyan 920 battery life was terrible and my replacement cyan had great batter life until I updated the Nokia network + and trailers on 11/28/12 . The battery seems to be draining a little faster than it did before the updates. Don't know if its my head or a coincidence but that's how it seems
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

i guess reason for draining in your case is battery meter, it constantly drains your battery by measuring it. kinda vicious circle
Battery Meter only checks the battery every 30 minutes as WP doesn't allow any more. I still have it installed to test if it indeed is Battery Meter causing the drain and Gmaps uninstalled..... and in Settings > Battery Saver it still says 100%, 2 days 9 hours remaining and 3 hours since last charge. That looks more like it :) And I have actually used the phone (couple of Whatsapp message, 2 phone calls and 1 download from the store)

I normally get the same battery life as with my Galaxy Nexus 1,5 to 2 days. With the iPhone 4 I always got 2 days (sometimes 2,5), but I don't think the 920 can be compared to a device with a 3,5" screen :)

I still have strange feeling that the Store is somehow causing the drains. The store seems to check your location too during install and I don't know what happens in the background. When I had my first megadrain, it showed a couple of updates ready in the Store. And now my second drain was after installing 2 apps many people use who don't have battery problems. Weird :D
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

i believe there's an apps that'll help this problem. it's called battery discharger. give it a shot.

my lumia 920's battery was pretty bad in the beginning but for some reason, for the past three days, it's gone from poor to excellent. i haven't changed any of the settings and i still use this phone as much as i did last week.

i am satisfied with the battery life now.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had batter life issues immediately, close to turning off after 6-7 hours. I did the rundown thing, let it turn off, and turned it back on, then used it heavily for about an hour before it fully powered down (shows dead batt symbol only). Then I charged it for 8 hours.

Now I have no issues getting through the day. Yesterday I went from 8am to 11 pm away from the charger, and was still at about 30% when i got home. I leave wifi, location, nfc always on, and I'd say moderate use throughout the day. At one point, after barely touching my phone for the first 5 hours of the day, it showed me an expected time of 5 days, 7 hours. I have a screenshot of that on my skydrive., but can't figure out how to get a direct file link to post in forums
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

After running it down completely when I first got it I just went through my first day. Been off the charger for 12 hours and got 38% left, I been listening to music via streaming quite a bit, I also been installing apps and just general using it a lot.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have only had mine a day, so I guess it needs breaking in. I haven't placed a call, sent two text messges, used the internet for 15 minutes, played no games. I have been setting up my start screen. NFC off, bluetooth off, sensitive screen off.

My battery information shows this:

Life = 72%
Remaining = 4 hours
Last Charge = 4 hours

That is really bad. I still have my Titan II with me and it was not charged last night at all. It was used a lot more then the 920 over the past 24 hours. It also has bluetooth on.

Here is the battery information for the Titan II:

Life = 51%
Remaining = 10 hours
Last Charge = 19 hours

Really? Man, this is no good so far.

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