Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

I've read in a couple of threads that Battery Sense could drain the battery for some phones...Install another battery app if you want and check out the difference...
Really? So lets turn EVERYTHING off and use it as a paper weight! I really don't get this approach. WHY even have a smart phone if you're going to turn everything off? Simple feature phones can get email. You might as well have one of those. I have my phone so I can do as little or as much as I want without any restrictions. If I need to plug it in during the day, so be it. I do not expect to get DAYS out of my phone because I demand a lot out of it. It's called "being realistic". That is not to say that I don't have certain minimum requirements but I do not expect to run my phone like I do and still get a full day out of it. So what. If you're someone who isn't near a power outlet and can't plug it in, then it would be an issue but if you can, WHY obsess over it? My ONLY complaint about the Lumia battery is that on ocassion, the phone will suddenly start to get very hot when not even doing something although clearly IT is doing something. I just do a power cycle and it usually clears it. There just aren't to many smart phones out there that i can run like I want to and still have them go forever. For the record, I don't do a lot of streaming (very little) or game playing (next to none) but I DO have my WiFi on all day, my screen at max brightness (old eyes) and on occasion hotspot enabled. THIS is how I need to use it and I refuse to compromise my needs just so I can say my phone lasted all day. Big deal. I'll plug it in.
Really? So lets turn EVERYTHING off and use it as a paper weight! I really don't get this approach. WHY even have a smart phone if you're going to turn everything off? Simple feature phones can get email. You might as well have one of those. I have my phone so I can do as little or as much as I want without any restrictions. If I need to plug it in during the day, so be it. I do not expect to get DAYS out of my phone because I demand a lot out of it. It's called "being realistic". That is not to say that I don't have certain minimum requirements but I do not expect to run my phone like I do and still get a full day out of it. So what. If you're someone who isn't near a power outlet and can't plug it in, then it would be an issue but if you can, WHY obsess over it? My ONLY complaint about the Lumia battery is that on ocassion, the phone will suddenly start to get very hot when not even doing something although clearly IT is doing something. I just do a power cycle and it usually clears it. There just aren't to many smart phones out there that i can run like I want to and still have them go forever. For the record, I don't do a lot of streaming (very little) or game playing (next to none) but I DO have my WiFi on all day, my screen at max brightness (old eyes) and on occasion hotspot enabled. THIS is how I need to use it and I refuse to compromise my needs just so I can say my phone lasted all day. Big deal. I'll plug it in.

I fully understand and as you mention it is a smartphone and we have soo many apps, live tile, streaming...etc that we want to use, play, have...etc. The solution to all of this is that I bought a Nokia wireless plate for home and the stand for it's like I don't even think that I am recharging my phone. If I don't use it and know that my battery is getting low, well I put it on the plate.. :-)
Exactly TruPlaya187. Why do people get so hung up on how long the battery lasts? The ONLY people this should be an issue for are those in a situation where they are unable to charge their phones whenever such as a contruction worker or something. I think most of us are not in that category. It almost seems like we're obessing on battery life just for the sake of complaining if it doesn't last all day. Oh and do NOT tell me you use your smart phone like it was intended to be used and your phone lasts 2 days. NO FREAKIN WAY. No doubt YOU are the person who never has their WiFi or bluetooth on, who rarely surfs the net, who doesn't do ANY update of apps (weather, news etc.), no email checking for you and your screen is turned down to 20% brightness. Give me strength.
Exactly TruPlaya187. Why do people get so hung up on how long the battery lasts? The ONLY people this should be an issue for are those in a situation where they are unable to charge their phones whenever such as a contruction worker or something. I think most of us are not in that category. It almost seems like we're obessing on battery life just for the sake of complaining if it doesn't last all day. Oh and do NOT tell me you use your smart phone like it was intended to be used and your phone lasts 2 days. NO FREAKIN WAY. No doubt YOU are the person who never has their WiFi or bluetooth on, who rarely surfs the net, who doesn't do ANY update of apps (weather, news etc.), no email checking for you and your screen is turned down to 20% brightness. Give me strength.

So true!!!!! Honestly at first when reading post about people saying that they had like 2 days of battery life...I was thinking maybe I have a defected phone. Then I started to realize everything that was working in the background (15 apps) plus streaming music a couple of hours a day and reminder notifications going off, texting.....etc. I said wait a minute, this is heavy usage and I just need to buy those nice accessories that Nokia is selling and today I can even use my phone even more while charging without cables...GREAT! For sure I will buy the CR-200 car charger also!!!! LOL
lumia 920 bettery is just average to me, good but no different from other smarthphones, I use LTE network and it lasts around 15 hours, but for me is not a problem, I'm always with a charger with me, one in the car, another one at home, and my friend's smartphones are lightning connector, so no big deal

I'm happy about it's duration
Exactly TruPlaya187. Why do people get so hung up on how long the battery lasts? .

For me I just prefer having a very long lasting battery. I would give up some resolution for an additional day or 2 of battery life. I guess for me lately its been a determining factor to Find the one thing eating at my battery...the fact is its not there. I've just accepted what I've got and I'm very happy with the device...still consider this the best smartphone I've ever owned.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

You shouldn't need to uninstall Here Drive, but you can block it from running as a background task then you should see an improvement in overall battery performance.
i have never used it, and in my research of what is draining my battery i have blocked it and there was no improvement until ive uninstalled it and restared phone (soft reset).
Okay thanx... I'm reading different stories about this. I can't really imagine that an app which I never use (& doesn't run in the background) uses battery... But then again... I keep on hearing this story for several apps... :)

Only one way to find out ;)
i have never used it, and in my research of what is draining my battery i have blocked it and there was no improvement until ive uninstalled it and restared phone (soft reset).

To help prove this case since im so determined to figure it out, ive deicded to uninstall Nokia Drive, City Lens and Transit.

I'll leave it for a few days and report back.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Ok, please report back as soon as you can. You should se progress almost imediatlly after reset. And don't trust third party battery apps... They too can cause problems.
So I went to another state for a week on vacation. Battery life was much improved and I did nothing at all differently on my phone. To me that affirms many assumptions that radio signal is still the biggest culprit for battery life drain. This also explains why battery life is so varied amongst users, we all have different coverage and signal strengths on top of app settings, phone settings, etc. If only AT&T would allow us to toggle speeds we could manage that ourselves. :(
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Ok, please report back as soon as you can. You should se progress almost imediatlly after reset. And don't trust third party battery apps... They too can cause problems.

Sorry bud i can't back up your finding...its almost identical to when the 3 apps were installed. Just to note background processes were always shut off for all 3.

II'm going to reinstall now since I like the HERE apps

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